Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield



How do I start an online business? Grow my email list to thousands of subscribers? Sell more and grow faster? These are just some of the big questions that leading online marketing strategist, Amy Porterfield, digs into on the top-ranked Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. Featuring insights from A-List online marketing experts (Russell Brunson, John Lee Dumas, Rick Mulready, Marie Forleo, etc.) as well as mini marketing masterclasses and step-by-step guides, each episode is designed to help you take immediate action on the most important strategies for starting, scaling and automating your online business. Amys specialty is getting into the online trenches with you. Thinking about creating an online course? Want to promote with webinars? Need help with your Facebook ads? Discover why hundreds of thousands of online business owners turn to Amy Porterfield to generate more profits and to make sense of the online marketing space, implement the strategies that really get results, and turn that side hustle into a business that lasts.


  • #537: How To Have Difficult Conversations With Your Team

    24/01/2023 Duração: 20min

      Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy."

  • #536: 2 Million Followers in 2 Years: The Power of Video to Explode your Brand with Shadè Zahrai

    19/01/2023 Duração: 54min

    Tangible, actionable strategies to grow your business through video  If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that doing videos on social media has always been a bit of a challenge for me. I get a little bit self-conscious and let’s just say being a perfectionist doesn’t help either. But here’s the thing. I know that harnessing the power of video can literally make your business -- and your social media following -- explode (in the best way possible).   My guest in this episode, Shadè Zahrai, knows this all too well. As principal and director of Influenceo Global – a positive-leadership consultancy – Shadè consults, trains, and coaches leaders and teams from startups to Fortune-500s. When the pandemic hit, Shadè had to get scrappy. She started experimenting with videos on social media, and even though she didn’t love being on camera at first, she started seeing a lot of traction.  And when I say traction, I mean she gained 2 million followers. Yes, two million. She took her business global, started securi

  • #535: Losing An Employee: How To Learn From The Experience, Let Go, & Move On

    17/01/2023 Duração: 29min

    4 things you should always remember when a team member quits In my many years of entrepreneurship, one of the most challenging things I’ve experienced is having a team member quit.  If you’ve ever been through this before, I’m sure you can relate. Afterall, your business is your baby – so when someone decides to hit the ground running in another direction, it’s hard not to take it personally.  Recently, I had 3 people leave in a very short period of time. And even though I’ve lost employees before, this time was a little different because I wasn’t really expecting it.  I won’t lie, it’s been an emotionally difficult experience. But here’s the thing – it’s also brought some really important learning lessons to the forefront – lessons that I know I’ll take with me for years to come.  In this episode, I share what those lessons are, along with how I’ve managed to let go of the experience and move on.  It’s my hope that this will help you immensely as you continue to grow your business, expand your team, and

  • #534: Your A-Z Guide For Creating A Highly Engaged Paid Online Community

    12/01/2023 Duração: 39min

    Grab the freebie for this episode by heading here! My Paid Facebook Bootcamp had a 66% engagement rate – here’s what we did As my dear listener, I wanted to share something I’m incredibly proud of with you -- and it’s that one of my recent Paid Bootcamps, Course Confident, had a 66% engagement rate in our private Facebook Group.  Yes, you read that right – 66%. Now if you know me, you know that I’m not usually one to toot my own horn. But that engagement rate is outstanding, and I owe it all to some new strategies that we tried out at Team Porterfield for the very first time.  From having a very clear purpose from the get-go, to creating a very special shared language for members to use throughout the Paid Bootcamp, there was a lot of thought that went into our strategy.   And guess what? I’m walking you through every single thing that we did in order to get people talking to each other and excited about what’s ahead, along with how we stayed organized throughout the entire thing so it went off without a

