Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques



Answers to the most common and uncommon questions about tapping and EFT


  • Pod #34: Using NLP Logical Levels w/ Wil Horton

    06/05/2010 Duração: 50min

    In a number of Gary Craig's original EFT DVDs he talked about how helpful knowing and understanding NLP concepts are.  I can speak from my own experience at how valuable these principles, concepts, and techniques are when working with clients or doing self-work.  In this pod I interview the National Foundation Of Neuro Linguistic Programming founder Dr. Wil Horton.  In this interview we talk about the different logical levels of change.  When we recognize all of the different levels in which change can happen at it can speed the healing process as well as identify the places we need to do extra work.

  • Pod #33: Two Keys To A Thriving Practice w/ Carol Look

    26/04/2010 Duração: 39min

    As time passes I am increasingly working with clients on building their own practices.  There is a real feeling of "try it on everything" in the Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping community but as we move from helping our friends with headaches and cravings for chocolate to working with clients, we need more than just a willing spirit.  In this interview EFT Master Carol Look speaks frankly about two key issues to keep in mind when you are starting a practice.

  • Pod #32: Questions and Answers About Tapping

    16/04/2010 Duração: 37min

    This week Gene answered: Have been tapping for an issue that has been with me for a while.  I am making great progress, but when I tap all sorts of thoughts, memories, and emotions come to mind.  All of this information is overwhelming.  What do I do with it all? I am new to Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping.  Should I be saying the phrases out loud or is it okey to say them in my head?  To be honest I feel a little silly saying them out loud. I had a client come in for a issue that they were sure they knew the root cause of, but when they tuned in to the past memory that was causing this issue there is no emotional charge.  What should I do? I have a client who has been diagnosed with clinical depression.  Where should I start? How do you deal with naysayers? Do we need to tap every issue down to 0? I have been dealing with the emotions of a break-up for months now and feel like I have tried everything.  As some one who deal with this a lot I am hoping you have a trick I haven't tried.  What should

  • Pod #31: Using NLP with Tapping

    29/03/2010 Duração: 42min

    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful tool and can help you to understand where you are standing and help you to make choices to transform your life. NLP and EFT/Tapping are a match made in heaven. More than likely you are already using NLP techniques and don’t even know it.  

  • Pod #30: Keys For Marketing Mastery w/ Pamela Bruner

    19/03/2010 Duração: 50min

    Most of us who have private practices or want private practices want to spend our time helping our clients.  We don't want to spend time marketing.  Not because we don't think marketing is important, but because we aren't very good at it or even worse it is scary.  In this podcast I talk to Pamela Bruner and we discover that not only do you need to be marketing for your own sake, but for your clients’ sake.  We talk about the unique challenges that transformational entrepreneurs face in marketing their products and services.  This is a must listen to if you have or would like your own practice.

  • Pod #29: Turning Your Issues Into Allies In 9 Easy Steps

    10/03/2010 Duração: 01h07min

    One of the most powerful insights I have had in my practice in the last 18 months was the recognition that every issue we have is trying to serve us in some way.  This does not mean that issue is successful in doing so, in fact often the effect of the issue is to make our life worse rather than better.   In podcast I explain an easy 9 step process you can use with Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping to transform your issues into powerful resources for growth.

  • Pod #28: It’s Not Surrogate But It Helps Others To Make Different Choices

    26/02/2010 Duração: 28min

    I often receive questions about how to tap in order to change someone else’s behavior. There are some very specific implementations of surrogate Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping, such as in the work I do with autistic children and their parents. But it is not as simple as tapping to change other people’s choices. We can't tap to change someone else’s free will, but we can tap to create an environment where others have a chance to make new and better choices. In this podcast I explain three ways in which we can help others to make different choices: by working on our own emotions, making others feel loved and safe, and by not bringing our own issues to the table.

  • Pod #27: EFT For Your Professional Life w/ Pamela Bruner

    01/02/2010 Duração: 36min

    We spend up to one half of our waking hours at work.  Not only is it important that we have an effective way of dealing with the stress of our jobs, but we also need to help manage the way this stress might affect the rest of our lives.  In this interview with Pamela Bruner we talk about how we can use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)/tapping to deal with workplace stress, how to use tapping to improve our performance at work, and how to keep work stress from creeping into other parts of our lives.  

  • Pod #26: Weight and Emotion w/ Catherine Poole

    25/01/2010 Duração: 35min

    [Note: This is part 3 of a 10 part series on using EFT/Tapping for weight release with a new article or podcast being added every 10 days. The complete series can be found @ weight release series.] The extra weight that we hold is often times associated with and symptoms of deeper emotional issues. In this interview Catherine Poole talks about what emotions are most often associated with the different problems areas of weight gain. Once we are able to understand the emotional roots of the weight we are carrying it becomes easier for us to release both the emotional wound as well at the physical weight.

  • Pod #25: Psychological Reversal w/ Gwenn Bonnell

    18/01/2010 Duração: 36min

    One of the most often used terms and at the same time most misunderstood term used by people in the Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping community is "psychological reversal". In this interview, in easy to understand language, Gwenn Bonnell describes what PR is, what is symptoms are, and many techniques for clearing it. [Note: Out of all of the interview I have done in the last year this is the one I personally learned the most from.]

