Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques



Answers to the most common and uncommon questions about tapping and EFT


  • Bonus Pod #20: The Round-Up

    03/04/2011 Duração: 18min

    Back in the fall I asked 10 practitioners that I admire and respect to answer 5 questions about the healing process, the healing journey, and their work with clients. The questions I asked them were: What lessons have you learned about healing from a client? What is something you have changed your mind about when it comes to healing, working with clients, or your own transformation process? If you were to start your own healing journey over again what would you do differently? What is one thing you wish your clients believed about themselves? What is one thing you wish your clients believed about healing process? You can check out their answers in the Round Up Archive Let me know your answers in the comment section below.

  • Pod #57: Tools v Delivery, Clearing Resistance, Finding Roots Cause, and Worry v Fear

    30/03/2011 Duração: 46min

    This is a slightly different type of podcast. Instead of a straightforward teaching or an interview it is much more a conversation. The topic of the conversation with my friend Jondi Whitis where we talk about using tapping protocols and how we find our ways to core issues. Techniques/Tools v Art of Delivery Simple v Complex Stories about how we chance and how that effects how we chance How we find our ways the right tapping phrases Resistance and the absence of resistance The eraser in my pocket How do we find the core issues better How to get clients to find more information about the issues The power of shutting up and listening (aka the comfortable silence) Choosing the issue to start with Worry v Fear How to talk about issues (esp. with kids)

  • Pod #56: Ritual, Daily Routine, And Find Peace w/ Jesse Jacobs

    23/03/2011 Duração: 34min

    Today's podcast is an interview with Jesse Jacobs and is little different. I first heard Jesse interviewed by Dan Benjamin on the business show "The Pipeline". Dan was interviewing Jesse about the tea house that he runs in San Francisco. What caught my attention was the last five minutes of the interview in which he started to talk about his use of the power of ritual in creating work that he loves and a life that nourishes him. In this interview we spend a little time talking about how he moved from being a techie to creating a space where people could relax, be at peace, and make real connections with others. The bulk of the interview is spent talking about this idea of ritual, its power, how it can ground us, and how we can add daily ritual to our lives. I find this interview helpful in two ways. First, it opened my eyes to the power of being in the moment (especially when it comes to all the senses). Second, we look at how we can create a daily ritual (like tapping) to create grounding for our day

  • Pod #55: Cravings, Savoring Food, and 3 Steps To Approach Every Problem

    26/02/2011 Duração: 50min

    This is a slightly different type of podcast. Instead of a straightforward teaching or an interview it is much more a conversation. The topic of the conversation with my friend Sue is cravings, eating, and weight release. Because of the nature of conversation we touch on many other things. We talk about: Reasons people have cravings Becoming the observer of our self How to be able to tap when something is happening, not just after the fact Why treat your inner voice like a 5 year old The difference between craving and savoring (lessons in conscious choice) What we can learn (and not learn) from "What Not To Wear" The balance between losing ourselves in our goals and total apathy Why it is good that we struggle with how we look Degrees of pain Trading one craving for another (changing habits v healing wounds) 3 steps to approach every problem

  • Pod #53: Fibromyalgia w/ Rue Hass

    16/02/2011 Duração: 43min

    According to U.S. National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health Fibromyalgia is: a common syndrome in which people experience long-term, body-wide pain and tender points in joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues. Fibromyalgia has also been linked to fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, depression, anxiety, and other symptoms. The cause of this disorder is unknown. Although none have been well proven, possible causes or triggers of fibromyalgia include: Physical or emotional trauma An abnormal pain response. Areas in the brain that are responsible for pain may react differently in fibromyalgia patients. Sleep disturbances, which are common in fibromyalgia patients. An infectious microbe, such as a virus. At this point, no such virus or microbe has been identified. The following conditions may be seen with fibromyalgia or mimic its symptoms: Chronic neck or back pain Chronic fatigue syndrome Depression Hypothyroidism Lyme disease Sleep disorders More and more I am seeing clients