  • #533: How To Set (& Enforce) Boundaries As An Entrepreneur

    10/01/2023 Duração: 24min

    Establishing healthy boundaries (and sticking to them) is the key to getting ahead in business As an entrepreneur, setting boundaries can be really difficult because you often feel like you need to do things (that you don’t necessarily want to do) in order to create the business you’ve always dreamt of. Sure, you could speak at that Live event and get in front of a new audience – but it would mean you’d miss your daughter’s dance recital. Or, you could go on that much-anticipated girls’ weekend with your BFFs, but it’s smack dab in the middle of your pre-launch runway so you know you’d be distracted the entire time. Figuring out where to draw the line with certain things in your business (and your personal life) is tricky because there’s not always a clear answer. Believe me, this is something I’ve struggled with over the years – but now that I’m 14 years into entrepreneurship, I’ve *finally* figured out a way to establish healthy boundaries, and most importantly, stick to them.  And here’s the thing. If

  • #532: Free Vs. Paid Bootcamps: Lessons Learned That Might Help You Decide What’s Best For You

    05/01/2023 Duração: 38min

    After years of running free Facebook bootcamps, my team and I decided that we needed to make some changes.  Not only was engagement plummeting in our free groups, but we noticed that people were just joining so they could spam everyone.  If you know me, you know that my goal in all that I do is to serve my audience at a really high level.  No matter how they land in my world, I want them to walk away with valuable content that helps them achieve their business goals -- so the fact that so many people were joining and quickly losing interest (despite all that I was putting out there) simply wasn’t going to cut it.  I’d heard good things about paid bootcamps from some of my peers (and also some of my more advanced students!) so we decided to give them a whirl.  It was a totally new marketing strategy for us, so we went into it with an open mind and a willingness to learn.  I won’t lie to you – we had LOTS of learning lessons – which I’m about to share with you in this episode. You’ll hear exactly what we did –

  • #531: The 4-Step Checklist I Use Before Adding Something New To Your Business

    03/01/2023 Duração: 23min

    What I do to ‘check myself' when I have a shiny new idea If I had a dollar for every time I had a new idea for my business, I’d be a very rich woman. And I’ll be honest, one of the most fun (and rewarding) parts of being an entrepreneur is the opportunity to experiment and try new things.  But one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned over the years is that you shouldn’t always go full steam ahead on adding new offers to your business -- whether it be a course, a workshop, Live or Virtual event, or something else. It’s smart to err on the side of caution, and really evaluate whether it’s going to be something that adds value to your audience, and increases your bottom line. And here’s why: If you spin the wheels trying to make every idea that you have happen, you’re going to lose focus on something that might already be working really well. Now, there are certainly times when you should add something new to your business. I’ve done this many times. But every time I have a shiny new idea that I just can’t

  • #530: Exclusive Sneak Peek: A Chapter From Two Weeks Notice (My Book!)

    29/12/2022 Duração: 36min

    Listen to Two Weeks Notice; Chapter 2: Unbossing: How To Give Your Notice Picture this:  It’s a Sunday night. You’ve just enjoyed dinner, and now it’s time to relax and unwind with a glass of red and a true crime documentary on the couch.  But just as you sit down, snuggle up with a blanket and reach for the tv remote, it hits you. You know what I’m talking about.  The Sunday Scaries.  AKA, that queasy feeling you get in the pit of your stomach that shows up like clockwork because you’re dreading the work week ahead. I won’t lie, when I was working a 9 to 5 job, I got this feeling almost every week – and it was not enjoyable. I dreamt of a life where I was excited by my work and one where I wasn’t beholden to someone else’s time.  More than anything in the world, I wanted freedom. If you can relate to this at all -- and know deep in your soul that you are meant to be your own boss (and live a life where the Sunday Scaries are not even a thing) -- then this episode is for you.  Because in it, I give yo

  • #529: My Favorite End-of-Year Journal Prompts Revealed (& Yours To Take!)

