You The Owners Manual Radio Show



Get the latest health headlines from Dr. Roizen


  • EP 1,090 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  Can a wearable for sleep positioning help with GERD Medical marijuana ups the odds for overuse and no benefit for health besides sleep 15 foods that cause bloating  Cocoa flavanol supplements are beneficial Should you drink warm or cold water? PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1090B - Recipe for Survival: What You Can Do to Live a Healthier and More Environmentally Friendly Life


    What can you do to improve your health and at the same time improve the health of our home planet? Do you want to be a healthier and more sustainable consumer?In her straightforward, easy-to-understand book, dietitian and environmentalist Dr. Dana Ellis Hunnes outlines the actions we can all take. Many people feel overwhelmed by the scope of climate change and believe that only large, sweeping changes will make any difference. Yet the choices we make every day can have effects on climate change, the oceans, the land, and other species.This book outlines the problems we are facing, and then presents ideas or 'recipes' to empower us, to help us all make a difference. Recipe For Survival provides the guidance that you can use right now to improve your health, your family's health, and the health of the environment simultaneously.Dr. Dana Ellis Hunnes is a practicing dietitian, educator, and researcher who has dedicated herself to understanding the relationships between climate change, food choices, and food secu

  • EP 1,089 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  What test predicts cognitive function and erectile dysfunction 10 years ahead of time Benefits of dark chocolate Can coffee cure a hangover? Alcohol & LDL cholesterol Changes in diet quality from 2001 to 2018 PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1089B - Regenerative Gardening: How We Can Save Our Health, Communities and Planet


    You played in the dirt as a kid. But why did you ever stop?Our gardens provide beauty, food, and a respite from the world. And they can also become a source of positive environmental change. In her book Grow Now, Emily Murphy shares easy-to-follow principles for regenerative gardening that foster biodiversity and improve soil health and shows how every single yard mirrors and connects to the greater ecosystem around us.Grow Now provides a roadmap to tap into the power of regenerative growing with a set of easy-to-follow principles for fostering biodiversity, caring for soil, rewilding, and planting your way to a better future.Emily Murphy is a regenerative organic gardener, photographer, designer and the author of the Amazon bestseller GROW WHAT YOU LOVE and a leading proponent of regenerative organic growing and garden-based climate activism. She’s a plantsperson, designer, educator, and photographer trained in ethnobotany, environmental science, and garden design.

  • EP 1088B - Reduce Your Risk of Melanoma


    Cancer is a formidable enemy. In fact, people born in America since 1960 face a one in two chance of being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. However, there's growing evidence that fewer cancers will be death sentences for patients.New approaches and understandings are transforming the medical world, increasing success rates for remissions, disease management, and cures. And Dr. Ashani Weeraratna is at the forefront of this new level of care.In Is Cancer Inevitable? Dr. Weeraratna?a pioneering melanoma researcher whose work explores the role aging plays in cancer cells' spread and drug resistance?gives readers an inside look at several of the latest cancer advances. Detailing the actions that are reducing the disease's impact and exploring what the future may hold, she explains how the molecular mechanisms involved in metastasis and the cells' microenvironments influence cancer's development and progression.Over the years, she writes, our understanding of how cancer cells move throughout the body, chan

  • EP 1,088 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  Intermittent fasting: how it works and the 4 types explained E-cigarettes increase the risk of prediabetes  Moderate wine consumption with meals helps reduce type 2 diabetes risk Staying fit helps keep Alzheimer's at bay  Does Inulin improve gut health  PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1,087 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  Getting rid of meat lowers cancer risk  Excess sodium in effervescent medications  Foods that trigger asthma What happens when you exercise in an air polluted area? Muscle strength and getting out of a chain: the faster the better PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1087B - Energize!: Go from Dragging Ass to Kicking It in 30 Days


    Our guest today is one of the best in the biz when it comes to sleep health. But today we are talking about the other side of the spectrum: energy! Renowned sleep expert Michael Breus, Ph.D., teams up with SoulCycle founding instructor Stacey Griffith to present a revolutionary, science-based program to give you the energy you need to achieve your dreams.Are you desperately seeking more energy? Dr. Michael Breus and Stacey Griffith hear it every day from their clients, so they decided to do something about it: write a book and jump-start a movement. In Energize! Breus and Griffith team up to teach you how to get your groove back. Using the scientifically proven core principles of chronobiology and biological body type (remember that from high school?), they offer an easy-to-understand, personalized program of small daily movements, sleeping and fasting on schedule, and mood hacks that will give you incredible energy, promote happiness and fight off fatigue for good.Sounds too good to be true? Their program bo

  • EP 1,086 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  Statins and intolerance Can high cholesterol cause headaches? Air pollution increases psoriatic flares and joint pain Benefits of hibiscus tea What is the best diet if you have gout? PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1086B - Pasta Making in a Castle in Italy


    Join us for the ultimate Italian cooking holiday November 1st - 6th 2022 in Puglia, Italy! With this course, Drs. Mike Roizen and Michael Crupain, along with Silvestro Silvestori of the Awaiting Table Cookery School, the oldest in all of Puglia, have teamed to help you to learn experience the true Mediterranean lifestyle, learn the science behind what makes it so special, and hopefully add years to your life.In the old world, geography drives cuisine and because of it, farm animals have never thrived in the Salento. With very few hills, there is no cooling air to console potential livestock from the almost Northern African summer heat. The flat, sunny fields have always been better suited for growing the world's most healthful foods--pulses, fruits, and vegetables. And lots and lots of olives, nearly all species used to make olive oil. So slowly, imperceptibly, over countless generations, loving mothers and wives figured out ingenious ways to apply their Italian culinary genius to the humblest of plant-based

