Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield



How do I start an online business? Grow my email list to thousands of subscribers? Sell more and grow faster? These are just some of the big questions that leading online marketing strategist, Amy Porterfield, digs into on the top-ranked Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast. Featuring insights from A-List online marketing experts (Russell Brunson, John Lee Dumas, Rick Mulready, Marie Forleo, etc.) as well as mini marketing masterclasses and step-by-step guides, each episode is designed to help you take immediate action on the most important strategies for starting, scaling and automating your online business. Amys specialty is getting into the online trenches with you. Thinking about creating an online course? Want to promote with webinars? Need help with your Facebook ads? Discover why hundreds of thousands of online business owners turn to Amy Porterfield to generate more profits and to make sense of the online marketing space, implement the strategies that really get results, and turn that side hustle into a business that lasts.


  • #202: How to Engage Your Small Facebook Group When You’re Just Starting Out with Caitlin Bacher

    15/03/2018 Duração: 55min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: In the past few years, as Facebook has evolved, I’ve begun to think about Facebook groups in a whole different way. I believe groups—and not pages—are the key to building the kind of communities that allow you to truly connect with and grow your audience. And it’s not just me! Many of my peers are having the same experience in discovering the incredible potential of Facebook groups. One superstar, in particular, is my friend Caitlin Bacher—who has grown her private FB group to more than 30,000 members in 3 years! Caitlin is with me today to answer the question I get asked all of the time with my students: How do I boost engagement in my Facebook groups when I’m starting from zero? Tune in to learn how to make Facebook groups one of your most effective social platforms! And Caitlin shares ALL, including the #1 mistake she sees entrepreneurs make with groups... [6:06] Yes, I know it sounds like things just got trickier with the Facebook algorithm and the annou

  • #201: Five Ways to Make Money (Without Using Webinars)

    08/03/2018 Duração: 58min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Yes, today’s topic may seem a bit off-brand for me, since to know me is to know that I love love love webinars. However, today I’m mixing things up to present a few different strategies to make money online. I STILL think webinars are the most powerful way you can drive your online business…but I wanted to share 5 ways to make money online that do not include a webinar training and that can set you up for bigger strategies to bring in bigger bucks. Not only am I dishing out several ways you can make money, but I’m also talking about the actual offers you can craft to then promote the strategies I’m sharing. I am a big believer in baby steps, and you may not be ready for webinars in your business—YET. So I’m going to talk about some simpler strategies you can use in your business until you’re ready to take the “webinar leap.” Let’s start making some money... Check out these highlights: How I started out with Facebook page reviews (and why). [6:12] The right

  • #199: From Two Failed Course Launches to Pre-Sell Success with Michelle Evans

    22/02/2018 Duração: 56min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: My dream was to knock it out of the park for my first launch. But to know me and my story is to know that it took me a few tries to get it right. Which is the case for MOST people. And that’s why I wanted to bring Michelle Evans on the show. Michelle is one of my very first students, and she’s here to share how she turned TWO complete launch failures into an astonishing success. I’ve got a feeling that for some of you, Michelle’s experiences of saving what seemed like a huge mess (including an ice-cold, 6% open-rate email list into a hit), is just what you need to hear. Michelle and I start at the very beginning (including how she transitioned from her 16-year corporate job at Microsoft to creating online courses). Michelle dives into all of the excruciating details of her two failed launches, and also what she did to turn it all around. I think you’ll get a lot out of the strategies, lessons and insights she’s sharing, including how she used my program Courses

  • #198: Five Important Facebook Ad Changes with Rick Mulready

    15/02/2018 Duração: 43min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Keeping up with Facebook updates can (at times) feel like a full-time job. And if you’re not staying on top of everything that’s changing, you can feel like you’re stuck back in 2012. I’ve got you covered because today, my Facebook Ads sidekick and dancing machine (more about that in the episode!) Rick Mulready, is joining me to fill us in on some of the most recent, and relevant, updates on Facebook Ads. We’re talking everything from the Power Editor going away, to budget optimization, all the way to Messenger Ads. You can’t miss this goldmine of an episode—especially because Rick is introducing us to an amazing new feature to optimizing our budget and get more bang for our buck. If you’ve decided that this year is THE year to master Facebook ads, you cannot miss out on all the juicy details Rick has for us in today’s ep. Some of you know Rick from previous podcasts, and I love having him back because he’s always making sure you’re on top of your game with F

  • #197: How to 10X Your Results in 2018 (and Beyond) with 3 Dead Simple Strategies With Marie Forleo

