Find Your Dream Job: Insider Tips For Finding Work, Advancing Your Career, And Loving Your Job



Build a career that matters to you with job search strategies and career advice from Find Your Dream Job. Every week, we share insider secrets and job search tips on how to get a great job and develop a purposeful career. Looking for your first job, searching for direction in your career, or just need tools to find a job? Join Mac Prichard, the Mac's List team, and our expert guests every week for job search inspiration, empathy, and actionable advice to help you find work that matters! Find out more at


  • Ep. 044: How to Cope with a Job Loss with Marsha Warner

    20/07/2016 Duração: 31min

    A job loss due to layoffs or conflicting interests can be a shock to our system. A person may feel thrilled to be apart from their previous employer at first but a flood of emotions generally follows shortly after. Today’s guest, Career Coach Marsha Warner, shares tips and techniques to transform your first days of unemployment. If you find yourself in this situation Marsha advises: Don’t start to market yourself for a new position immediately. Take the necessary time to equalize your emotions. Just breathe. Be prepared to tell your story pragmatically and end it with a statement of moving forward. Friends and family can serve as a much-needed support system. Only after rectifying your emotions should you align yourself with possible new employers. Statistics from the Department of Labor anticipate each US worker will have six job changes from age 30 to age 55.  Understanding you may find yourself transitioning jobs more than once makes a good case for having a high-level, personal career plan. Takin

  • Ep. 043: How to Create Your Own Job Online, with Sean Ogle

    13/07/2016 Duração: 32min

    Do you want to work at home?  Thanks to the Internet, jobs that used to require you to sit in an office can now be done online.  Our guest expert this week, Sean Ogle, teaches people to a make a living online. Remote work opportunities can offer flexible or part-time schedules. And that can be important for people who need time for family or other interests. But how do you get started? You can look for employers who hire online workers. Or you can create your own job.  Whether you’re an online freelancer or a corporate worker looking for a more flexible work arrangement, Sean’s tips will help you ideate, start and grow a profitable online business. In this 30-minute episode you will learn: How alternative career choices can provide a valuable income stream How to overcome roadblocks like inconsistency, time management, and fear of launching The three steps to launching an online business that makes money How to find a mentor who will  help you grow Why you don’t have to be an expert, just a relative

  • BONUS: How to Ignite Your Professional Bio with a Killer First Sentence, with Mike Russell

    11/07/2016 Duração: 04min

    Mike Russell, owner of Pivotal Writing, shares how to hook your readers attention with that first sentence of your professional bio.  We all know Portland loves quirky, colorful personalities, from “Keep Portland Weird” to “Keep Portland Beered” to “Keep Portland Bearded”.  Hiring managers are no different.  Whether it’s your bio statement on your website or your LinkedIn summary.  In this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Mike Russell shares his tips on how to make a strong first sentence to hook your reader’s attention right away. If you’re looking for more advice on how to network, check out our book, Land Your Dream Job In Portland and Beyond. You’ll find everything you need to get a great job whether you’re in Portland Oregon, Portland Maine, or anywhere in-between. For more information on Land Your Dream Job In Portland and Beyond, visit Thank you for listening to Find Your Dream Job. If you like this shoe, please help us by rating and reviewing our podcast on iTunes. We appreci

  • Ep. 042: How to Be Productive in Your Job Search, with Mike Vardy

    06/07/2016 Duração: 34min

      Job hunting take a lot of time, energy, and attention to detail. It’s a job in-and-of-itself!  You might start your day reading several job boards. Then you complete and send a job application.  Next you email requests for informational meetings. And that’s followed by writing thank you notes.  After all that? Perhaps you have a job interview. But your day isn’t over. Your evening may include a networking event, too. How do you juggle all this activity while keeping your energy and enthusiasm high? Above all, are you using your time as best you can?This week we’re talking with Mike Vardy, a productivity expert. He’ll share his best tips for how you can use your time to get the results you want. In this 32-minute episode you will learn: Why batching your time to specific tasks is key to productivity Why “To Do” Lists might not be the best way to accomplish daily tasks How to use a calendar effectively How a Daily M.A.P. (Mode - Action - Project) can help you plan out your day How digital trackers an

  • Ep. 041: What to Do After a Job Interview, with Deena Pierott

    29/06/2016 Duração: 34min

    We talked in an earlier show about what you can do to prepare for and nail a job interview. But what happens next after you’ve impressed your interviewers?  The steps you take next can make the difference between getting a job offer or a terse rejection letter. This week we’re talking about what you need to do after you leave the interview room. Our guest this week is Deena Pierott, founder and CEO of Mosaic Blueprint. Deena provides recruitment and on-boarding services for employers, and she knows what companies are looking for in candidates. She discusses what you can do after your in-person interview to improve your chances of landing the job. In this 33-minute episode you will learn: Unusual ways that organizations determine whether you are a good fit for the office culture Why you absolutely must send a handwritten thank you note after your interview How many times you should follow-up after an interview Why you need a champion and advocate within the organization The fine line between being per

