Alpha and Omega Ministries



The latest feed from Alpha and Omega Ministries on


  • Road Trip Radio Free Geneva: Only the Apostles were Predestined!

    12/12/2023 Duração: 01h20min

    Managed to do an RFG while on the road as I do long days to get home to Phoenix. Took the time to explain and refute Nick Craig's -in depth- interpretation of Ephesians that tells us that verses 3 through 12 are only about the Apostles, not about regular believers. Then we looked at little bit at Acts 13-48, and a bit at a deranged Twitter account opposed to Calvinism. Nearly 80 minutes today.

  • Road Trip Shorter DL: Conclusion of Longshore Response

    10/12/2023 Duração: 43min

    I've changed my travel plans home so I will be spending long hours in the saddle to get home a day earlier, so I wanted to finish up this response in case we are not able to sneak any programs on till late next week. Only about forty minutes today, but we finished up our review of Jared's response article, focusing on atonement and election issues. Thanks for listening-

  • Poor Jared...Yes, Back to the Response

    08/12/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    Just a few brief comments on Catholicism at the start, then back to Hebrews and Jared's article. We are, at least, getting into the nitty gritty of what the real issues are, so, I hope that is helpful. Tomorrow is a travel day for me, so I won't be able to do another program until I am headed home next week, and those will be later in the day since I have 6- hours to drive each day.

  • About that Postmill Shot, then, More on Jared Longshore's Reply

    07/12/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    Started off with a look at the tweet introducing an article against postmillennialism before moving back to the response to Jared Longshore based upon Hebrews and the New Covenant.

  • A Little Francis, But Mainly Responding to Jared Longshore

    05/12/2023 Duração: 01h08min

    Commented on the Pope's continued promotion of the climate fraud, and his connecting it to -the culture of death,- but spent most of the time responding to Jared Longshore on the Hebrews 8 issue. Did not finish, but hope to later in the week. Asked for comments on Twitter from listeners as to whether you want more of this kind of in-depth interaction.

  • Road Trip Dividing Line: Only 45 Minutes Today

    01/12/2023 Duração: 46min

    Schedules for all sorts of stuff today so I could only squeeze a 45 minute program on a variety of topics today from supposed foul mouths in Moscow to Calvinist derangement syndrome on Twitter.

  • A Non-Road Trip Road Trip DL

    23/11/2023 Duração: 01h03min

    Had to use the mobile studio today even though I am not yet on the road and...didn't really work out. Had to record it. Mainly a lengthy response to Joshua T. Charles on key and important issues relating to Roman Catholicism, claims of authority, canonicity, etc.

  • Responding to a Roman Catholic Convert

    21/11/2023 Duração: 01h21min

    Though I touched briefly on a Soteriology 101 tweet at the end of the show, the vast majority was directed to responding to Joshua T. Charles and his presentation of Newman's -development hypothesis- as the answer to my Nicea question. A lot is going on in Rome these days, and we need to keep up if we wish to be good witnesses-

  • Wimpy, Weak and Woke: John Cooper Joins us to Talk About His New Book

    17/11/2023 Duração: 01h13min

    Spent a little over an hour with John Cooper today talking about his new book, Wimpy, Weak and Woke -available at though the Kindle is already available at Amazon-. Talked eschatology and law and culture and the future and hope and what we need to be praying for as far as mercy from God- As always a pleasure to have John on the Dividing Line-

  • Too Many Topics Today To Remember!

    15/11/2023 Duração: 103h00s

    Went for an hour and forty minutes or so and covered a lot of topics, I must confess- Mainly focused on finishing up our response to Jason Breda on John 6 and his confusion about Greek verbs, participles, tenses, you name it. Did that, and then played a clip from Frank Turek claiming Calvinism is contradictory, and then a clip where he is commenting on inerrancy as well.

  • Eschatological Madness about Israel, Further Review of Muhammed Hijab

    11/11/2023 Duração: 01h04min

    Caught up on a few items on a special DL today. Read through a long message from Twitter that is a good warning about how some eschatologies can become downright dangerous, and then moved back to reviewing aspects of Muhammed Hijab's opening remarks in the Trinity-Tawhid debate.

