Things are changing fast in the world of financial technology. The BIG Podcast explores the impact of financial technology innovations on the every day person. Top financial industry guests will give us exciting insights into technologies that will shape the way we manage and spend our money.
Scouting the Next Franchise AI Quarterback
26/03/2024 Duração: 31minJohn and Glen meet with Shastic Founder/CEO Joseariel Gomez Ortigoza about his firm’s mission to make AI less intimidating for credit unions. Also- sausage making and the Credit Card Competition Act. Links related to this episode: Shastic: BIG’s Innovation Club: Glen’s blog previewing the EU’s AI Act: CU Today’s CCCA coverage the morning of the government shutdown deadline: ...and its brief follow-up afterward: Join us for our next CU Town Hall on Wednesday April 3 at 3pm ET/Noon PT for a live and lively interactive discussion of the key issues facing credi
Consumers and Members- Unified Needs, Diverse Motivators
19/03/2024 Duração: 35minMore highlights from the Government Affairs Conference: Filene Research Institute’s Taylor Nelms shares new research revealing credit union members’ segmented needs and desires, and Glia’s Paul Sheets on his firm’s fresh take on “Contact Center as a Service.” Also, first impressions of the EU’s new AI Act. Links related to this episode: Registration for Filene’s Thursday April 4 webinar: Filene’s Member Voice initiative: Glia’s Unified Interaction Management model: The MIT Technology Review’s take on the EU’s new AI Act: Our January episode where John Best suggests blockchain as an AI “watermarking” solution: Join us for our
Navigating a “Vibe-cession,” Advocating at Scale
12/03/2024 Duração: 38minGlen reports from America’s Credit Unions’ Government Affairs Conference- including our annual roundtable with ACU’s Economics team about an oddly disjointed consumer picture, and a conversation with CEOs Deborah Fears and James Higgins about the still-essential role played by small credit unions. Links related to this episode: The 170-page Small Credit Union Blueprint for Success: Americas Credit Unions monthly Economic Updates: Our interview with board member Caroline Willard on the CUNA/NAFCU merger: Skyline Financial Federal CU: Chicago Post Office Employees Credit Union: Americas Credit Unions’ in-progress combined site: Join us for our next CU Town Hall on Wednesday March 20 at 3pm
AI Optimism- with a Dose of Reality
05/03/2024 Duração: 29minGlen chats with Generative AI’s self- described Chief Optimist (and OpenAI’s onetime Head of Go to Market) Zack Kass about how we’ve arrived at the brink of AGI, potential regulatory avenues to safeguard the technology, and why he sees more likely good than harm. Also- Elon’s latest gambit and another Easter egg in the Capital One/Discover deal. Links related to this episode: Zack Kass’s website: Zack’s Newsweek article on the risks of anthropomorphizing AI: Wired’s bizarre take on Elon Musk’s bizarre lawsuit against OpenAI: Our recent CU Town Hall dissecting Capital One/Discover’s impact on credit unions: Glen’s blog on the Capital One/Discover deal:
We Were Promised Jetpacks (But Got Deepfakes)
27/02/2024 Duração: 30minJohn recaps ten years of BIG ideas, recounts tech expectations circa 2015, and ponders the potential of AI, for better or worse. Plus- Glen wonders what happens if the Cap One/Discover deal doesn’t go through. Links related to this episode: Replay of the full BIG 10th Anniversary CU Town Hall (with video): Glen’s blog on the Capital One/Discover merger: The HeyGen AI Video software John used: The Government Affairs Conference, March 3-7 in Washington DC: CU Broadcast, from Digital Town Hall partner Mike Lawson: Join us for our next CU Town Hall this Wednesday February 28 at 3pm ET/Noon PT for a live and lively interactive discussion of the key issues facing credit unions. (Did we m
Card Company Mergers: How They Started, How They’re Going
20/02/2024 Duração: 44minJohn and Glen check in with PSCU Co-Op CEO Chuck Fagan to learn about progress combining the two organizations. Plus- initial thoughts on Capital One’s proposed Discover acquisition. Links related to this episode: FAQs on the PSCU/Co-Op combination: PSCU Member Forum April 10-12 in San Antonio: Co-Op Think! Conference May 7-10 in Nashville: The Government Affairs Conference, March 3-7 in Washington DC: Chuck Fagan’s recent interview with Tampa Bay Business & Wealth: Join us for our next CU Town Hall this Wednesday February 28 at 3pm ET/Noon PT for a live and lively interactive discussion of the key issues facing credi
Doing (Small) Business at the Beach