  • Bonus: Mac's Interview on the Non Profit Hour

    27/06/2016 Duração: 29min

    Many job seekers are interested in a nonprofit career as a vehicle for rewarding, socially-impactful work. But landing a nonprofit job isn’t easy. Competition is fierce – particularly for the most desirable positions. And the nonprofit sector itself is sometimes quite insular, with the the most plum jobs going to well-connected candidates. Finding a nonprofit job requires a strategic approach, solid networking, and a clear understanding of what you have to offer social impact organizations. On February 28, 2016 Mac Prichard, founder and publisher of Mac’s List, explored these issues on the Non Profit Hour, a radio program produced by the Portland-based Media Institute for Social Change. Mac discussed the history of Mac’s List, the unique challenges of finding rewarding work, and his own experience as a job seeker. He also shared some of his favorite work-themed music. (Spoiler alert: Mac loves Dolly Parton!) In this bonus episode you will learn: Why connection is the key – organizations hire candidates

  • Ep. 040: How To Make A Living as a Musician, with Mark Powers

    22/06/2016 Duração: 30min

    You don’t need to live in Los Angeles or have a hit song to have a successful career in music.  Across the country, tens of thousands of people make good livings as musicians and singers, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.  And the federal government predicts the number of such jobs will go up in the years ahead. The pay can be good, too. The average wage for musicians was almost $50,000 a year in 2015. This week on Find Your Dream Job, we explore how you can build a great career in the music industry. Our guest, Mark Powers, is a professional drummer who knows all about how to make a living in music. Mark shares his experience building a career as a performer, writer, and music educator. His advice to aspiring artists: create your own opportunities through diversification and building good relationships. In this 29-minute episode you will learn: Why diversification is the key to success in a music career The importance of ROCK: Repetition, Opportunity, Commitment, and Karma Why music

  • Ep. 039: How to Start Over in a New City, with Terry St. Marie

    15/06/2016 Duração: 42min

    Have you ever thought about putting everything you own into a moving van and taking a new job in a new city? The typical American moves 11.7 times in a lifetime. From across town to across the country, you’ll face common challenges with job hunting and settling in a new city. This week on Find Your Dream Job, we talk about how to kickstart your career in a new city. Our guest is Terry St. Marie, who knows all about starting over. In the midst of a successful business career, Terry made the big jump from the the East Coast to the West Coast in 2011.  He’ll share his best tips for building rebuilding a career--and a professional network--from scratch. In this 41-minute episode you will learn: How to create a community after you move to a new place How to research new locations and opportunities to determine where you should move Networking tips for out-of-staters, from LinkedIn to email Why shared connections - from sports teams to donut preferences - can help build connections and strengthen relations

  • BONUS: Three Tips to Thrive in the Transition from College to Career, with Satya Byock

    13/06/2016 Duração: 05min

    You’ve survived years of schooling, finals, group projects and finally have a hard-earned degree in your hands.  You’re still looking for full-time work and your career route is an open road in front of you.  While catching your breath, you get this question, “What are you going to do with your life?”  It’s an overwhelming question for mid-career professionals. So how do you answer that question just a few weeks after graduation? Satya Byock, founder of Quarter-Life Consulting has three tips for you to thrive during your transition from college to career. If you’re looking for more advice on how to network, check out our book, Land Your Dream Job In Portland and Beyond. You’ll find everything you need to get a great job whether you’re in Portland Oregon, Portland Maine, or anywhere in-between. For more information on Land Your Dream Job In Portland and Beyond, visit Thank you for listening to Find Your Dream Job. If you like this shoe, please help us by rating and reviewing our podcast

  • Ep. 038: How to Write a Killer Cover Letter, with Susan Rich

    08/06/2016 Duração: 28min

    Google the words “cover letter” and you will find lots of opinions on the best tactics: which format to use, the right salutations, and to whom you should address your letter. Our guest expert this week, Susan Rich, author of How to Write a Kick-Butt Resume Cover Letter, says people are missing the most important point of all: an employer has a problem that needs to be solved.  The applicant who shows she or he can solve problem has a huge advantage. Susan shares her advice how to focus your thoughts into to key talking points that address the employer’s needs. A dynamite headline and a powerfully structured cover letter showcases your skills in a way that is uniquely appealing to employers looking for help. In this 26-minute episode you will learn: How to frame job seeking as a business transaction Why being a problem solver is the key to your job search How to organize your thoughts to focus in on your key points for a cover letter The elements of a strong cover letter headline How to structure a co

