Hcg Body For Life!



My goal with blog Talk Radio is to provide up-to-date information about the Fitness, Nutrition, and our Advanced HCG Diet protocol. You will learn new diet tips, little tricks, and gain powerful Insight into achieving fast and permanent weight loss with the advanced HCG diet by HCG Body for Life. You will discover how to get un-stuck, avoid weight stall, increase fat loss results and how to gain lean muscle while losing tons of unwanted pounds and inches from the No. 1 HCG diet coach in the world.


  • My Guest Dr Judi Goldstone HCG diet & Anti Aging Expert!

    01/09/2011 Duração: 01h20min

    My interview with HCG diet doctor and Bio Identical hormone replacement expert Dr Judi Goldstobne. We Will be discuss the benefits of the HCG diet and how to use it to fight the aging process.. Jayne and I use Dr. Goldstone for more than two years now, and have experienced first hand the benefits of HRT and the HCG diet. Join us on the call and get your questions answered.

  • Mastering Phase 3 and My HCG-90X 21 Day Challenge Update

    11/08/2011 Duração: 50min

    I will be sharing my HCG-90Xtreme Challenge results so to date... and convering Phase 3 of the HCG diet... "The muscle building and stabilization phase" how to travel while in phase 3 of the HCG diet Protocol.

  • This sucks... Why is my friend is losing more than me...

    28/07/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    This sucks my friend cheats and is losing more than me... Does this sound like you or someone you know? Well there is a reason why some people lose more weight than others and why comparing your seults to others will only lead to your failure not theirs.

  • How I gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks to do HCG90Xtreme II

    21/07/2011 Duração: 01h25min

    The scariest part about choosing to gain weight for this next challenge is not the weight gain, the bear belly or even tight fitting cloths... What really scares me is re-formation of bad habits,and loss of discipline that scares me most. Join me on the call today and share what really scares you.

  • HCG-90Xtreme II- Do you really want weight loss success?

    07/07/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    Are You ready for HCG-90X challenge II The official rules and contest specifics... HCG-90Xtreme Challenge II official rules, and requirements. This show is all about the biggest HCG diet challenge launch ever... how to finally get that HCG Body for LIFE! What to expect and how to get registered. See you there...Colin        

  • hCG Body Talk -Ask Me Anything HCG

    23/06/2011 Duração: 01h30min

    Today's call  is an open forum call for any HCG diet related questions. Take this opportunity to get your questions answered, and arm yourself with the information needed to succeed. Please make sure to have specific questions in mind, and not just "How does the HCG diet work?" See you there!

  • hCG Body Talk -HCG-90Xtreme Challen II Update!

    16/06/2011 Duração: 01h30min

    On today's show we will will be discussing the newest HCG-90X challenge coming up in June and, I'll share with you the interesting dilemma we have going on right now with HCG-90Xteme Challenge 1. "Should I stay or should I go?"  This is the question on the table for the current challenge members. Let's find out together, what's going to happen... Join me on the call live!

  • hCG Body Talk -New Fat Loss Challenge, New Body, New Life!

    09/06/2011 Duração: 01h31min

    HCG-Ology all about the HCG body for life fat loss! Join me as we discuss the new upcoming challenge, the new HCG-90X Affiliate program, and how the power of right community can help you finally beat the battle of the bulge!

  • HCG Body - HCG diet- Eating Out, Traveling, and Vacationing

    26/05/2011 Duração: 01h23min

    Tonight we'll discuss how to handle Eeating Out, Traveling, and Vacationing all while on protocol. Should it be done, can it be done, and if so, how is it done...  I'll discuss simple tips on how to navigate planned events during phase 2 and 3 of the HCG Body for Life diet protocol to keep the scale moving in the right direction!

  • hCG Body Talk -The Power Of Community and HCG Diet Success!

    12/05/2011 Duração: 01h28min

    On todays show, I will be discussing the power of community when it comes to HCG diet success. Give some updates on week 1 of the 90 day challenge. And, share with you,  how I almost cancelled the challenge and was ready to walk away... What stopped me, and how this information may stop you from quitting on yourselves.

