Taylor Marshall Catholic Show



Do you have a life full of Christian joy? Jesus said, I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. Join us every week as Dr. Taylor Marshall provides tips and lessons on how to have a life full of meaning, hope, and encouragement through the message of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Marshall draws from the Bible, the Church Fathers, and Medieval Philosophy to provide a podcast that is full of energy and information. He blogs at www.TaylorMarshall.com.


  • #020: When Prayer Becomes a Chore [Podcast]

    15/01/2014 Duração: 35min

    I talk a lot about Mental Prayer, but personally I get bogged down and often it feels like a chore. A reader named Alex wrote me about when “prayer feels like a chore.” I can relate. Trust me. In today’s podcast, I talk about my own struggles and give three suggestions to overcome the idea that prayer is a chore – something to merely check off the list. Also, due to the overwhelming response – the old intro music is back! I also talk about Saint Alexander and the death of the heretic Arius who died on the toilet (as depicted in the image below). You won’t want to miss that story. It’s in this podcast’s “Saint of the Week” feature. Click to Listen: When Prayer Becomes a Chore If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. [Visit the Taylor Marshall Podcast ARCHIVE to explore other topics by clicking here for podcast archives.] Proverb of the Week: Prov 15:29 Tip of the Week: email subscriptions to blogs Saint of the Week: St Alexander of Constantinople (and the d

  • #019: 12 Attributes of a Baptized Christian [Podcast]

    08/01/2014 Duração: 38min

    Last week we looked a “bitter Catholics” so this week are reminding ourselves of the great spiritual identity and dignity that we have in Christ. We go through 12 profound attributes of the Christian given by God to us in Christ. Saint Paul is our guide as he leads us through his Epistle of Romans with reminders that we are “more than conquerors.” I also tried out a new podcast theme song. Leave me a comment below about whether you like the change. Your 12 Attributes as a Baptized Christian Print these out and put them in your Bible. Use them when you feel discouraged or defeated. The theology of Saint Paul is “become what you already are in Christ.” 1. In Christ I reign in life (Rom. 5:17). 2. In Christ I walk in newness of life (Rom. 6:4). 3. In Christ I am alive unto God (Rom. 6:11). 4. In Christ I bring forth fruits unto God (Rom. 7:4). 5. In Christ I have no condemnation (Rom. 8:1). 6. In Christ I have been made free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2). 7. In Christ I live by the law of the Spi

  • Taylor’s Goals for 2014

    01/01/2014 Duração: 38min

    Here are my goals for 2014. I place them in a hierarchy. You may be shocked that I place myself (mind and body) before my wife and my children. This is counter-intuitive, but I have learned (the hard way) that if I am sick/tired/depressed/frustrated/discouraged I cannot serve my wife and children. Most books about goal-making will encourage you to do the same. I think it comes down to Mark 12:30-31: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. This is the first commandment. And the second is like to it: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than these. Notice that God is first. Then notice that you must love your neighbor as yourself. This implies that care is taken for self so that you can care for others. If I eat poorly, sleep only 2 hours, gain 15 pounds of fat for the sake of helping people, I’m going to be a wreck – they probably won’t want my help! So it’s impor

  • #018: A Podcast Against Bitter Catholics! [Podcast]

    30/12/2013 Duração: 38min

    I’ve been a bitter Catholic, in the past and I don’t want to be one anymore. Are you a “bitter Catholic”? Find out why you might be one and how you can overcome it in this week’s podcast. I share personal stories and also give some advice for getting closure with 2013 before making goals for 2014. Click to Listen: A Podcast Against Bitter Catholics! If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. [Visit the Taylor Marshall Podcast ARCHIVE to explore other topics by clicking here.] 1) Proverb of the Week: Prov 14:10 2) Tip of the Week: Get closure with last year before you make goals for next year. 3) Featured Segment: Against Bitter Catholics 4) Latin Word of the Week: amaritudo Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 42,887 downloads! Please click here for an easy way to leave a question. A huge “THANK YOU” to all 142 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. If you’re new, you can rate this podcast by cli

  • #017: Mary’s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained [Podcast]

    18/12/2013 Duração: 24min

    Do you believed that Mary experienced a painless delivery of Christ? Did you know that the Catholic Church officially teaches that Mary experienced no pain in giving birth to our Lord Jesus Christ on Christmas? Find out more in today’s podcast, plus get your Tip of the week, Proverb of the week, and Latin word of the week. Click to Listen: Mary’s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. [Visit the Taylor Marshall Podcast ARCHIVE to explore other topics by clicking here.] 1) Proverb of the Week: Prov 14:23 2) Tip of the Week: Batching 3) Featured Segment: Mary’s Painless Delivery of Christ Explained Recommended book: 4) Latin Word of the Week: comprehensio Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 38,636 downloads! Please click here for an easy way to leave a question. A huge “THANK YOU” to all 91 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. If you’re new, you can ra