  • Pod #52: Self-Compassion w/ Rod Sherwin

    02/02/2011 Duração: 27min

    When I approached my friend and fellow practitioner Rod Sherwin about what topic he wanted to talk about in a podcast interview he recommended a conversation about self-compassion. At the time of the interview I was unfamiliar with the word. Self-compassion is in stark contrast to self-esteem. It is all about seeing yourself in the same way as you see others. Often we are supportive and understanding when others fail, but when we fail we are very hard on ourselves. Self-compassion is about being able to extend that same love and understanding towards ourselves. In this interview we explore self-compassion in depth and practical ways in which we can incorporate it into our daily lives and our daily tapping.

  • Pod #51: Money and Financial Success w/ Margaret M. Lynch

    09/01/2011 Duração: 48min

    There are few things more emotionally charged than money. Often one of the reasons we talk in terms of abundance and success is because we don't even want to say "I want money" or "I want cash" out loud. In this pragmatic interview with Margaret Lynch shares the four areas of money that we can tune into and start clearing issues right away.

  • Pod #50: Business, Work, Stress and Trauma w/ Rick Wilkes

    21/12/2010 Duração: 36min

    We spend a great number of our waking hours at work. Not only do our working hours consume our time but also our emotions and our energy. In this interview with Rick Wilkes we talk about how stress and trauma in our personal and professional lives can affect our ability to be healthy and successful in our work. We talk about ways of discovering how these past traumas are impacting us now and how we can use tapping to clear them, enabling us to be more present in the moment.

  • Pod #49: Being Full Present In The Moment w/ Ted Robinson

    07/12/2010 Duração: 34min

    One of the biggest challenges of the modern world is being fully present in the moment. Our attention seems constantly to be pulled in a million directions between the media we consume (even if it is just constantly chattering in the background), our loved ones, all the tasks that need to be done during the day, and everything we would like to achieve for our own growth. Being present in this moment is very challenging. In this interview with Ted Robinson we talk about how being present in the moment can benefit us and how we can use tapping to help us to achieve this state.

  • Pod #48: EFT For Physical Issues w/ Carol Look

    29/11/2010 Duração: 33min

    Tapping is great for physical pain and physical issues. When most people are introduced to tapping they learn to deal with pain by tapping on "this pain in my knee...this pain in my knee...this pain in my knee". In this interview with Carol Look we examine more advanced ways to look at the emotions associated with physical pain and how in many cases when we deal with the emotional issues we find our way to physical relief.

  • Pod #47: Adding Creative Imagination To Tapping w/ Betty Moore-Hafter

    20/11/2010 Duração: 31min

    One of the things I love about Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is how flexible the tool set is. Not only is it a great stand-alone tool, but it is something that can be used with lots of other tools. In this interview I talk with Betty Moore-Hafter about the lessons she has learned from other tool sets and how you can easily add them into your own tapping. This is easy stuff that anyone can do.

  • Pod #46: EFT Inner RePatterning w/ Tania A. Prince

    15/11/2010 Duração: 29min

    One of the biggest hang-ups my clients have when tapping on their own is knowing what tune into and how to find past memories or core issues. Tania A Prince has developed a very easy process that only requires the person who is doing Emotional Freedom Techniques to tune into how they know they have the issue. It is really that easy. In this interview Tania explains EFT Inner RePatterning and how to do it.

  • Pod #45: Three Step Approach To Surrogate Tapping w/ Gwyneth Moss

    24/10/2010 Duração: 39min

    One of the questions I get the most often into the site is about surrogate tapping. In this interview Gwyneth explains how she came to understand the power of surrogate tapping and a very elegant three step approach that anyone can do any time. Over the course of the interview we talk about surrogate tapping for animals as well as people. We even spend a little time talking about if we need to get permission to tap surrogately for someone else.

