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Need Motivation? The best daily motivation is The Daily Boost! Find out what makes you happy! Reduce your stress! Get inspired! Master life skills like lifestyle design, balance, communication, career advancement and enjoy more success. The Daily Boost is the world's most popular daily motivation program. Scott Smith delivers a unique, straight talking, real, very funny, and extreamly effective strategies that will give you amazing results! The Daily Boost has been iTunes top ranked self-help program since 2004 – give it a listen and find out why so many people around the world make The Daily Boost part their day... every day. (More podcasts at


  • Power of Stop, Think, Think Again

    05/03/2024 Duração: 13min

    Power of Stop, Think, Think Again With everything happening in the world, it isn’t easy to make good decisions. Being a former fat guy living in a relatively thin body, I learned a life lesson I still use daily that helps. As a kid, going out to eat was a special occasion. One weekend my parents introduced me to the concept of an all-you-can-eat Steak House! From that day forward, I knew I would live in my Husky pants until I found a solution. Years later, I did. In the beginning, I adopted a philosophy of choosing food that said, “Stop. Think. Order.” If that doesn’t work, I employ my advanced version, “Stop. Think. Think again. Order.” Years later, I streamlined my thinking to “Stop. Think. Think again. Act.” I also began to apply it to everything I do. One day I mentioned my new-found thinking to my Mom. She said, “That’s like listening before speaking and thinking before acting. Hmm… that sure sounds like something I may have said to you before.” I’ll never admit it. Stop. Think. Think Again. Act.  Today

  • Change Everything With a Magic Wand

    04/03/2024 Duração: 13min

    Change Everything With a Magic Wand So you know you want something different than what you have. You can’t seem to put your finger on what you want. And, the big one, you don’t know where to begin. In my years of helping others reach their dreams, I’ve learned a couple of things - For most of us, our lives are pretty good. They could be more exciting, and you could make more money. Your relationships could sparkle a bit more. Still, you may feel frozen from a fear of what you might lose. It may be from a fear that you won’t get what you want. Is it possible that you are living in a someday-maybe mindset? In the business world, things are more apparent. If you want to succeed, you only need to offer something your customer wants or needs and provide a solution. It’s simple math. The customer will take you up on your offer, and your business will thrive. Or, they won’t even notice your business and your competition will succeed. Your personal life is the same way. You recognize that your desire is a problem tha

  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    01/03/2024 Duração: 12min

    Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Your best life is built sequentially, one level at a time. Forget the elevator. Climb all the stairs to the top, and you’ll have lasting success. In 1954, Abraham Maslow released Motivation and Personality. His Hierarchy of needs theory is all about climbing to the top. Maslow suggested that to reach your full potential: 1) You must provide for your physiological needs. Food, clothing, shelter, money, and more.   2) You must feel safe. Personally, emotionally, financially, health and well-being, and against accidents and illness. 3) Socially, you need to feel love and belonging.  4) Esteem and the desire for acceptance, respect, and value by others is your next step. Self-actualization requires mastery of your previous needs. Maslow said, “What a man can be, he must be.” 5) Self-transcendence removes you from your ego and begins your focus on the greater good. Your best life is built sequentially, one level at a time. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Never Miss a Good Opportunity

    29/02/2024 Duração: 13min

    Never Miss a Good Opportunity Getting what you want always comes down to knowing what it is, deciding to go after it, and not stopping until you get it.  But what happens when you need somebody's help to get it, and they won't step up? I'll never forget that warm September day I made up my mind to get a membership at a new gym. They had been in pre-sale for months, and I had finally decided to drag myself off the sofa and grab a pre-opening special before it was gone. When I walked through the door, it was a beehive of activity. People everywhere packing up equipment. They were moving to the new location across the street. At that moment, I thought I missed my chance, but I stepped up to the counter anyway, "Can I get signed up?" The young girl behind the counter said something that blew my mind. "I can't help you. The computer is unplugged. Besides, you've had a couple of months. You're kind of late." Let me get this straight.  This business, whose only reason for existence is to get members, can't because t

  • Are You Stuck in The Middle?