  • #016: Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Luke (Plus How to Set Goals) [Podcast]

    11/12/2013 Duração: 38min

    Do you have a hard time keeping your New Year’s Resolutions? If so, this week’s podcast is just for you. Plus we look at the Backstory of the Our Lady of Guadalupe – going all the way back to Saint Luke the Evangelist. Click to Listen: Our Lady of Guadalupe If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. [Visit the Taylor Marshall Podcast ARCHIVE to explore other topics by clicking here.] 1) Proverb of the Week: Prov 13:12 2) Tip of the Week: Secret to Setting Goals that Stick 3) Featured Segment: Our Lady of Guadalupe Recommended book: Paul Badde’s Maria of Guadalupe: 4) Latin Word of the Week: domina Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 32,001 downloads! Please click here for an easy way to leave a question. A huge “THANK YOU” to all 90 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. If you’re new, you can rate this podcast by clicking here and then “View in iTunes.” From there you can leave a review. I a

  • Our Lady of the Seven Veils (St Alphonsus and St Pio)

    05/12/2013 Duração: 31min

    In the Cathedral of Foggia one can find an ancient and mysterious image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This icon, called “Our Lady of the Seven Veils,” once caused Saint Alphonsus to go into ecstasy, which I will describe below. As a young priest, St Pio of Pietreclina would make a visit to this image every day. I’ve read about the image, but knew nothing about it. I did some research and here is what I found. Madonna of the Seven Veils, Foggia In the eleventh century Foggia, Italy was a tiny town perched around the Tavern of the Owl. One day some local farmers saw three flames over a small pond or bog. Intrigued, they dug where the miraculous fire had been and discovered a large “table” buried in the mud. They realized that this “table” was actually a Byzantine icon that had remained somewhat preserved despite being soaked in water and mud. The image was cleaned and then cloaked with new veils. I assume there were seven veils and hence the name, but I cannot verify this. The icon was then placed in the loca

  • #015: Total Consecration to Mary [Podcast]

    04/12/2013 Duração: 31min

    Have you every done the Total Consecration to Mary? Our Lord Jesus Christ came from eternity and entered into time through the Blessed Virgin Mary. He has ordained that we can best know Him in that same order. Mary leads us to Jesus. As Mary herself says in St John’s Gospel, “Do whatever he tells you to do. Have you ever considered doing the 33 day consecration? If not, then this is the podcast for you. And not only are we going to talk about consecration, each week in December we’ll introduce an approved Marian apparition or devotion that you may not have heard of. This week it’s Our Lady of the Seven Veils Click to Listen: “Total Consecration to Mary If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 25:17 2) Tip of the Week: David Allen’s book Getting Things Done: Apparition of the Week: This week it’s Our Lady of the Seven Veils 3) Featured Segment: Total Consecration to Mary Calendar for Planning the Total Consecration

  • #014: What’s Your Apostolate? [Podcast]

    27/11/2013 Duração: 27min

    My goal today is to challenge you to simplify your life and ask you 5 questions to help you discover your apostolate. Our Lord Jesus Christ made you for a specific purpose. You are here to fulfill a special apostolate that He has designed just for you! So we will look at 5 questions to help figure out if you’re on the right path. We’ll also take a look at how to simplify your life and the apostolate of Saint Lawrence of Brindisi. Click to Listen: “5 Questions to Discover Your Apostolate” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 24:16 2) Tip of the Week: Close the “tabs” of your brain Saint of the Week: The apostolate of Saint Lawrence of Brindisi 3) Featured Segment: 5 Questions to Discover Your Apostolate 4) Latin Word of the Week: simplex Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 28,999 downloads! Please click here for an easy way to leave a question. A huge “THANK YOU” to all 81 (!)

  • #013: 6 Items for the Liturgy of Your Life [Podcast]

    20/11/2013 Duração: 26min

    Everyone of us is living a liturgy – a pattern of devotion. Today we are going to look at a very basic and simple way that you can create daily rhythm of prayer and love for God throughout the day. This will become your liturgy of life. I’ll share 6 ways you can punctuate your day with the supernatural so that you can have more joy, a better apostolate, a happier family, and most importantly, stay near to our Lord Jesus Christ. We’ll also take a look at the death of Saint Edmund the King: Click to Listen: “6 Items for the Liturgy of Your Life” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 11:22 2) Tip of the Week: Use a digital calendar Saint of the Week: The death of Saint Edmund the King 3) Featured Segment: 6 Items for the Liturgy of Your Life 4) Latin Word of the Week: porcus Record a Question for Taylor! It’s easy. If you would like to ask me a question and have it featured on the weekly podcast, please click here for a