    27/12/2022 Duração: 24min

    Create more fun (and be more intentional) in the coming year by asking yourself these questions  Journaling is a practice that has elevated my life -- and my business -- in ways that words simply can’t do justice.  On the most basic level, it helps me organize my thoughts, be more creative, and calm my racing mind, which is invaluable as an entrepreneur. If you’ve been with me for a while, you know that I’ve made journaling a part of my daily practice. But it’s also something that I carve out a little extra time for towards the end of each year.  By reflecting back on the past and then looking forward with intention, I start the new year with a fresh perspective -- and most of all – excited for what’s ahead.  In this episode, I share some of my favorite journal prompts that will help you get laser focused on what you want to make happen in the new year, and most importantly, how you can create more fun in the process. So grab a warm and toasty beverage of your choice, pop open your journal, and get ready

  • #528: From My Students To Your Ears: List Growth Questions Answered

    22/12/2022 Duração: 01h06min

    A sneak peek into my List Builders Society Monthly Q&A The number one thing that stops people in their tracks when it comes to growing their business is that they don’t have an email list.  If I could shout this from the rooftops, I would – because it’s that important.  But the thing is, trying to figure out what your audience wants, and getting to know them intimately overnight just doesn’t automatically happen -- so when it comes to growing your email list, there are usually a lot of questions.   And that’s why I’m so excited for you to listen to this episode -- because you are getting full access to one of my List Builders Society Monthly Q&A’s, which you guessed it -- is all about list building.  Let me just tell you, these questions from my students are good -- and there are probably some asked in this Q&A that haven’t even crossed your mind. So if you want to ramp up your list-building game, then pull up a Google Doc and get ready to take some notes because this episode is chock-full of tangible st

  • #527: Your Task List Can Wait: Prioritize Your Mental Health First

    20/12/2022 Duração: 15min

    Don’t let your task list get the best of you -- give yourself some space, and some grace Have you ever been so in the weeds with your task list that you don’t even know where to start?  I know I have, and let’s be honest -- watching your Asana tasks grow in real-time certainly isn’t a good feeling.  In fact, I recently had an experience where I became so overwhelmed by what I had on my plate, and had to ask my team for additional time on things that were already overdue.  As the captain of the ship, I won’t lie – I felt kind of bad about it. Like I was almost letting my team down for not getting them the deliverables they needed, when they needed them.  I had to take a step back, look at the situation from a 30,000 foot view, and realize that my task list does not own me.  And here’s the thing. Checking off those Asana tasks, as great as that would have made me feel, is not nearly as important as prioritizing my own mental health. I needed a little breather, and you know what? That’s 100% ok. So if you’

  • #526: How To Get Back Into Alignment When Burnout Comes Knocking: A Conversation With Mary Hyatt

    15/12/2022 Duração: 53min

    Take an approach to business that partners with your heart, body, and soul, instead of adding to your task list Did you know that 92% of small business owners have experienced mental health struggles over the past two years?  Between recovering from the pandemic and the constant pressure of hustle culture, entrepreneurs all over the world are prone -- more than ever -- to burnout and depression.  I’ll be honest, there have been plenty of times throughout my entrepreneurial journey that I’ve felt totally depleted. And although it’s so tempting just to get back on the horse and keep grinding through those tough times, it’s so very important to take a pause.  Give yourself the time and space that you need, and then move forward -- because if left unaddressed, burnout can lead to some pretty serious mental health issues. That’s why I wanted to have my dear friend Mary Hyatt on the show. Mary is a holistic mindset coach who helps entrepreneurs create a life and business that lights them up from the inside, an

  • #525: How To Become A Master Decision Maker (& Troubleshooter)

    13/12/2022 Duração: 17min

    Decision fatigue is a real thing – here’s how to move past it I’m sure you’ve heard before that one of the key characteristics of great leaders is their ability to make informed decisions quickly.  And if you’re a business owner, then you fully understand just how many decisions you need to make on a day-to-day basis.  Whether it’s a small decision -- like how you want your email signature to look, or something larger, like whether or not to hire a team -- making decisions is not always easy.  And I’ll be honest, even though I’ve honed my decision-making skills over the years, there are times where I simply just don’t want to make them. Yes, sweet friend. Decision fatigue is a very real thing, and I’ve dealt with it a lot in my business over the years.  So what do you do when you’re faced with making a decision that you just don’t feel like making -- especially when you don’t have a CEO to help guide you? And to take it one step further, does the fact that you struggle with making decisions make you inep

  • #524: How To Monetize Your Instagram (Without Changing Your Content Strategy) With Natasha Willis

    08/12/2022 Duração: 49min

      Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy."

  • #523: Is Your Fear Of Success Sabotaging Your Business?