  • Ep. 037: Three Steps to Take in Any Job Negotiation, with Jeff Weiss

    01/06/2016 Duração: 33min

    This week on Find Your Dream Job, we’re talking about negotiation, a vital skill, especially at work. Maybe you’re considering a job offer. Perhaps  you’re about to ask for a raise. Or you’re chasing a  promotion. Whatever your ask, it will require negotiating. Many people treat negotiations as a win-or-lose situation for the parties involved. If you get what what you want, it’s at someone else’s expense. It doesn’t have to be this way.  We speak with Jeff Weiss, author of the Harvard Business Review’s “Guide to Negotiating.” Jeff will share his tips for how you can move from a game of concessions and compromises.   He’ll also talk about how to use collaboration and creativity so that you get better results and good working relationships with others. In this 32-minute episode you will learn: The three negotiating mistakes most people make The questions you should ask when you’re told “no” The importance of understanding “why” you want a raise How to find creative solutions and compromises in your nego

  • BONUS: Let's Have Coffee... Online, with Joshua Waldman

    30/05/2016 Duração: 03min

    Networking and coffee often go hand-in-hand; inviting a professional contact out for coffee is one of the easiest ways to score an informational interview or stay in touch with your network. Chances are, before anyone accepts your coffee invite they are going to check out you out on social media. So it is vital that your social media profiles are a true reflection of who you are as a professional. On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Joshua Waldman, author of Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies and founder of Career Enlightenment, shares his advice on how to keep your online presence and profiles up-to-date and professional during your job search. His top tips? On top of having a stellar LinkedIn profile, consider giving your new contact more information about yourself with a simple website. If you’re looking for more advice on how to network, check out our book, Land Your Dream Job In Portland and Beyond. You’ll find everything you need to get a great job whether you’re in Port

  • Ep. 036: Why You Should Quit Your Job Now, with Tess Vigeland

    25/05/2016 Duração: 35min

    Ever think about quitting your job? A vast majority of people do. One survey cited by CBS News found that 84% of Americans want to switch employers. Yet most of us show up for work every Monday even when we want to be somewhere else. There are many reasons we don’t quit our job--even jobs that make us unhappy. Top concerns people cite include: family, money and opportunity.   But what if you walked out of your office today without lining up your next job? Does that sound crazy? This week on Find Your Dream Job, we speak to author Tess Vigeland, who makes a case for why you should quit your job now - even if you don’t have a “Plan B.” In this 34-minute episode you will learn: Why leaving a dream job might be the best move you can possibly make How to know when it’s time to quit your job How to review, understand, and present your employable skills How to discover who you are outside of your traditional career role This week’s guest: Tess Vigeland (Twitter | LinkedIn) Author, Leap: Leaving a Job wi

  • Ep. 035: Help Your Teen Find Their Life Purpose, with Dearbhla Kelly

    18/05/2016 Duração: 32min

    It’s graduation season and a time to celebrate the great accomplishments of our graduating high school students. It’s also a time for those students to make some big decisions about their future. Should they continue their education? Enter the workforce? Take a gap year? Or perhaps sign-up for service? “What to do next” is  a big question and one that can causes teenagers and parents a lot of stress. It’s also choice on many people’s minds as graduation season nears. This week on Find Your Dream Job podcast, we talk about how to help teens choose what to do after high school so that they build a solid foundation for their career. Our guest is Dearbhla Kelly, author of Career Coach, a book to help parents and teens with career planning for young people. In this 31-minute episode you will learn: How influential parents are on career choice for teens Why parents need to guide (not lead) teens when it comes to career management skills How open ended questions can help teens make good career choices The im

  • BONUS: How to Pick the Right Interview Outfit

    16/05/2016 Duração: 04min

    When it comes to interviews, your wardrobe matters. You want to pick the perfect outfit for your interview--one that is professional, but which also honors the existing office culture that you hope to join. Doing so creates a good first impression with the hiring manager and signals that you might be a good fit for the organization.  On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, Cecilia Bianco, former community manager at Mac's List, shares her advice on picking the right interview outfit. Learn the do's and don'ts of professional attire, as well as tips for customizing your outfit to accomodate the organization's internal culture. If you're looking for more advice on how to ace your interview, check out our book, Land Your Dream Job In Portland and Beyond. You'll find everything you need to get a great job whether you're in Portland Oregon, Portland Maine, or anywhere in-between. For more information on Land Your Dream Job In Portland and Beyond, visit Thank you for listening to Find Y