  • #012: Why You Should Be More Creative [Podcast]

    13/11/2013 Duração: 25min

    Have you ever wanted to write a novel? Maybe in the hustle of life you gave up painting pictures, playing the guitar, or writing a screenplay. Do you want to start a charity. Why don’t you? The theology of being creative. God is a creator and He delights in His children being creative. I’m going to give you a three step process on how you can overcome the resistance in your life and release your creative powers. Click to Listen: “Why You Should Be More Creative” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 30:8-9 2) Tip of the Week: Start Sweating. Flush your body and oxygenate your brain! Beta Test: Saint of the Week: Here’s the robot of Saint Didacus that I talked about in today’s podcast: If you can’t see this video in your RSS reader or email, then click here. 3) Featured Segment: 3 Steps to Being More Creative 4) Latin Word of the Week: creare Record a Question for Taylor! It’s easy. If you would like to ask me a quest

  • #011: Why Did They Stop Teaching Virtue? [Podcast]

    06/11/2013 Duração: 32min

    My goal today is to challenge you to rethink what you know about Virtue. If you grew up in the last 50 years, you probably weren’t taught much. It’s not your fault. Today we’re going to explain what a virtue is and why “virtue ethics” are the only way to go. Click to Listen: “Why Did They Stop Teaching Virtue?” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 21:20 2) Tip of the Week: Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean-Pierre de Caussade (Author) 3) Featured Segment: Why Did They Stop Teaching Virtue? 4) Latin Word of the Week: providentia Record a Question for Taylor! It’s easy. If you would like to ask me a question and have it featured on the weekly podcast, please click here for an easy way to leave a question. Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 14,442 downloads! A huge “THANK YOU” to all 64 (!) of you who wrote amazing 5-star reviews at iTunes. Y’all are the ones that pushed

  • #010: How Do Saints Hear Our Prayers? [Podcast]

    30/10/2013 Duração: 24min

    You lost your keys. You’re late for work. You have a big meeting. The boss is waiting on you. You ask Saint Anthony to help you find your keys…quick! But how does Saint Anthony even hear you from heaven? Today we look at the theology behind how saints in heaven can see your prayer requests (are enabled by God to help) through their mystical vision of God. How do they in heaven, hear you on earth? Click to Listen: “How Do Saints Hear Our Prayers” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 3:5-6 2) Tip of the Week:  Making a one year goal and subdividing it into 12 one month goals. 3) Featured Segment: How Do Saints Hear Our Prayers 4) Latin Word of the Week: hostia: sacrificial victim Record a Question for Taylor! It’s easy. If you would like to ask me a question and have it featured on the weekly podcast, please click here for an easy way to leave a question. Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on

  • #009: My Opinion of Martin Luther [Podcast]

    23/10/2013 Duração: 30min

    My opinion of “Father” Martin Luther. Every October 31 is the anniversary of Martin Luther’s Great Protest against the Catholic Church. Find out what I really think of him in today’s podcast. Martin Luther? Thumbs up or down? Find out in today’s podcast. Click to Listen: “My Opinion on Martin Luther” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 12:17 2) Tip of the Week:  Decide what you do not do. 3) Featured Segment: “My Opinion of Martin Luther 4) Latin Word of the Week: hæresis from Greek hairesis ”a taking or choosing, a choice.” We get the word “heresy” from it. Record a Question for Taylor! It’s easy. If you would like to ask me a question and have it featured on the weekly podcast, please click here for an easy way to leave a question. Please Share Your Feedback Our new podcast is still doing great on iTunes: 14,442 downloads! A huge “THANK YOU” to everyone who has written amazing 5-star reviews. Y’all are the ones

  • #008: My Top 5 Daily Prayers [Podcast]

    16/10/2013 Duração: 30min

    What if you could only do one daily devotional or prayer every day. Which would it be? In today’s episode I reveal what I think is the one single non-negotiable prayer/devotion and I share four more. These are my Top Five daily prayers/devotions. Which is the top devotion? Blessed John Paul 2 practiced it daily. Find out in today’s podcast. Click to Listen: “My Top 5 Daily Prayers” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 16:16 2) Tip of the Week:  Plan for diversions. Don’t let them just happen and get you off track. Realize the need for diversion and plan for it. We all need a break here and there. A little fun to relax the mind. 3) Featured Segment: “My Top 5 Daily Prayers” Source from Mark’s question on “Bread of Angels” Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologiae, III, q. 80, a. 2, ad 1 Reply to Objection 1. The receiving of Christ under this sacrament is ordained to the enjoyment of heaven, as to its end, in the same way as the ang