    28/02/2024 Duração: 12min

    Are You Stuck in The Middle? Have you ever found yourself stuck in the middle? I was speaking with a client who was trying to be everything to everybody. His business was not growing. His life was not happy. He couldn’t seem to find a way to make progress.   That’s when I said… “My friend, you are stuck in the middle. Nothing good happens when you are in the middle.” Having low expectations and being surrounded by like-minded folks is okay in business and life.  It’s also okay to reach for your dreams, have high expectations, and expect that of others. What happens if you’re in the middle? When low and high expectations combine, confusion is the result. Mediocrity overtakes quality. Frustration will be your daily friend. The choice is yours. If I were you, I would make the decision never to get stuck in the middle. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Six Mindset Shifts For Better Results

    27/02/2024 Duração: 15min

    Six Mindset Shifts For Better Results On your last day on earth, the person you became will meet the person you could have become." — Anonymous You're smart. You're not going to let that happen to you - right?  Here are six mindset shifts to make sure you are living on purpose right now - 1) Live a good lifestyle. Eat good stuff and exercise. 2) Think long-term. Find your groove and stick with it. 3) Play BIG. Small thinking is not why you were born. 4) Be responsible. No more excuses. That’s the only way to be happy. 5) Learn to be more flexible. Stop being hard-headed. Go with the flow to get what you want. 6) Embrace hard work. There is no Magic Bullet. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Behavior Hacks For a Better Day

    26/02/2024 Duração: 14min

    Behavior Hacks For a Better Day Your mind is the most potent super-computer ever created. Here are a few ways to hack it and transform your life. 1) Start using a "Good Enough" approach. Perfectionism is doing nothing to move you forward. 2) Use your ONE mind to do ONE thing. Multitasking is splitting your focus and energy. It's also delaying your success. 3) Let go of control. Some things are up to someone else. Figure out what they are and move on. 4) Say NO to anything that does not directly support your Goals. Do what you KNOW will get you what you want. Don't do something in hopes of getting what you want. 5) Hang out with supportive, positive, and nurturing people. Let toxic people create their group. 6) Be willing not to be liked. If you avoid making folks unhappy, you're not moving toward your dreams. 7) Focus on the story of YOU. Minimize social media and television. When you do, you also minimize the influence others have on you. Notice how most h acks are simply relying on yourself first.  Learn mo

  • Clear Your Clutter, Clear Your Mind

    23/02/2024 Duração: 15min

    Clear Your Clutter, Clear Your Mind I’ve noticed in my life that humans are hoarders when it comes to keeping stuff that works and doesn’t.  They keep hanging on; their life depends on it. Now, before I go on, I think there are two situations at play here: 1) Hanging on to what has worked well but needs to go so you can do more of what you want to do. 2) Hanging on what doesn’t work in hopes that it will work well someday. Both can go on for years, leading to frustration as you long for something else.  I was on the phone with a client this morning, and we ran into that situation. We began dealing with it a few months ago, and it’s still rearing its ugly head in her life.  After exploring it from every angle— Should I keep it? Should I put it to the side and come back to it? Should I toss it and start over? Should I… should I… should I. I finally said the only thing that came to mind - “The mere fact that you keep questioning it tells me you want to drop it. You’re just worried about what comes next, which is

  • Why a Balanced Life is a Myth

    22/02/2024 Duração: 12min

    Why a Balanced Life is a Myth I always hear, "My goal is to balance my life better." It's as if balancing is static and can be achieved and maintained once you have it. Balance is dynamic, fleeting, ever-changing, and always challenging. Sure, it feels good when you reach equilibrium, but what about all that fun you had on your way there? I learned about balance when I worked in radio. My job was to balance the new music everyone wanted to hear, and the old music folks loved to remember. We balanced male and female bands, duos, and anything else musicians would toss at us. That sure sounds like life.  Imagine a life of rotating the new and exciting with the mundane and routine. Time for yourself and time for your family. A bit for the boss and time to play.   Never too much. Never too little. You are always changing. That's balance. Embrace the journey of the day. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Imperfect Steps to Perfect Dreams

