Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance



Free fitness, nutrition, biohacking, fat loss, anti-aging and cutting-edge health advice from! Tune in to the latest research, interviews with exercise, diet and medical professionals, and an entertaining mash-up of ancestral wisdom and modern science, along with Q&A's and mind-body-spirit optimizing content from America's top personal trainer.


  • 396: The Myth About Antioxidants Blunting Exercise Response, Does Red Meat Really Give You Cancer, How To Make Coffee Healthier, Are Pre-Workout Supplements Addictive? (& The Brand New Ben Greenfield Podcast Co-Host Revealed!)

    09/05/2019 Duração: 01h15min

    Q&A Episode 396 Have a podcast question for Ben? Click the button at the bottom of the page (or go to SpeakPipe), or use the Contact button in the free Ben Greenfield Fitness app. Click here for some tips on how to have the best chance of having your question featured on the show! News Flashes [9:00] The new podcast host Jay Wiles's website The latest “red meat gives you cancer study” show only a RELATIVE risk increase from 0.5% to 0.6%…AND only with processed meat. Read headlines and studies carefully folks: This paper is freakin’ awesome. How humans adapt to stressors such as cold, altitude and diving: Biohackers are implanting everything from magnets to sex toys: You can receive these News Flashes (and mor

  • How To Increase Free Testosterone, Elevating Deep Sleep Levels, Ideal Estrogen Levels For Women & Much More (Special Q&A Episode!)

    04/05/2019 Duração: 01h14min

    The “Kentucky Castle” is a unique destination hotspot with a full biohacking facility, sauna, farm-to-table restaurant, precision medicine arm, hemp farm, horse facilities, and much more. It is owned by one of the physicians who hosts the “Wild Health” podcast, on which I was recently a guest.  Recently, at the castle, I had the pleasure of giving a talk on how to hack your biology and get the most out of the genetics you were born with. Afterward, I took part in a Q&A with several of the physicians in attendance at the conference. On today's podcast, part two of this two-part series (click here to listen to part one), you'll get to sit in on this very interesting discussion. Enjoy! Questions and topics covered in the session... -Follow-up questions for Ben from his presentation...6:48 Q: What do you think of using the ChiliPad long term, particularly as it pertains to EMF and dirty electricity? My podcast on Building Biology Dirty electricity filters Q: Do you think Great Plains Lab's test for mycoto

  • The Wildatarian Diet: Living As Nature Intended: A Customized Nutritional Approach for Optimal Health, Energy and Vitality.

    02/05/2019 Duração: 57min

    Most diet trends have one thing in common: they offer a one-size-fits-all approach and are not designed for your unique body and health history. Yet society insists time and time again on ordering the “diet du jour,” from low-carb/low-fat to the latest low-carb/high-fat diet. For many, it is not working – and, in some cases, it is harmful. But I recently read a book about a new approach to diet and living that is always on trend and in style, because it is customized to you and only you: The Wildatarian Diet: Living As Nature Intended: A Customized Nutritional Approach for Optimal Health, Energy and Vitality. This book introduces several evolved and sustainable concepts that are backed by science and supported by thousands of clinical outcomes from author Teri Cochrane, my guest on this podcast. Teri is an integrative practitioner and thought leader in nutritional counseling. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida, and she is a graduate of the Huntington College of Health Scien

  • How To Use The Wonderful World Of Self-Quantification To Take Your Health Into Your Own Hands (& The 11 Best Blood Tests To Get).

    27/04/2019 Duração: 01h28min

    I recently had the pleasure to speak at the fabulous and intriguing "Kentucky Castle", a unique destination hotspot with a full biohacking facility, sauna, farm-to-table restaurant, precision medicine arm, hemp farm, horse facilities and much more. The castle is owned by one of the physicians who hosts the "Wild Health" podcast, on which I was recently a guest.  This is part one of a two part series that addresses the oft-confusing world of "taking your health into your own hands" via genetic testing, blood and biomarker tracking, sleep measurements and other forms of self-quantification. In part two, you'll get to sit in on a very interesting post-talk Q&A with myself and several of the physicians in attendance at the conference. Enjoy! **Editor's Note: Forgive the extraneous background noises. All effort was made to ensure the clearest possible sound in spite of it :) In this episode, you'll discover... -Ben's history as a bodybuilder, triathlete and his transition to his current message...9:00 Bodybui