13/02/2024 Duração: 38minFrom the windy shores of Miami Beach, Glen chats with Barlow Research about the often overlooked banking habits of small and mid-market businesses. Also- some fresh (and well-sourced) AI nuggets, and Chase places a contrarian bet on the future of the branch. Links related to this episode: Barlow Research: Deluxe: CNN’s coverage of JPMorgan Chase’s plans to open 500 new branches: AI Futurist (and OpenAI alum) Zack Kass: Join us for our next CU Town Hall this Wednesday February 14 at 3pm ET/Noon PT for a live and lively interactive discussion of the key issues facing credit unions. (Did we mention there’ll be a cool tech giveaway to one FI attendee?) It’s free to attend, but advance registration is required: Follow the Best Innovation Group on LinkedIn:
Defying the DeFi Headwinds
06/02/2024 Duração: 36minGlen speaks with Becky Reed about a proposed new Web3-focused credit union, and how it actually represents a return to the CU movement’s roots. Also- a Whole New Worldpay, and data on some unexpected consumer payment behavior. Links related to this episode: Defy, a proposed federal credit union: BankSocial: Becky Reed’s new book, “Credit Unions and DeFi: A Financial Renaissance”: The Federal Reserve’s Diary of Consumer Payment Choice: Join us for our next CU Town Hall on Wednesday February 14th at 3pm ET/Noon PT for a live and lively interactive discussion of the key issues facing credit unions. (Did we mention there’ll be a cool tech giveaway to one FI attendee?) It’s free to attend, but advance registration is required: Follow the Best Innovation Group on LinkedIn: https://www
Credit Union New Year’s Resolutions
30/01/2024 Duração: 34minJohn shares the resolutions for 2024 he’d make as the leader of a credit union. Also, Glen discusses Klarna’s bizarre new BNPL subscription model, updates the Fed’s efforts to reduce debit interchange, and offers a differing view on data sharing. Links related to this episode: Full replay of the January 10 CU Town Hall: The Fed’s latest data regarding its proposed debit interchange reduction: “Future of Global Fintech” report from the World Economic Forum: BIG’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) services- Combining state-of-the-art technology and collaborative innovation, we work alongside our credit union partners to develop tailored AI solutions: Follow the Best Innovation Group on LinkedIn:
Has Blockchain Found a Problem for its Solution?
23/01/2024 Duração: 40minJohn and Glen share thoughts on Bitcoin’s underreported comeback and dig deeper into Generative AI’s 2024 outlook, good and bad.. Plus- more gloating about crypto price predictions, and why we should all be glad John is not the product manager for fire. Links related to this episode: Our prior 2024 predictions BIGCast (including Bitcoin’s price guesstimates at the end): Highlights of the Economist’s interview with Open AI CEO Sam Altman and Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella: The full 30-minute version (behind a subscriber login):
NACUSO’s Big Ideas for Credit Unions of All Sizes
16/01/2024 Duração: 33minGlen speaks with NACUSO CEO Ronaldo Hardy about his collaborative vision for the organization he joined last summer, and the opportunity ahead for the industry overall. Also- Fiserv’s application for a limited banking charter, and conference season begins to rev up again. Links related to this episode: NACUSO: The NACUSO Network Conference, April 15-18 in Orlando: The “Opportunity Knock$” PBS series: Next Big Idea competition application: Payments Dive’s coverage of Fiserv’s limited purpose bank charter application: Futurist Zack Kass on why he left Open AI: Our prior BIGC
Chatting and Generating 2024’s Fintech Predictions (hopefully intelligently)
09/01/2024 Duração: 52minOur annual New Years rite of passage- Anne Legg and John Janclaes join John and Glen to forecast the big fintech/credit union stories of 2024- leading to a healthy blend of consensus and spirited debate. Will Gen AI continue its rocket-like ascent or become bogged down in regulation? Will instant payments take center stage? How good were the team’s 2023 predictions…and what inside scoop did JB have on Bitcoin? Links related to this episode: THRIVE Strategic Services: Nymbus CUSO: Keep us honest by checking back on our 2023 predictions: Cathie Wood’s TED Talk on her case for “exponential economic growth”: Glen’s article for America’s Credit Unions (a BIGCast sponsor!) on the 2023 stories that will continue to shape 2024:
Wrapping a VERY Newsworthy 2023
19/12/2023 Duração: 39min2023 was so packed with major stories it’s hard to believe some are still less than a year old. Anne Legg and John Janclaes join John and Glen for a lively discussion of these events and their continuing aftermath. Links related to this episode: THRIVE Strategic Services: Nymbus CUSO: John suggests watching this 60 Minutes segment on Quantum Computing: The BIGCast’s March coverage of the Silicon Valley Bank/broader liquidity crisis: Join our next CU Town Hall on Wednesday, January 10 at 3pm ET/Noon PT, as we kick off another year of interactive discussion of the biggest real-time issues facing credit unions. Attendance is free, but advance registration is required: Follow the Best Innovation Group on LinkedIn: https://www.