    21/02/2024 Duração: 13min

    Imperfect Steps to Perfect Dreams Do you love the feeling you get when an exciting idea pops your head?  The most appealing aspect of anything new in your life always happens initially -when it’s still a dream inside your head. It’s when it’s time to take actual action that folks slow down - fast! Here’s how to break free: 1) Dreams only come true when you take massive action and establish momentum. 2) Fear of the unknown will stop you. What do I do? Where do I start? Will it work? No worries. One word will change everything. 3) The next time you don’t know what to do, embrace your inner NON-perfectionist. Take “Massive IMPERFECT Action” until things start to move forward. Sometimes, your feet must travel down the path of your dreams before you see the entire picture. Stand up, take a step, and repeat. You’ll figure it out! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Endure to Earn. Questions For Resilience

    20/02/2024 Duração: 14min

    Endure to Earn. Questions For Resilience A few years ago, I was chatting with a friend about business. He owned a struggling martial arts school and was crafting a master plan to grow in the coming year.   I had four questions: 1) How long do you think it will take to learn what it takes to succeed? 2) How long are you willing to work to reach your goal? 3) How long will your money last?   4) When will you begin earning - and how much? Be prepared before you begin. Consider those questions before you set off on your journey. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Rough Roads Smooth Successes

    19/02/2024 Duração: 16min

    Rough Roads Smooth Successes Life is a long and winding road. It has many ups and downs and a few surprises along the way.  Here's what you can expect:  1) Follow your passion, and the money will arrive. It may take longer than you think. It may be less than you believe. It doesn't matter. You'll be happy. 2) Nothing will happen until you move from daydreaming to daily action. 3) The road will be rough. Then, it will smooth out. Then, it will be rough again. 4) Whatever path you thought you would travel will change. 5) You will find speed limits. Sometimes, you will move slowly. Sometimes fast. Pay attention to the signs that arrive in your life. 6) Frustration will be a constant companion. So will excitement. 7) You must be strong to stay focused on the big picture. 8) When you arrive, you will find yourself seeking another adventure.   Success is a journey that brings out the best in you. Arriving at your destination will make you desire another journey.  Stay busy, my friend. Learn more about your ad choic

  • Becoming Aware of Your Passions

    16/02/2024 Duração: 15min

    Becoming Aware of Your Passions Are you aware of your passions?  If not, I have a question for you - What do you do when you are doing YOU?  Why spend your days searching your mind to figure out your purpose when you are most likely living it daily? When you take a minute to inventory how you spend your time, you will see what you enjoy doing. Do you read, write, exercise, or work?   How about walking, talking, playing, fighting, laughing, or watching television?   Do you quilt, garden, volunteer, socialize?   Passion in life is not about finding something to do. It's about noticing what you do naturally - and doing more of it.   Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Filter, Focus, and Prioritize Your Path

    15/02/2024 Duração: 15min

    Filter, Focus, and Prioritize Your Path My wife and I were having dinner this weekend. She finally asked, “Are you going to tell me what you’re doing for Operation Reinvention this Summer? I want to help.” I said, “I won’t need your help. I need your support.” She had a puzzled look. I don’t blame her. But, I am locked in on my Goal - and that needs two things: 1) The ability to filter out what doesn’t matter and prioritize what does. 2) Accept 100% responsibility for reaching your Goal. As they say, “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” Anything less will remove you from control. You’ll find many well-meaning people offering support if you miss either one. The problem? The suggestions they make will be different from how you imagined your journey. As soon as that happens, you have pulled off your path. If you are setting off on a life-transforming Goal, it’s okay to accept the support of others. Remember, your most important supporter is YOU! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • The Art of Moving Past Frustration