  • What Yoga Trapezes, Laser Lights, Kettlebells, Mini-Meditation & Ketogenic Doughnuts Have To Do With Building A Nutrition Supplements Empire

    25/04/2019 Duração: 01h19min

    Angelo Keely is COO and Co-Founder of Kion, and a true renaissance man of many talents - including beatboxing, music, art and more. He's also a wizard at creating a healthy and robust company culture, and is building one of the most impressive and high-quality nutrition and supplement formulation companies on the face of the planet. From his near-death experience on an LSD trip to his impressive daily routine, we delve into his life and valuable experience on this podcast. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The story of Angelo's life...11:20 Hippy parents, owned a natural foods store in Wimberley, TX His dad collaborated with Whole Foods in its early days in Austin No doctors, vaccinations; all natural treatments Angelo and Ben were polar opposites in their diets as kids Minimalist approach to food and supplements Got into lots of trouble in high school Awful LSD experience at age 16 Got some gigs as a musician/beat boxer Attended St. Edwards University Centering prayer Religious studies major (althou

  • An Interview With "The Smartest Physician On The Planet": Crazy Biohacking Stacks For Cognitive Function, Microdosing CBD, The Rolls Royce Of Jet Lag Hacking & Much More.

    20/04/2019 Duração: 01h18min

    Dr. Ted Achacoso attained a college degree in biology at the age of 18 and a doctor of medicine at the age of 22. He is the founding pioneer of the clinical practice of Health Optimization Medicine and Practice (HOMe/HOPe), which is the detection and correction of imbalances at the level of the metabolome. He was mentored by Thierry Hertoghe, the founding pioneer of Anti-Aging Medicine and Nutritional Medicine (Dr. Ted is double board-certified, Paris). He was mentored by William S. Yamamoto, the founding pioneer of Medical Informatics and an Artificial Intelligence researcher (Washington, DC). He was also mentored by D. Wayne Silby, the founding pioneer of Socially Responsible Investing and Finance (Washington, DC) and by three Philippine pioneers in Interventional Neuroradiology, in Neurology, and in Pharmacology/Toxicology. His representative body of work includes a book containing the first ever neural circuitry database (“connectome”) for an organism, journal articles, US patents, software, grants, and r

  • How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age: The Longevity Paradox & The 7 Deadly Myths Of Aging

    18/04/2019 Duração: 01h16min

    My guest on today's podcast and former guest on my show "The Truth About Lectins And The Plant Paradox", Dr. Steven Gundry proposes in his new book "The Longevity Paradox: How to Die Young at a Ripe Old Age", that the “diseases of aging” we most fear are not simply a function of age; but rather, they are a byproduct of the way we have lived over the decades. In The Longevity Paradox, he maps out a new approach to aging well—one that is based on supporting the health of the “oldest” parts of us: the microorganisms that live within our bodies. He believes that - from diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s to common ailments like arthritis to our weight and the appearance of our skin, these bugs are in the driver’s seat, controlling our quality of life as we age. Dr. Gundry is a cum laude graduate of Yale University with special honors in Human Biological and Social Evolution. After graduating Alpha Omega Alpha from the Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine, Dr. Gundry completed residencies in General Surg

  • The Peptides Podcast: Everything You Need To Know About Anti-Aging, Muscle Gain, Fat Loss & Recovery Peptides.

    13/04/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    I receive plenty of questions about peptides and SARMs, including: -How do peptides work? -What is the safety/side effects of peptides? -What are the best anti-aging peptides? -What are the best fat loss and muscle gain peptides? -What are the best recovery peptides? -What peptides work for cognition and neural enhancement? -How do you properly mix and administer peptides? -Do peptides need to be "cycled"? My guest on today's show, Jean-François Tremblay, comes highly recommended by former podcast guest and regenerative medicine physician Dr. Matt Cook as one of the world's leading experts on the wonderful world of peptides and SARMs. Dr. Tremblay studied Exercise Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. He has been investigating (in theory and in practice) peptides and SARMs since the 1990's and now makes peptides his main research subject. He has developed a wealth of expertise on peptides and SARMs and their practical applications in sports performance, anti-aging and health in general. During my discuss

  • The Problem With Sleeping On Your Side, How To Sleep On Your Back, Little-Known Sleep Enhancement Tricks & Much More!