  • Ep. 034: How to Identify Your Ideal Career, with Hallie Crawford

    11/05/2016 Duração: 26min

    Are you happy at your job? Unfortunately, most people aren’t. According to Gallup, unhappy employees outnumber happy ones, two to one. There are many reasons people end up with jobs they don’t like. Some workers take the first job offered in order to pay bills. Others stick with an employer because they aren’t clear what they want to do next. And some worry if they say no to a job offer another one won’t come. What would it take for you to be happy in your career? This week on Find Your Dream Job we explore this issue with career expert Hallie Crawford. Hallie shares strategies for finding your professional calling and tips for taking control of your career. In this 26-minute episode you will learn: Career fulfillment: what it means and how you can achieve it Tools you can use to pick a career you’ll love How fulfillment plays a key role in your professional career Why you should listen to your gut when making career decisions How a career contrast list can help you focus on your career path The ei

  • Ep. 033: How to Work a Room, with Susan RoAne

    04/05/2016 Duração: 27min

    Maybe you’re looking for your next job. Or perhaps you want to stay on top of your career. Whatever your goal, you know you need to go to professional events.  It’s one of the best ways to meet others in your field. But does the idea of walking into a room of strangers and striking up a conversation fill you with horror? This is a common fear many jobseekers have—and it keeps them from making vital professional connections. This week on Find Your Dream we’re talking about how to work a room, with an expert on the subject, Susan RoAne. Susan’s best-selling book, How to Work a Room, teaches you everything you need to know to become an expert networker. In this 26-minute episode you will learn: Why face-to-face networking is still happening in the digital age The difference between working a room and networking Why showing up is key to a positive personal brand image How customizable introductions are key to making connections at events Why ice breakers and small talk are valuable forms of communication

  • BONUS Episode: Hello College Student, I’m Talking to You! with Gabrielle Nygaard

    02/05/2016 Duração: 04min

    The question every college student dreads but can't avoid: "What are you going to do after graduation?" It's graduation season and university students across the country are preparing for the next phase of their lives. For most, that means a job--or at least a job search. Others may explore graduate school or an alternative learning experience. Regardless of what's next, this transition can be a time of great stress for new graduates.  On this bonus episode of Find Your Dream Job, we share tips on how to smooth the transition from college to "real life." Gabrielle Nygaard, a Fulbright Scholar and Linfield College graduate, reads "Hello College Student, I’m Talking to You!", her contribution to our book Land Your Dream Job in Portland (and Beyond). Thank you for listening to Find Your Dream Job. If you like this shoe, please help us by rating and reviewing our podcast on iTunes. We appreciate your support! Opening and closing music for Find Your Dream Job provided by Freddy Trujillo,

  • Ep. 032: How to Get the Career You Want with Katie Kelley

    27/04/2016 Duração: 34min

    Every time you switch jobs, you have the opportunity to redefine your career—to pursue new challenges and find new meaning in your work life. Most workers have ample opportunity to change career paths; the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the typical American will have 10 different jobs before the age of 40.  Yet many of us struggle to make the big choice of changing professional direction. Knowing what you want to do in life often means conquering your fears. You may have to shed old ideas. Or find the strength to let go of a safe job. Put simply… it takes courage. This week on Find Your Dream Job, we’re talking about how you can plan your career instead of letting just happen to you. Mac talks with Katie Kelley, an executive coach, motivational speaker, and author of the new book, Career Courage.  Katie shares her tips on how to discover your passion, step out of your comfort zone and create the career success you want. In this 33-minute episode you will learn: How the FOG (Feedback – Opport

  • Ep. 031: Sell Your Ideas, Not Your Skills (Larry Smith)

    20/04/2016 Duração: 29min

    To have a great career, you need passion. But you also need a solid plan.  Specifically, you need to know how your passions and ideas will be marketable in an ever-evolving job market. This week on “Find Your Dream Job” we’re talking about career management and how to build a plan for a remarkable long-term career. Mac interviews professor and author Larry Smith, whose provocative TED talk, “Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career,” has attracted more than six million views. Larry urges his students to explore their passions--but also to think about their ongoing relevance in the job market. In this 35-minute episode you will learn: Why passion is a prerequisite to a great career--but not enough in-and-of-itself. How to market yourself and your ideas How to discipline your passion as part of your overall career management plan Why everyone needs a 50 years career management plan Why even non-creative professionals need to be creative when managing their career This week’s guest: Larry SmithAdjunct

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