  • #007: Your Guardian Angel [Podcast]

    03/10/2013 Duração: 24min

    Your Guardian Angel has been with you since you were conceived in your mother’s womb. We should always revere these angelic beings and even ask their prayers. Today we discuss everything you need to know about your Guardian Angel and whether you’re allowed to name your Guardian angel. {The original blog post “You’re not allowed to Name Your Guardian Angel” was shared yesterday 3,674 times! I thought I had better record something more on it! Here it is.} Angel of God, my Guardian Dear Click to Listen: “Should You Name Your Guardian Angel?” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 17:12 2) Tip of the Week:  Don’t prioritize or overstuff your “critical task” list in your daily Molskine pocket journal. Here’s the link to the Moleskine notebook that I use and that I highly recommend to you. Here’s a photo of my tasks in my Moleskine journal for today: Here’s my “Critical Tasks” for today. It’s really this easy. This is ho

  • #006: How You Can Convert 7 Billion People [Podcast]

    25/09/2013 Duração: 33min

    The new podcast is doing well on iTunes. Gil Michelini sent me a message on Facebook telling me that I hit #1 on Apple’s iTunes for Podcasts in “New and Noteworthy” in “Christianity.” Pretty cool. A huge “THANK YOU” to everyone who has written amazing 5-star reviews. I just hit the record button and talk on the mic. My part is easy. Y’all are the ones that pushed it up to the top. I’m grateful to you all. Again, thank you so much. If you’d like to write a review, you do so by clicking here and then click “View in iTunes.” From there you can leave a review. I appreciate you for this! And here’s this week’s podcast… Islam has surpassed Catholicism as the biggest religion on earth? Why aren’t we fired up about this? Today we look at a simple strategy for converting 7.1 billion people to Christ. Yes, it’s possible. Listen the podcast to find out how you can be a part of it! This map shows the population distribution for Christianity on Planet Earth. Click to Listen: “How You Can Convert 7 Billion People”

  • #005: 3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings! [Podcast]

    18/09/2013 Duração: 32min

    Does your marriage sing? Is your marriage full of joy and lead you closer to Christ? If you would like three strategies on how to supernaturalize your marriage, then you’re going to love this week’s podcast episode! Click to Listen: “3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings!” If audio player does not show up in your email or browser, click here to listen. 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 20:5 2) Tip of the Week:  Fr Lascance’s book The Young Man’s Guide. 3) Featured Segment: “3 Strategies for a Marriage that Sings!” 4) Latin Word of the Week: educatio Leave a Question for Taylor! It’s fun and easy. If you would like to ask me a question and have it featured on the weekly podcast, please click here for an easy way to leave a question. I Want Your Feedback Also, if you enjoyed the podcast, please rate it on iTunes and write one thing you liked about it. Ratings and reviews help others find the podcast! Thank you. Please click here to rate our podcast on iTunes! Please Leave a Comment Question: Pl

  • #004: 4 Step Plan When Family Leave the Faith [Podcast]

    12/09/2013 Duração: 28min

    Do you have a friend or family member who has left the Faith? This is a painful predicament for most of us. How can we respond to this situation with charity and how can we draw them back to a loving relationship with Christ? This podcast sketches a “4 Step Game Plan” for bringing people back to the Faith. St Monica and the conversion of her son St Augustine Click to Listen “4 Step Plan When Family Leave the Faith” [If audio player does not show up in your email or browser,

  • #003: 5 Tools for Deep Daily Prayer Life [Podcast]

    04/09/2013 Duração: 31min

    Do you have a deep daily prayer life? Your soul is constantly interrupted by cell phones, texts, noise, and Facebook. I want to share five tips that will enable you have a deep time of prayer every day for the rest of your life. Listen to the podcast below to learn more. In the Q&A, listeners ask whether or not Abraham, Moses, and David were saints and whether we should reverence the Eucharist in Eastern Orthodox parishes. Interesting stuff! St Teresa of Avila, Master of Prayer Click to Listen “5 Tools for Deep Daily Prayer Life” 4 Part Outline of Episode #003 5 Tools for Deep Daily Prayer Life 1) Proverb of the Week: Proverbs 26:4-5 2) Tip of the Week:  It’s the amazing “TOP” principle: turn off the phone. 3) Featured Segment: 5 Tools for Deep Daily Prayer Life 4) Latin Word of the Week: bona fides Listener Questions Michelle asks about whether saints in the Old Testament are really Saints? Barbara asks about whether we should reverence the Eucharist when passing by Eastern Orthodox parishes. D

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