Port Hope Free Presbyterian Church



The latest feed from Port Hope Free Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.com.


  • The Value of a Soul

    04/07/2022 Duração: 45min

    the critics were always murmuring against the Saviour because He show an interest in poor lost souls. the Lord told a parable to illustrate the value of a soul and applied it to His critics.

  • Preaching Christ

    28/06/2022 Duração: 46min

    When called upon by the Jewish leaders to tell them what he believed, Paul took the opportunity to preach Christ unto them. That is the only message that should be preached to sinners, and it is the message that glorifies the Lord in the salvation of souls.

  • Oh how I Love Jesus

    28/06/2022 Duração: 46min

    The Lord Jesus said that the person who has been forgiven much will love much. That was certainly true with regard to the woman who had been a great sinner, when Christ forgave her, she demonstrated her love for her Saviour in a wonderful way.

  • Victory over the Viper

    24/06/2022 Duração: 47min

    The devil can attack God's people at any time and anywhere. It is important that we be sober and watchful at all times even when we are engaged in some innocent activity. The apostle Paul discovered that, but the Lord gave him the victory over the viper.

  • Christ the Solid Rock

    24/06/2022 Duração: 49min

    When building for eternity, it is important that we build on a sure foundation. Indeed, the only sure and secure foundation is Christ, to build one anyone else or anything else, would be a disaster.

  • Peace in the Storm

    15/06/2022 Duração: 46min

    When we are called upon to go through the storms of life, it is good to have friend who will be there with us. Such a Friend is the Lord Jesus Christ, who will be with His people in all the storms of life.

  • The Preciousness of Christ

    15/06/2022 Duração: 46min

    When the unconverted look upon our Saviour, they do not see anything in Him that would make Him precious to them. The moment a sinner is saved by the blood of Christ, immediately He becomes precious to them.

  • Curiosity to Conversion Pt1

    06/06/2022 Duração: 45min

    Many events in life are used to bring sinners to Christ. The Scriptures tell of a man who was curious about the identity of the Lord Jesus, and his curiosity was the means of his salvation.

  • Curiosity to Conversion Pt.2

    06/06/2022 Duração: 47min

    The Lord uses means to bring sinners to Himself, He can even uses curiosity. The Scriptures tell of a man who was curious about who Christ was, and curiosity brought about his salvation.

  • Almost but not Quite

    31/05/2022 Duração: 48min

    After listening to the Spirit anointed witness of Paul, king Agrippa revealed to the Apostle, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. But Agrippa was not as near the kingdom as he thought.

  • The Problem Solved

    31/05/2022 Duração: 48min

    The Lord's disciples were presented with a problem, how to feed a multiple of people with very little food. It was only when they committed the problem into the Lord's hands that the problem was solved.

  • Amazing Grace

    23/05/2022 Duração: 53min

    Knowing what the Apostle Paul was before his conversation, it could only be the grace of God that saved him. From one who persecuted the saints, he became one who preached to sinners, all of grace.

  • A Silent Sermon

    23/05/2022 Duração: 51min

    After Peter denied his Saviour, we are told that the Lord turned and looked at Peter. Not a word was spoken by the Lord, but that look spoke volumes.

  • Evangelism

    18/04/2022 Duração: 49min

    There are many portions in God's word which tells us that we are to spread the good news of the gospel. It is good to be able to tell the unconverted that Christ died for sinners and that He rose victorious over the grave.

  • Resurrection Morning

    18/04/2022 Duração: 52min

    Wonderful we're the events that surrounded the rising of the Lord Jesus from the tomb. There was joy and uncertainty, but victory.

  • Almost Persuaded

    11/04/2022 Duração: 55min

    Such an ungodly man was Felix, yet he want Paul the apostle to tell him more about faith in Christ. After Paul had ministered to him, it seemed that Felix was almost persuaded to be Christian.

  • Silver or Salvation

    11/04/2022 Duração: 51min

    When a young man came to Christ to enquire about eternal life, things looked promising that he would receive Christ as Saviour. That was until the Lord pointed out to him that riches was his god, and he could not serve two masters. He had to choose between his silver or salvation, he made the wrong choice.

  • The Loyalty of the Lord

    04/04/2022 Duração: 53min

    During one of the darkest times in the ministry of the Apostle Paul, when it seemed that all friends had forsaken him, the Lord was found standing by him. That was a wonderful example of the loyalty of the Lord.

  • The Healing Touch

    04/04/2022 Duração: 53min

    As the Saviour was passing by, a woman who had been suffering for twelve years, made her way to Him, and touched the hem of His garment and was healed immediately. This woman sets an example for all who suffer from the plague of sin.

  • The Look of Compassion

    28/03/2022 Duração: 53min

    Throughout the gospel of Mark, reference is often made to the looks of the Lord. There is always deep meaning in those looks, and they have much to teach us about the Saviour.

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