Cybercrooks Decide to Aim Low
12/12/2023 Duração: 35minJohn and Glen sort through what we know about the ransomware attack that knocked 60 small (under $100 million) credit unions offline, including why it should be neither a surprise nor a sign of small CU weakness. Also- updates to last week’s OpenAI coverage. Links related to this episode: CU Today’s coverage of the ransomware attack: Ongoing Operations’ latest update (as of Dec 11): A cybersecurity view of the attack: More on CirtixBleed: Glen’s blog post detailing OpenAI’s board room drama: Last week’s BIGCast discussion of OpenAI’s boardroom coup:
Open AI's Messy First Birthday Party
05/12/2023 Duração: 46minJohn and Glen dive into the mysterious, fascinating and perhaps still ongoing Open AI governance saga, dissecting the role of concepts like effective altruism, artificial general intelligence, reinforcement learning and board responsibility (There’s a credit union tie-in, we promise.). Also, John’s special offer to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. Links related to this episode: Glen’s blog post detailing more of the board room background: Wikipedia’s Open AI entry (note the 2015-19 history): Harvard Business Review’s postmortem on Open AI’s “failed governance model”: The Australia Financial Review’s profile of the Open AI board that dismissed Sam Altman: Open AI Chief Scientist Ilya Sutskever’s TED Talk on Artificial
Venturing Further into VentureTech
28/11/2023 Duração: 41minMore highlights from the VentureTech conference: Penny Finance founder Crissi Cole on her startup’s “women-first” approach to financial planning, QCash CEO Seth Brickman on getting an offer his CUSO couldn’t refuse, and Vertice AI co-founder Mitch Rutledge on collaborating with Wellby Financial’s Richard Sowell to fuel member engagement. Links related to this episode: Penny Finance: QCash: Vertice AI: Wellby Financial: Launch Party winner Peacefully: VentureTech: Join us for the next LIVE CU Town Hall Wednesday November 29 at 3pm ET/ Noon PT as we revisit the most impactful fintech/credit union events during BIG’s first ten years. It’s free to all, but advance registration is required: (Use the same link for a replay after December 1).
A Fintech Thanksgiving 2023
20/11/2023 Duração: 44minContinuing our annual BIGCast tradition, John and Glen are joined by Anne Legg and John Janclaes for a roundtable discussion of the credit union and fintech developments they’re most thankful for. Also- a quick look back at the Best Innovation Group’s first ten years. Links related to this episode: THRIVE Strategic Services: Nymbus CUSO: Join our next CU Town Hall on Wednesday, November 29th at 3pm ET/Noon PT, when we’ll be recounting the major fintech developments of the past ten years. We’ll also hold John to account for his A Digital Day in 2025 predictions made in…2015! Attendance is free, but advance registration is required: “Blood in the Machine: Origins of the Rebellion Against Big Tech”: VentureTech: Follow the Best Innovation Group on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.c
Youth Will Be Served (that’s the goal…)
14/11/2023 Duração: 40minJust back from last week’s VentureTech conference, Glen has interviews with a trio of founders from standout startups: Sparrow’s Harrison Hochman, Debbie’s Rachel Lauren, and Legal Karma’s Kory Kelly. Also- the PSCU/Co-Op merger, and the relentless pursuit of deposits and the elusive Generation Z. Links related to this episode: Sparrow: Debbie: Legal Karma: CU Today’s coverage of the PSCU/Co-Op Merger: VentureTech: Glen’s History of Money 20/20 in Three T-Shirts: Follow the Best Innovation Group on LinkedIn: Connect with Glen on LinkedIn or X (@154Advisors) Connect with John on LinkedIn or X (@jbfintech)
A Wizard, a Centaur and a Regulator Walk into a Conference...
07/11/2023 Duração: 38minIn Part 2 of our Money 20/20 coverage, Glen speaks with Guppy CEO (and Money 20/20 Wizard!) Sanjib Kalita about how Unicorns have given way to the Age of Centaurs. MSUFCU’s Ami Iceman and Prizeout founder David Metz discuss an adtech solution that leaves everyone better off, and Glen recaps other key takeaways from Vegas. Links related to this episode: Glen’s Money 20/20 coverage at Money 20/20’s white paper on the Age of Centaurs: Sanjib Kalita’s startup Guppy: Prizeout: Reseda Group: MSUFCU: The CFPB’s proposed Section 1033 rule on Personal Financial Data Rights: Details on the approved C
The Old Fintech Can’t Come to the Phone Right Now….
31/10/2023 Duração: 43minGlen shares highlights from an even more rousing than usual Money 20/20, including Silicon Valley Bank’s Chief Product Officer Gagan Kanjlia on a bold branding decision, Cushion Founder Paul Kesserwani on BNPL’s awkward evolution, and Twentyfold’s William Mellis on a new fintech research platform. Also- Debit’s demolition derby and the Points Guy feels the heat. Links related to this episode: Silicon Valley Bank: Cushion: Twentyfold: Money 20/20: McKinsey’s Digital Consumer Payments Survey: Check Out FIVEGPT, the new collaboration between the Best Innovation Group and Bonifi: Plus, the latest BIG Blog: Hold onto Your Wallets- Debi