  • Quick Thoughts on Ohio and the Pope, then Continuation of Radio Free Geneva

    10/11/2023 Duração: 01h05min

    Said more than I wanted to say about Ohio and the Papacy -will actually say more tomorrow on a special third edition of the DL for the week- at the opening, then jumped into Radio Free Geneva -about 20 minutes in- and continued our review-response of Jason Breda.

  • Jeff Durbin on Ohio and Equal Protection, Muhammad Hijab's Opening Presentation

    08/11/2023 Duração: 01h34min

    Jumbo edition of the program, basically two 45 minute segments. The first featured Jeff Durbin from his rental car in parts unknown talking with us about his work with End Abortion Now, the Ohio situation, the ERLC, and he and his wife adopting two premie baby girls. In the second I started playing Muhammad Hijab's opening comments from a 2018 debate on Trinity and Tawhid in hopes of helping folks be prepared to respond to Muslims in evangelistic settings. We will continue on future editions of the program. We hope to do two more programs this week, including another Radio Free Geneva. Make sure to download the A-O app so you will know when we will be on the air-

  • Radio Free Geneva: Jason Breda on John 6, Part I

    03/11/2023 Duração: 107h00s

    An hour and 45 minutes on Radio Free Geneva today, starting to look at Jason Breda's video -exegeting- John 6. Brother Breda claims to have been -a Calvinist for ten years,- and is now producing videos exposing this -lie of the enemy.- Well, he attempted to walk through John 6 -give him credit--, and we are reviewing that attempt. Had to deal with a lot of Greek today because brother Breda makes claims based upon the original language that, well, are more than just slightly fallacious. We will either do another RFG to finish up, or make it a sub-portion of a future Dividing Line.

  • Dr. Downer Does Reformation Day, and Lots More

    01/11/2023 Duração: 125h00s

    Started off with the truth about 10-31-1517 -nobody at the time had any idea anything important had happened-, which earned me the name -Dr. Downer- from Jeff Durbin last night at church. Then we talked about the recent Synod in Rome and the truly massive implications this has for Roman claims of authority, etc. Then we addressed this article from Jared Longshore, posted on Reformation Day, of all days, diving into Hebrews 7 and 8 especially, dealing with this key text in the debate over Calvin's doctrine of paedobaptism. I thought we would only go 90 minutes, but we actually went past two hours by a bit-

  • Zach Lambert's Sermon Concluded

    27/10/2023 Duração: 108h00s

    Took two complete programs to do it, but we finished looking at Zach Lambert's sermon on -Homophobia and Transphobia,- getting to the part where the Bible finally was referred to- and twisted into a pretzel. It is truly hard to listen to -progressivists- engage in societal eisegesis, but we sure got our fill in today's 1-50 minute long program.

  • Zach Lambert's Sermon, "Homophobia and Transphobia," Response Part 1

    25/10/2023 Duração: 116h00s

    As promised I began playing the entirety of Zach Lambert's sermon, preached early last year, about -Homophobia and Transphobia.- He had linked to it as representative of his position, and in the opening of the sermon he says he spent more time preparing for that sermon than any other, so it seems fair to address it. It is a classic example of -cultural eisegesis,- and since it is the essence of modern -Christian- homosexual apologetics, everyone needs to learn to recognize it, and refute it. We will continue the study and response on Thursday, Lord willing- 1-55 today-

  • Doug Wilson’s Response to Riley, Taylor Marshall and Justification

    21/10/2023 Duração: 01h12min

    On the last program I said I hoped Doug Wilson would respond to Michael Riley's article on a Van Tillian response to Christian Nationalism, and lo and behold, he did just that. So, we took the time to look it over and comment on it. Then we looked at a Taylor Marshall tweet denying the imputed righteousness of Christ and dove into Romans 3-4 to respond.

  • SEALS Beat Biden, Michael Riley's Post

    19/10/2023 Duração: 01h31min

    Today we were joined by Asa Miller, former SEAL and one of the primary people in the new documentary SEALS Beat Biden which comes out next month. We talked about a lot of things, and it was an enjoyable conversation. Then I went over Michael Riley's post which appeared on the G3 website and I found most useful.

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