    11/04/2019 Duração: 52min

    Over the past 20 years, my guest on today's show, Dr. Peter Martone, has been trying to recommend pillows for his patients that would put their head in the correct position so that they could get a great night's sleep and wake up rested. He could not find one, and he would have patients purchase soft down pillows and stuff them under their necks. He found that a conventional pillow would loose its shape and end up on the floor. The problem is that a pillow is for your head and you can not support your head to get a great night sleep. But one day he was watching the movie “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon” in 2000 and the two actors came out of the room after “cuddling” all night. The camera gave a quick glimpse of the room they came out of. It showed what the two actors slept on, and to his amazement it was just a thin pad for their body and a block of wood in lieu of a pillow for their head.  In that lightbulb moment, Dr. Martone invented the exact sleeping tool we discuss on today's podcast. He's one of the sm

  • Why Your Vitamin E Supplement Could Be Harming You (& The "One Plant Wonder" Alternative That Could Be The Single Most Powerful Molecule If You're Stranded On A Desert Island).

    06/04/2019 Duração: 01h12min

    At the recent A4M conference in Vegas, I ran into intriguing research from Dr. Barrie Tan, a scientist with a Ph.D in Chemistry and Biochemistry. For the last 35 years, Barrie has immersed himself in the world of Vitamin E (particularly from annatto) and is considered one of the world’s foremost experts credited with discovering a molecule called "tocotrienol" from three major natural sources: -Palm: from his native Malaysia... -Rice: at the invitation of the Prince of Thailand... -Annatto: chance finding while in Ecuador searching for lutein... It turned out that palm and rice lacked the potency as they contain too much tocopherol, so Barrie moved his research interest away briefly from tocotrienol, when by serendipity he found the best-in-class tocotrienol in the annatto plant from the Amazon. Since then, Barrie’s relationship with annatto has spanned 20 years. Barrie has worked with the US Armed Forces on using tocotrienol on “radiation countermeasures” and pioneered the science behind the annatto working

  • Shark Attacks On Goats, The Ethics Of Hunting, Human Stress Resilience & Much More! (Special Hawaii Hunting Episode)

    04/04/2019 Duração: 02h05min

    In today's podcast, I am joined by my friends Kyle Thiermann, Chris Ryan and Mark Healey for witty banter, philosophizing, and intellectually stimulating conversation straight from the island of Hawaii, where we - along with several others mentioned in this podcast episode, such as Dr. Peter Attia, Kyle Kingsbury and Hawaii hunting guide Justin Lee - took a break from hunting, hiking, spearfishing and dressing meat to gather round the podcasting mics. In this conversation, you'll hear... -Recap of the trip...6:47 Chris was a last minute substitute Primal surroundings: goat head in the back of the pickup They were all dropped off by helicopter on various spots on the Big Island Ben engaged in spearfishing; caught Hawaiian lobster, opi'i fish Impossible to replicate their meals in a restaurant -Ben is asked about consuming energy bars while facing dehydration...12:17 If you're in an extreme dehydration situation, you're probably starving to death, so don't throw them out They could potentially be used as a w

  • Gretchen Rubin Interview On How To Declutter Your Home & Your Life For Outer Order, Inner Calm & Happiness.

    30/03/2019 Duração: 01h29s

    Outer order contributes to inner calm. And for most of us, a rigid, one-size-fits-all solution doesn't work. The fact is, when we tailor our approach to suit our own particular challenges and habits, we're then able to create the order that will make our lives happier, healthier, more productive, and more creative. My guest on today's show - Gretchen Rubin - has found that getting control of our stuff makes us feel more in control of our lives. By getting rid of things we don't use, don't need, or don't love, we free our minds (and our shelves) for what we truly value. With a sense of fun, and a clear idea of what's realistic for most people, Gretchen suggests dozens of manageable steps for creating a more serene, orderly environment—one that helps us to create the lives we want. Gretchen is the author of several books, including the blockbuster New York Times bestsellers: Better Than Before: A Day by Day Journal The Happiness Project Happier at Home And most recently: Outer Order, Inner Calm: Declutter and O

  • The Most Powerful Electrical Muscle Stimulation Device Known To Humankind (& Exactly How To Use It).