  • Pod #24: Fear, Anxiety, Safety, and Freedom w/ Rick Wilkes

    09/01/2010 Duração: 38min

    Writing a description of an interview with Rick Wilkes is always a difficult task. On the surface there is the topic at hand for the interview, but when we are chatting things move more much far afield into deep issues of healing and well-being than just the topic at hand. In this interview we talk about the spectrum from feeling completely and irrationally unsafe to complete and total inanition. Anytime there is resistance to change it is really important to ask "Do we feel safe making this change?" In the interview we talk about a number of ways of framing this question to make is more accessible for every issue. In addition to talk about extreme fears and uncomfortable situation we talk about finding space that is safe to heal and what true healing means. This is not just about eliminating fear, but being in a space of feeling alive in every way.

  • Pod #23: Getting To The Root Of A Current Issue w/ Tania A Prince

    31/12/2009 Duração: 28min

    One of the most difficult parts of using Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping effectively is in trying to figure out the root cause of the emotions we are currently feeling. Although we can often guess that a past event might be relevant it is difficult to be certain. In this podcast Tania Prince explains part of the process she calls Deep State RePatterning which can safely give us access to information about a past event held in the subconscious mind, allowing us the opportunity to do transformational work with that information.

  • Pod #22: Tapping Insiders Club – Ask The Expert

    23/12/2009 Duração: 49min

    Each month the Tapping Insiders Club does an "Ask The Expert" interview where they pose questions from their members to a tapping practitioner. For the month of December I was asked to field these questions. In this interview Jessica Ortner asks me questions from total tapping beginners to questions from practitioners.

  • Pod #21: Zapping Cravings w/ Pat Carrington

    09/12/2009 Duração: 32min

    One of the most common uses of tapping is weight release and craving control. In this interview Pat talks about the basic steps we need to take to be success in weight release. After giving this overview Pat talks emotional eating and then talks in very specific term about the mindless eating we do and how we can use tapping to deal with the craving eating and the habitual eat (e.g. eating every time we watch tv).

  • Pod #19: Color, Emotions, and the Holidays with Catherine Poole

    22/11/2009 Duração: 26min

    Holidays are very busy emotional times. The last 10 weeks of the year are jam packed with holidays, each with their own special meaning and traditions. Each holiday also has its own color palette. From the oranges of Halloween to the reds and greens of Christmas, these color haven't happened by accident, but also carry the meaning of the holiday. In this podcast I talk to "The Queen of Color"™ Catherine Poole about what each color means emotionally and how by being aware of this we can keep our over eating and over spending in check while being open to the love and connection of the holiday. This is not one of our more traditional podcasts where we talk strictly tapping, but instead we are sharing tools that will help you to be more keenly aware of how the holidays affect you emotionally. By being aware of what is going on in your emotions you will be well equipped to tap your way through the holiday season.

  • Pod #18: Work Related Stress Effects On Performance, Health, & Emotional Well Being w/ Lynne Shaner

    17/11/2009 Duração: 30min

    We spend as much as half of our waking life at work, thinking about work, or commuting. In this podcast I talk to Lynne Shaner about why it is so important to deal with work related stress. We talk about a range of topics concerning work related stress and the easy ways in which we can use Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping to deal with it both at our workplace and at home after our working day.

  • Pod #17: Bridging From Physical Feelings To The Emotion and Memories That Are Underneath

    29/10/2009 Duração: 20min

    In this podcast I share part of a client session around the issue of quitting smoking. Even if you are not a smoker you will find this helpful and informative. This session provides a number of clear examples of how we can make the connection from a physiological feeling, in this case the desire to smoke a cigarette, to thoughts and memories from the past. There are three main takeaways from this audio that are applicable to any tapping situation: how to move from physical to emotional issues how cleaning up one emotion related to a symptom can uncover more emotions tied to the same symptom how the symptoms can return as we tune into new emotions, showing us that there is still more work to be done

  • Pod #16: EFT and the Brain w/ Robert Kendall

    15/09/2009 Duração: 27min

    In this episode we discuss how tapping affects the brain and the biochemistry of the body, and how this in turn affects the way new cells are produced. It is one thing to know that it is possible for us to tap and find relief, but it something completely different to understand what is going on inside the body. This understanding allows us to do two things: first, it can help us to tailor our tapping effectively in order to get the most out of the tapping session. Second, it helps us to understand the way the body changes so we can more clearly track our progress and maintain realistic expectations of how the healing process will unfold.

  • Bonus Pod #2: How A Parent Can Tap For Their Child

    29/08/2009 Duração: 10min

    I am asked all the time by parents about how they can surrogately tap for their children. There is a great deal of confusion around what to say and what to focus on. Like all things with tapping the key is not in the words you use but where you place your focus. In this podcast I share with you a real tapping session in which I worked with a parent who they wanted to tap for their child's struggle with and hatred of math. In this pod you will only hear my voice. I have edited out the parent’s voice. I was also given permission by the parent to share this audio with you.

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