    06/12/2022 Duração: 19min

      Rate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts "I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy."

  • #522: The Gratitude Series: Glo Atanmo

    01/12/2022 Duração: 13min

    How to create time freedom, location freedom, and financial freedom in your life One of the most rewarding parts of being an entrepreneur is having the ability to create freedom in all aspects of your life – and my guest on this episode, creator and educator Glo Atanmo, is doing just that.  She’s has created a life of her own design – working just a couple months out of the year, traveling the world, and making an incredible living doing what she absolutely loves.  But how? Tune in to hear how Glo has set up her life in a way that works for her, and how she prioritizes what matters most while earning a significant income.  I promise, this will leave you feeling incredibly inspired. Plus, this episode is part of our Week of Gratitude & Giving – which means that I’m giving away a GRAND PRIZE! Stick around to the end to hear how you can win: A one-year subscription to the Full Focus Planner A 6-month membership to Social Curator  A copy of my book, Two Weeks Notice  All of my Two Weeks Notice pre-orde

  • #521: The Gratitude Series: Yours Truly!

    30/11/2022 Duração: 18min

    The journey of entrepreneurship is a trip – full of ups, downs, and unimaginable joy If I told you that five years from now, you’d be getting a text from one of your all-time favorite entrepreneurs, to make sure their launch didn’t clash with yours – would you laugh? Right now, things like… …generating seven-figure revenue …having a 25-person team …being friends with the entrepreneurs you admire… May seem improbable… even impossible. But the truth is, you don’t know what’s ahead for you. Your wildest dreams probably don’t even equate to what’s actually going to unfold.  In this episode, I offer a reminder of everything you’ve been working so hard to build - as I reflect on the highs and lows of building a wildly successful business from nothing. I remember like yesterday how hard those early years were. And if you’d told me then that I’d have what I do now (the team, the revenue, the community, and a heart full of gratitude), I’d have laughed too. As for what I’m most grateful for in entrepreneurship…

  • #520: The Gratitude Series: Jasmine Star

    29/11/2022 Duração: 10min

    Jasmine Star opens up about the friendships she’s truly grateful for in this heartwarming episode There are so many things to be grateful for as an entrepreneur -- the opportunity to do what you love, work from anywhere, and call all of the shots, just to name a few. But one thing on the list that often gets overlooked are those incredible friendships with other entrepreneurs that you create along your journey. It’s those entrepreneurial friends who can help you through the tough times in ways that other supportive people in your life simply can’t – not because they don’t want to, but because they don’t know exactly what you’re going through.  For me, Jasmine Star has been one of those friends. She’s been with me for the ups, the downs, and everything in between. And I’m there for her, too. I won’t lie, what Jasmine shares in this episode brought me to tears. I was reminded of how grateful I am for her friendship, and also that I’m able to show up in a way that makes an impact on her, too. This very spec

  • #519: The Gratitude Series: Anthony Trucks

    28/11/2022 Duração: 21min

    How to set your scale, build a life that you want, and practice gratitude In this very special episode, you’ll hear from Anthony Trucks – a former NFL Athlete, American Ninja Warrior on NBC, speaker, podcast host and founder of Identity Shift coaching.  As a foster kid raised in poverty, life was incredibly difficult for Anthony growing up. But after experiencing setback after setback, he learned how to transform his obstacles into achievements and completely shifted his identity. Anthony shares his incredible story of growth, the impact entrepreneurship has had on him, and steps you can take to create a life that’s intentional. And guess what? This is the first day of our Week of Gratitude & Giving – and as part of it, I’m giving away a GRAND PRIZE! It includes:  A one-year subscription to the Full Focus Planner A 6-month membership to Social Curator  A copy of my book, Two Weeks Notice  All of my Two Weeks Notice pre-order bonuses A 6-month membership to GrowthDay  The Barefoot Dreams blanket  S

  • #518: Sweeten the Deal: How To Create a Bonus Package That Gets Your Audience to Buy

    23/11/2022 Duração: 34min

    >> Head here to grab the bonus that goes hand-in-hand with this episode: 5 Real-Life Course Bonus Examples To Inspire You

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