    28/03/2019 Duração: 54min

    I recently posted the following to my newsletter weekly roundup: "I only did two workouts this week and was sore as hell. You can view both my workouts in .pdf format by clicking here for Workout 1 and clicking here for Workout 2. The workouts were supplied to me by the wicked smart guys over at and I performed them while wearing the NEUBIE, which is NeuFit’s patent-pending electro-stimulation device. NEUBIE is an acronym for “NEURO-BIO-ELECTRIC STIMULATOR.” The NEUBIE can find neurological deficits in the human body with incredible precision, and has two main benefits – 1) it provides direct current (DC), and 2) it matches the signals the nervous system already sends naturally on its own. Using DC is important because it has numerous, positive biological effects. DC fields accelerate the body’s own physiological processes of healing, repair, and regeneration. Although this has been known for a long time, most devices out there are alternating current (AC). These devices are cheaper and easier to engi

  • KetoFasting: The Dark Side of Fasting & Ketosis (+How To Use Cyclic Ketosis To Fix The Issues)

    23/03/2019 Duração: 01h10min

    From Dr. Joseph Mercola, my friend, multiple-time podcast guest, a guy who thinks way outside-the-box and seems to always be discovering some new cutting-edge way to enhance human health and longevity, and one of the world's foremost authorities on alternative health has just written a guide to using the principles of ketogenic eating, meal planning, and timing to treat disease, promote weight loss, and optimize health. The new book is called "KetoFast: Rejuvenate Your Health with a Step-by-Step Guide to Timing Your Ketogenic Meals". In the book, he explores the profound health benefits that result when ketogenic living and well-planned fasting are combined. Topics include: -How our food is making us sick and what we can do about it... -The physiology and mechanisms of fasting, including stem cell activation... -How the cyclical ketogenic diet--with fasting included--differs from the conventional keto diet... -How fasting works and how safe it is for you... -How regular one-day fasts support fat burning and d

  • Why Most Physicians Don't Practice Natural Medicine, How To Eat Seasonally, The Benefits Of Mistletoe, Tissue Salts, Neural Therapy & More

    21/03/2019 Duração: 01h17min

    Over half of the world’s population is afflicted with some form of chronic or degenerative illness. Heart disease, autoimmune disease, diabetes, neurological conditions, cancer, Lyme disease―the list goes on. The conventional, allopathic, treat-the-symptom-with-pharmaceutical-drugs model is rapidly falling out of favor as patients are searching for nontoxic, advanced prevention and healing modalities that actually work. Bioregulatory medicine involves fixing this issue with a model that has proven effective for decades in forward-thinking developed countries, including Switzerland and Germany. Our bodies have many bioregulating systems, including the cardiovascular, digestive, neurological, respiratory, endocrine, and so on. Bioregulatory medicine is a comprehensive and holistic approach to health that advocates the use of natural healing methods to support and restore the body’s intrinsic self-regulating and self-healing mechanisms, as opposed to simply treating symptoms with integrative therapies. Bioregula

  • The Jack Dorsey Podcast: Advanced Stress Mitigation Tactics, Extreme Time-Saving Workouts, DIY Cold Tubs, Hormesis, One-Meal-A-Day & More.

    16/03/2019 Duração: 01h02min

    Jack Dorsey dropped out of college to start Twitter, and is now a billionaire businessman. He is the CEO of Twitter, CEO & Chairman of Square, and a co-founder of both. But what most people don't know about Jack is his keen interest in all things fitness, nutrition and health. So in today's episode we dive into Jack's daily routine, diet, stress management strategies, workout and fitness habits, and much more. In this interview, you'll discover... -The 3 core ways Jack handles the tremendous amount of stress he deals with in his life and work...6:45 Vipassana meditation (10:10) 10 day "retreat" No reading, writing, devices No talking, no eye contact 2 meals a day; wake at 4; meditate 4:30 am thru 9 pm Vegetarian diet; can't eat after noon Primary objective: Being in control of your reactions Exercise and sleep (16:53) Walk 5 miles to work (in 1 hour 15 minutes) Listen to podcasts, audio books Walk in the sun Work from home Tuesday and Thursday 1-3 iterations of the 7-Minute Workout every day Seven w

  • The Truth About The Carnivore Diet: Everything You Need To Know About Dangers, Benefits, Mistakes & Hacks For Eating Only Meat.

