Interior Design Today

Interior Design Today - Episode 013



Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 13th episode, Mary talks about color. What color should you use? What color works for you? What do colors say, what do they mean? Faber Birren was one of the very famous, noted, professors on color. He was probably the leading person to live in this last century. He was one of the leading professors to study under, and fortunately, I had that privilege earlier in my career. He explained that color has a physical and psychological effect on people. Obviously, it's somewhat different depending on where you live and where you come from. In Santa Fe, you'll find that brighter colors are far more appealing than they are in the Northeast. Of course, we want bright colors in the Northeast, but what they call bright and what we call bright are quite different.I find that people are now looking for more color. They're looking for colors that compliment them. They want us to create environments for them that are appropriate to their person