    14/02/2024 Duração: 14min

    The Art of Moving Past Frustration When life gets in the way, do you get frustrated about being blocked?   I used to be that way. Something changed. I learned long ago that getting blocked would be an everyday occurrence. And, the bigger my goals, the more blocks would arrive. I could live with endless frustrations - or find a better way. It came down to this: 1) Blocks have nothing to do with who I am. They could be self-inflicted or caused by others, but they still have nothing to do with me.  2) If you want something, there is always a way to get it. Always… always… always. You may not like the path. Your ego may get in the way. It may scare you. There is always a way. The next time frustration gets in your way, blow it off and keep moving. There is always a way to get what you want. Find it. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • It’s All About ONE Important Thing

    13/02/2024 Duração: 14min

    It’s All About ONE Important Thing I have a question for you. What is your ONE most important activity?   What is the ONE core activity that, if you do, everything else is fine? What is the ONE core activity that, if you don’t do it, causes everything to fall apart? Many people focus on anything but the most critical activity in their lives. They are usually surprised when things fall apart. Is it showing up for work on time or doing a great job? Could it be your unflinching attention to your family? Does your business have ONE activity that causes people to buy from you? When you focus on your ONE most important activity - everything else will take care of itself. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Freedom and Growth Between the Lines

    12/02/2024 Duração: 15min

    Freedom and Growth Between the Lines Are you a fun-loving, carefree person who prefers to drift with the wind? Are you happier following the rules and staying within the lines? Whichever you are, happiness and success will arrive when you combine both: 1) Too much flexibility in life doesn’t allow for compounding your life experience. Like money in the bank, leave it alone once you know what works. 2) Too much structure will limit your ability to discover growth opportunities. Don’t get stuck. Donnie and Marie said it best in the ’70s, “I’m a little bit country, he’s a little bit rock and roll.” Combine the best of both.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Navigating Life with Your Who I Am Document

    09/02/2024 Duração: 13min

    Navigating Life with Your Who I Am Document Do you have a roadmap for how you operate in your world?   A few years ago, I decided I needed a guide to ensure my daily actions matched my values. I ended up calling it my ‘Who I am' Statement. Who I am - this is not a mission statement. Who I am - this is not a list of affirmations. Who I am - is not a value statement. Who I am is a personal cheat sheet to establish how I act and respond to the day's challenge.  You should have one, too. Why do you do what you do? How do you see yourself? How do others see you? How do you act in certain situations? It's a great time of year to dig deeper into who you are. That way, when life gets in the way, you'll always have an expert to turn to for an answer - YOU! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Achieve More with the 70% Strategy

    08/02/2024 Duração: 14min

    Achieve More with the 70% Strategy Have you figured out what you want to do with your life but can’t build momentum?  One of two things is happening: 1) You have decided to wait and see what happens with something else before committing to your new plan. 2) You need more information before moving forward, making it the same as the first. The secret to gaining momentum is the ’70% Rule’ in every decision. Once you have an idea, begin researching and resourcing whether you have the ability and the desire to head in that direction. Once you hit 70% certainty, one way or the other, either move forward or drop it and move on. Why 70%? Because 70% is enough information to make the right decision, you’ll never get to 100% anyway.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Defend Your Happiness With Strategies That Work

    07/02/2024 Duração: 15min

    Defend Your Happiness With Strategies That Work Have you been running full speed ahead - knowing you’re not heading in the right direction? It’s easy to get caught up in the business of life and find yourself off track.  Could your experience be better? It comes down to awareness and decisions: 1) Everything begins when you recognize that something needs to change and admit it to yourself. Is the time now? 2) Driving forward will only add to unhappiness. Instead, keep up with life and push the pause button on everything else—no pulling or pushing. You are only pausing. 3) During this time, work your way back to YOU. There’s no hurry. You may have been off-track for a long time. 4) Remember your dreams. Now that you have space, it’s time to explore how everything fits into your life today - and your future. Begin to take action in any direction that makes you happy. Once you find enjoyment, accept it and defend it with all your energy. Spend the rest of your days bringing more into your life. Learn more about

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