  • HCG-90X challenge official rules and contest specifics...

    05/05/2011 Duração: 01h01min

    HCG-90X Challege rule and requirments. All about the HCG body for life 90 day fat loss challenge. What you need to do to complete your registation and prepare for transformation success!

  • Today's Show-HCG90X Challenge... Interview With Our Mrs. X

    28/04/2011 Duração: 01h04min

    On this short call, we are going to go into more detail about the New HCG-90X challenge, introduce you to the our mystery trainer who will be bring to you her unique style of cardio kickboxing and fat burning workouts for the 12 week challenge. Recently seen on The View last week, she has a huge heart, tons of energy, and is committed to helping each and every new member of HCG 90X build he body of their lives! So join us tonight at 5:30 PST.  

  • The All New HCG-90Xtreme Weight Loss Challenge!

    14/04/2011 Duração: 01h31min

    HCG-Ology-The All New HCG Body 4 Life Fat Loss Challenge! The Next HCG Body 4 Life fat loss challenge is just around the corner. We will be discussing when the new challenge will be, what’s new about it, and why you don’t want to miss it. Introducing the HCG-90Xtreme Transformation Program.  This new challenge is going to be different than anything we have done before. HCG90Xtreme private members only coaching program designed to deliver the hottest NEW HCG Body transformation system and challenge of its kind. Multiple winners, Multiple prizes, and Extreme Fat Loss Results,  Join me on the call to find out why our private corporate coaching clients are willing to pay us upwards of $10k to $25k for this new HCG90Xtreme transformation program, and how you’ll get to test drive it before they do! See you there!

  • -Ask me anything HCG & Winner of the HCG Body4Life 40 Day Challenge Announced

    31/03/2011 Duração: 54min

    Our "Ask Me Anything HCG" shows ares always a very popular show. This give new and experienced HCG dieter a venue to ask that one question they can't seem to find the answers to. We will also announce the winners of our 1st HCG 4o day challenge. Email me your HCG questions to me in advance to HCGDietCoach@gmail.com before 2:30PM PST

  • hCG Body Talk -The 10 most important days of the HCG diet that can make or break your success!

    24/03/2011 Duração: 01h08min

    Do you know what the 10 most important days are of the HCG diet protocol? Did you know that if you can master 10 days down you'll literally skyrocket your HCG diet weight loss success. Tune in today to discover these never before talk about HCG diet secrets to success!

  • hCG Body Talk - Interview With Loribeth Dalton from ThicktoThin

    17/03/2011 Duração: 01h32min

    Loribeth Dalton, public speaker, Career and Life Coach, and successful HCG dieter shares her amazing story of transformation and how she finally conquered her lifelong struggle with obesity. How she lost close to 100 pounds, gained much of it back and then finally mastered her weight and metabolism with the HCG diet, and by implementing our Advanced HCG Body 4 Life protocol has able to double her fat loss, and reveal her true body within.

  • hCG -Ology 2 - Why 90% of HCG dieter are doing the diet wrong!

    10/03/2011 Duração: 01h31min

    The HCG diet... Why 90% of HCG dieter are doing won't achieve permanent weight loss. Understanding how to do the HCG diet right, to achieve permanent fat loss.

  • hCG Body Talk - Ask Me Anything HCG Diet

    24/02/2011 Duração: 01h31min

    Ask me anything HCG and Mastering Phase3 of the HCG diet... "The muscle building and stabilization phase" This will be a general Q & A regarding the HCG diet, and mastering Phase 3 for those looking for long term weight management.

  • HCG-Ology... So Why HCG, and is it for you?

    17/02/2011 Duração: 01h31min

    Tonight's call is all about the HCG diet, how it works, why it works, and who should or shouldn't use the protocol. We will also have a live Q&A session for those who just are not sure if this will work for you. Join Us, ONLY 50 spots available.

  • hCG Body Talk - HCG Body 4 Life 40 Day Challenge

    10/02/2011 Duração: 01h29min

    HCG Body for Life 40 day challenge, How to drop 25 more pounds in the next 21 days!Get you body turbo charged.

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