  • EP 1,085 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  2,000 extra steps per day decrease diabetes risk  Long term risk of heart attack is higher if you get the COVID-19 virus  How lo lower your salt intake  AC demands due to climate change will overwhelm electrical supply by 2050 11 high fiber foods  PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1085B - How Oral Bacteria Suppress Protection Against Viral Growth


    Researchers from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry and their colleagues have discovered details of how proteins produced by oral epithelial cells protect humans against viruses entering the body through the mouth. They also found that oral bacteria can suppress the activity of these cells, increasing vulnerability to infection.A family of proteins known as interferon lambdas produced by epithelial cells in the mouth serve to protect humans from viral infection, but the oral bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis reduces the production and effectiveness of those important frontline defenders.Dr. Juhi Bagaitkar and Dr. Richard Lamont, professor and chair of the UofL Department of Oral Immunology and Infectious Disease, led the work, with first author Carlos J. Rodriguez-Hernandez and other colleagues at UofL and at Washington University in St. Louis. The findings were published in December in PNAS.

  • EP 1,084 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  Bright indoor lighting during the day lowers glucose levels and improves energy expenditure  Over 1 mill lives have been lost to overdoses in youths 10-24 in the last 5 years  US diabetic deaths top 100k for a second straight year  Experts proposed solutions to the opioid crisis Social isolation drive cardiovascular risk in women  PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1084B - Wheat Belly & Super Gut


    The bestselling author of the Wheat Belly books brings his next big, game-changing idea – how the human microbiome is evolving, and potentially wrecking, our health, and how we can fix it.In his latest book SUPER GUT: A Four-Week Plan to Reprogram Your Microbiome, Restore Health, and Lose Weight, Dr. William Davis shares an action plan for how we can replace essential microbes lost from the modern microbiome while eliminating the “bad ones” that cause small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, SIBO, and small intestinal fungal overgrowth, SIFO, overgrowth of microbes that essentially hijack human health.Dr. Davis’ roadmap includes his unique method of yogurt fermentation that allows the reader to cultivate specific microbes to obtain specific benefits—just like ordering off the menu at a restaurant, allowing readers to pick and choose their benefits—as well as a daily menu of 40 other gut-fixing recipes, in addition to his first-ever home diagnostic toolkit that can help anyone struggling with bowel blues to avoi

  • EP 1,083 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  Higher coffee consumption tied to lower endometrial cancer  Benefits of 10 min of extra exercise in adults over 40 Best and worst diets  Aquatic exercises are superior to physical therapy in relieving lower back pain Can wearing socks to bed help you sleep better? PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1083B - Heartbreak and Heart Disease: Breaking Bad Heart Habits


    Stephen Sinatra, MD, cardiologist and best-selling author of, “Heartbreak and Heart Disease,” says certain unsuspecting bad habits could weigh more heavily on the heart than you realize. Of course, there are many well-known bad habits for the heart such as drinking too much alcohol, not exercising, smoking, and eating unhealthy foods, but there are some other lesser-known bad habits that can negatively affect heart health as well.Dr. Sinatra joins us today to talk about how your bedtime can affect your heart health, the importance of going barefoot and grounding or earthing, and what happens to your health if you are a loner.

  • EP 1,082 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  What are the signs my child has a food allergy? How to make your heart work harder and stronger  Benefits of Chaga mushrooms  1/4 of US adults are too sedentary  Does proper nutrition help those with Huntington's Disease  PLUS so much more...  

  • EP 1082B - Tips for a Tobacco Free 2022


    Along with hitting the gym more often and starting a diet, quitting smoking tops many New Year’s resolution lists. Quitting tobacco isn’t easy, but 50 million ex-smokers in the United States are proof that it’s achievable.Tobacco use remains the nation’s leading cause of preventable death and disease and is a serious public health threat. Nationally, nearly?40 million Americans smoke, and in New Jersey, the adult smoking rate is 13.1%. To encourage?people to quit smoking, vaping, and using all tobacco products in 2022,?the American Lung Association?is promoting “No Tobacco ’22.?To help people quit, the organization is sharing tips and resources through social media and? P. Brown is the Chief Mission Officer for the American Lung Association. Prior to this, she served as President and CEO of the Lung Association of the Mid-Atlantic until the Lung Association united into a single nationwide organization on July 1, 2017, when she became the Executive Vice President for the region. She offers us s

  • EP 1081B - Strong Heart, Sharp Mind


    The gravest health threats to the nearly 109 million Americans over 50 are heart disease (the nation’s leading killer), and Alzheimer’s (the most feared affliction that affects millions of families.) In his new book Strong Heart, Sharp Mind, noted neurologist Dr. Marwan Sabbagh, reveals new hope for treating and preventing these dreaded conditions together.Strong Heart, Sharp Mind relies on the latest science to reveal a proven 6-step program to maximize and improve both heart and brain health. The program includes:· Incorporating exercise into daily activities· Transforming the American diet into a healthful way to eat· Building a healthy sleep regimen· Managing stress, anger, and anxiety· Creating opportunities for cognitive stimulation· Bolstering your social support system

  • EP 1,081 News of the Week


    Dr. Roizen talks about the latest health headlines that YOU need to know.  Addressing the social determinants of health reduces cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes  Even a little exercise might slow Parkinson's Fatty Liver is observed in most adults with obesity & diabetes  Stair walking: just 3 minutes lowers glucose and improves insulin sensitivity Max BMI you've had predicts advanced complications from diabetes  PLUS so much more...  

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