Interior Design Today



Join host Mary Knackstedt as she discusses current news, trends, and topics as they relate to the Interior Design and the Interior Design Industry.


  • Interior Design Today - Episode 014


    Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 14th episode, Mary talks about changing your environment to change your life. It's been so interesting to have clients come in and say: I really want to do something different. I want to be somebody that's different. I really want to change my life. How can I do that?It's quite exciting to see that by changing the way you live, the environment in which you work, your whole persona, everything changes. It really makes a lot of difference. You can add efficiency, you can add pleasure. It can bring you to a completely different type of work or lifestyle. I'm finding that people today are wanting this more than perhaps any other time in my career. They say, I'm really tired of being and doing exactly what I've been doing. I want a chance to explore. I want a chance to do something that is more elevating, more stimulating, more exciting.I'm fascinated by the designers and people doing traditional work, and now they're doing contemporary wo

  • Interior Design Today - Episode 013


    Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 13th episode, Mary talks about color. What color should you use? What color works for you? What do colors say, what do they mean? Faber Birren was one of the very famous, noted, professors on color. He was probably the leading person to live in this last century. He was one of the leading professors to study under, and fortunately, I had that privilege earlier in my career. He explained that color has a physical and psychological effect on people. Obviously, it's somewhat different depending on where you live and where you come from. In Santa Fe, you'll find that brighter colors are far more appealing than they are in the Northeast. Of course, we want bright colors in the Northeast, but what they call bright and what we call bright are quite different.I find that people are now looking for more color. They're looking for colors that compliment them. They want us to create environments for them that are appropriate to their person

  • Interior Design Today - Episode 012


    Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 12th episode, Mary talks about the benefits of interior design for clients who are renting or leasing their home. This is an issue which has become, perhaps, more prevalent today than it has been in the past. More and more people are leasing or renting. The reason may be that their jobs are very transient, they may be transferred tomorrow, and they don't want the responsibility of dealing with a house, apartment, or condo. As a result, they've selected to simply lease or rent, but they still want it to be their home. After all, this is important to them. They want to bring their friends and business associates in, and they want to have a space which is really individual and is really very important and special to them. What I recommend is to find a designer who will help you collect a selection of furniture that is really right for you. Many pieces will be purely functional, but otherwise, you must have a few things that are

  • Interior Design Today - Episode 011


    Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 11th episode, Mary talks about the texture and feeling of the items in your home. What is the texture of the wood, the feel of the carpet, the temperature of your counter top? All of these little tactile issues are part of the pleasures we enjoy in our interior spaces. As we move from different parts of the country, we often want different materials. A great example of this is the stone and tile floors that are very comfortable in Florida or the warmer climates. As we move north, we're not quite as please by those because in the winter time, they are really, really frigid. Today, the wonderful part is, we can often take a stone floor and simply add some heat to it so that when we walk across our bathroom floor, it is really enjoyable to be in our bare feet. All of these tiny considerations are part of how we enjoy, and the comfort of, our interior spaces.It's so interesting to see how much the tactile aspects of a fabric add to the en

  • Interior Design Today - Episode 010


    Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 10th episode, Mary talks about organization. Would you like to make some changes in the way you live? Very simply, change your environment! It's amazing to see what little changes can do to really change the way we work and live. I have seen people from children to senior citizens, make wonderful constructive changes by really just making a few small changes in their environments.I always laugh when a parent brings me into a child's room and says, "My child never hangs up his clothing. This room is a mess!" I start looking at the closet, and I see a rod for the hanging clothing that's 5 feet high. The poor child couldn't possibly reach it. When you change things and make it convenient and neat and easy for the child, it's surprising how they alter their behavior.So many of us, when we change the things and activities that we participate in, we don't make the appropriate changes in our work spaces or our living spaces. So often, we tak

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