  • Pod #44: Interviewing, Being Interviewed and Lessons Learned w/ Jessica Ortner

    11/10/2010 Duração: 33min

    Over the past few years I have been lucky enough to get to know Jessica Ortner through a number of projects. She just has a wonderful, joyful spirit. I asked Jessica if she would be willing to be interviewed for the podcast and she was initially a little bit hesitant as she is very good at doing interviews, but being interviewed isn't something she is used to. We talked about how to do interviews and how to do a good job as an interviewee. My favorite part of our talk was exploring some of the lessons and wisdom Jessica has learned from all the great people she has has the opportunity to interview.

  • Pod #43: Getting Out Of Your Own Way

    02/10/2010 Duração: 20min

    Most of the time the problem isn't knowing what we want. Usually the problem is taking the steps that we know we should take to move forward. In these cases there are fears and limiting beliefs that are preventing us from moving forward. In this podcast I share with you a simple 10 step process that will help to uncover the fears and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from having what you want in your life. When you ask these 10 questions your limiting beliefs will quickly present themselves and give you the opportunity to tap them away. For more information on a comprehensive way to use these 10 questions check out 10 Steps To Getting Out Of Your Own Way

  • Pod #42: Carrying Burdens For Others and Generational Work

    22/09/2010 Duração: 22min

    Carrying an emotional burden for someone else is a very high act of love, but it can have consequences for our own emotions and health.  In this episode we look at how and why we carry burdens for others and past generations, and how we can use Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)/tapping to release these burdens.

  • Pod #41: Power of Forgiveness

    24/08/2010 Duração: 24min

    One of the most powerful tools in transformation is our ability to forgive ourselves and others.  When we forgive we are not saying it is ok.  We are not saying we want to have the same thing happen again.  What we are saying is that we are choosing no longer to be emotionally entangled in the past.  Forgiveness is one of the steps of moving from reliving to remembering.   In this show we will explore the power of forgiveness and how we can use tapping to make forgiveness of others and ourselves an important part of our transformation.   

  • Pod #40: Questions and Answers About Tapping

    23/08/2010 Duração: 39min

    Gene host's a radio program every other Tuesday @ Emotional Freedom Techniques Community Radio. In the most recent show Gene answered questions from beginners and practitioners alike from all over the world. On this show Gene tackles for bigger questions This week Gene answered: Should I be working with a practitioner and how do I choose one? I have seen some other tapping protocols that don't use the same points that are taught in the EFT manual. Is it okey if I use other tapping points or will this mess things up? I have heard you talk about in the past that you don't trust what a client says about their issue? What do you mean by this and with this in mind how do you work? I want to quit smoking. I tap on "Even though I am a smoke I love and accept myself" This makes me feel a little less stressed about quitting smoking, but I still smoke as much as ever. What can I do?

  • Pod #39: Questions and Answer

    01/07/2010 Duração: 27min

    This week Gene answered: I would like to know is why I just get temporaries results with EFT and tapping ?? and Why I don´t get good results with, self esteem ,fear of rejection, people speaking, failure, procrastination and discipline? I want to tap everyday, but for some reason it doesn't happen. How can I make sure I tap every day? As I do more work I am becoming more and more aware of my inner thoughts. One level this is good because I can see the areas of my life that I want to change, but in other ways it feels bad because I am always noticing it. Is there a way that I can keep from feeling so over whlemed about the amount of work i need to do? Do I have to be seated while tapping or can I do it laying down? My husband and I are having trouble conceiving a child. Can tapping help? I am having a hard time coming up with phrases. Are there any tricks I can use?

  • Pod #38: EFT/Tapping, Religious Traditions, and Spiritual Practice

    19/06/2010 Duração: 01h01min

    One of the conversations I have most often around Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT)/tapping is how it relates to religious traditions and spiritual practice. The questions range from, “Is it OK to tap based on my religion/belief system?” to “Can tapping help my spiritual practice?” I was interviewed by TapFest host Jondi Whitis and Co-Host Lillian Fimbres on EFT Radio and here is our complete conversation on the subject.

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