    14/03/2019 Duração: 01h50min

    Prepare yourself for the most epic, deep dive into the carnivore diet that you've ever heard. I recently listened to a physician named Paul Saladino debate research scientist Layne Norton about the carnivore diet on my friend Mark Bell's podcast. I was so intrigued by the episode that I decided to get Paul on my show to explore the science behind the carnivore diet, carnivore diet do's and don'ts, and whether the carnivore diet is a true, sustainable, natural, ancestral nutrition approach or just a dietary fad. During this show, we cover: -Why Paul is a raving fan of salmon roe...17:15 Humans cannot make Omega 3 fatty acids Omega 3's in salmon roe are in the phospholipid form Salmon roe crosses the blood brain barrier more efficiently than in the triglyceride or ethyl ester form (which you'll find in most fish oil capsules) Two tbsps of salmon roe gives you the DHA without being exposed to the metals Benefit of getting a nutrient from a food vs. from a supplement Concern with oxidation in fish oil: Look

  • "The Food Babe" Says They're Feeding You Lies (How to Unravel the Food Industry's Playbook and Reclaim Your Health).

    09/03/2019 Duração: 01h09min

    In her new book "Feeding You Lies: How to Unravel the Food Industry's Playbook and Reclaim Your Health", my guest on today's podcast, Vani Hari (AKA "The Food Babe") exposes the lies we've been told about our food--and takes readers on a journey to find healthy options. There's so much confusion about what to eat. Are you jumping from diet to diet and nothing seems to work? Are you sick of seeing contradictory health advice from experts? Just like the tobacco industry lied to us about the dangers of cigarettes, the same untruths, cover-ups, and deceptive practices are occurring in the food industry. Vani blows the lid off the lies we've been fed about the food we eat--lies about its nutrient value, effects on our health, label information, and even the very science we base our food choices on. In the book, she discusses: -How nutrition research is manipulated by food company funded experts... - How to spot fake news generated by Big Food... -The tricks food companies use to make their food addictive... -Why l

  • Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us about Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom.

    07/03/2019 Duração: 01h15min

    Animal scientists have long considered domestic livestock to be too dumb to know how to eat right, but the lifetime research of animal behaviorist Fred Provenza and his colleagues has debunked this myth. Their work shows that when given a choice of natural foods, livestock have an astoundingly refined palate, nibbling through the day on as many as fifty kinds of grasses, forbs, and shrubs to meet their nutritional needs with remarkable precision. In his brand new book "Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us about Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom", Fred presents his thesis of the wisdom that links flavor-feedback relationships at a cellular level with biochemically rich foods to meet the body’s nutritional and medicinal needs. Provenza explores the fascinating complexity of these relationships as he raises and answers thought-provoking questions about what we can learn from animals about nutritional wisdom. What kinds of memories form the basis for how herbivores, and humans, recognize foods? Can a body de

  • The Ultimate Guide To Freediving, Legal Blood Doping, Wim Hof Breathing, Increasing Your Breathhold Time, Underwater Ear Equalizing, Spearfishing & Much More!

    02/03/2019 Duração: 01h25min

    As I wrote about in my article entitled “How Breath-Holding, Blood-Doping, Shark-Chasing, Free-Diving & Ketosis Can Activate Your Body’s Most Primal Reflex.”, after reading the fascinating book "Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, and What the Ocean Tells Us about Ourselves" I hired (two years ago) a guy named Ted Harty, from Immersion Freediving in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida to certify me in freediving so that I could learn how to spearfish. At over six feet tall and 230 solid pounds, Ted is a big, bold, loud, extroverted character. He looks like a boxer, and not like a guy who you’d expect to be diving at incredibly efficient oxygen capacity to depths deeper than most human beings have ever ventured. But it was Ted who was about to open my eyes to a whole new world of freediving, and who I spent nearly every waking hour of ninety-six hours of my life learning every possible closely-guarded breath-holding and deep-diving tactic. Ted began his underwater career in 2005, as a scuba instructor in the Florida K

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