    08/02/2018 Duração: 01h03min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Marie Forleo is back to tell it like it is. Today she’s bringing three so-simple strategies that ANYONE can use to amp up their results this year. So no more “I’m never going to make enough money to quit my day job.” No more “My list is stuck at 900.” No more “I can’t connect with my audience.” So if you feel overwhelmed or overstretched or maybe, just maybe, like you’re drowning, this conversation is for you. Marie has this uncanny ability to help you uncover what’s truly holding you back from getting results and on this episode, you’ll be amazed to discover that all of the strategies we’re diving into today require more of you and less of all the tools and gizmos you think you need to succeed online. And if you let them, these strategies will free you up and open the door to a business you’ve been dreaming of. WARNING: This one is definitely an “ear-buds episode” (to wear around the kids); Marie’s breaking out the adult language. Check out these highlights

  • #196: 3 Surprising Strategies to Increase Sales on Your Next Webinar

    01/02/2018 Duração: 29min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: If I know one thing after running hundreds of webinars, it’s this: Connection on a webinar presentation is THE path to higher conversions. With that in mind, I wanted to show you three key strategies that may just surprise you—not because they are advanced, or radically different. They may be surprising to you because they are not the typical strategies you talk about when it comes to boosting webinar conversions. Which is EXACTLY why I wanted to share these three elements with you, so that you can focus on creating true, real touch points with your audience on your webinar, create those deeper connections, and ultimately see better conversions. As some of you might already know, I relaunched my List Builder’s Lab program with a series of live webinars. And every time I do a series of live webinars I always learn new strategies or walk away with aha moments about how to do things differently or have a bigger impact. And you know me: I’m holding nothing back. Inc

  • #195: The 6 Pillars of My Content Creation Process

    24/01/2018 Duração: 40min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: You KNOW you have to create “quality content” for your different outcomes—but how do you make sure that it is relevant and compelling, and the entire process doesn’t feel completely overwhelming Today I’m taking the overwhelm out of getting out weekly material plus creating content inside of your programs and promotions plus everything else you’ve got to think about by breaking down every single part of the content-creating process for you. Introducing: My six pillars of content creation process and how they help me stay focused with every content piece I produce. When you start categorizing your content and just hone in on one or two things (versus the 30 things on your project plan!), you can do them much more effectively. With these pillars, I want you to know exactly what you’re focusing on for where you are in your business. No more second-guessing on what kind of content you need to engage your tribe, or build up to a promotion. I’ve put it all out there s

  • #194: How I Handle Criticism as an Online Marketer

    18/01/2018 Duração: 24min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Criticism—it’s inevitable as an online marketer and business owner. As an entrepreneur I’ve come across my fair share. You’ll run into your own criticism at some point (if you haven’t already!) and yes, it may get uncomfortable. So I want you to be prepared for it. Today I’m sharing with you my three-point approach to dealing with criticism in a graceful way (and saving your sanity and overall well-being). In the end, it’s all about how you face it. With the right strategies you can actually turn criticism into something powerful (15:19) for you and your business. It can even change HOW you do business. When you are building your online business, you’re opening yourself up to a completely different world for feedback (in contrast to say, the corporate realm). And the fact is that total strangers may be giving you “input.” It can be daunting in the beginning, however if you can learn to face this feedback without taking it personal, then you will become that mu

  • #193: Should I Join a Mastermind?

    11/01/2018 Duração: 43min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: I don’t know it all. That’s an incredibly humbling thing to say, but it’s the truth. I don’t know everything about business, and in fact, I’ve got my share of blind spots. That’s exactly why I surround myself with incredible peers, so I can have a go-to resource to solve for business challenges and help make big decisions. And I think a great way to find that sounding board is through a mastermind. I know there are no real silver bullets in online business, but a good mastermind comes pretty darn close. I think it can make the difference between success and total failure for you as a business owner. So today I’m digging into masterminds— Why you should think about joining a mastermind How you know if you’re ready How to pick a great one Plus I’ll talk about a big decision I just made to join a mastermind for 2018, why I’m signing up, and who’s coming with me. By the way—if you know me, you know I’m always looking for inspiration. And a big thing about wo

  • #192: Are You Embracing the “Visionary Role” In Your Business?

    04/01/2018 Duração: 28min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Today, I’m going to make some confessions about my weaknesses in leadership. I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a stellar leader, and ultimately, a VISIONARY. You’re going to hear me talk about the idea of being a visionary in this episode, and I’m also sharing my own mantra for 2018. Not only what it is, but also specifically how I came up with it, the questions I asked myself and how I plan on using this mantra to drive my year forward. Then I’m giving you an easy, three-step strategy (that I call my Three V’s) to embody your theme every year and move forward in the direction you want to go. (5:01) As you listen to me figure out what I really want to be as a leader I want you thinking about this for yourself, and how you can implement these three steps and transform your business in the next year. Being intentional about setting my vision for each year has shifted the way I think about my business, and I want the same for you! Let’s start to

  • #191: A Week in the Life (A Behind the Scenes Look Into My Business)

    28/12/2017 Duração: 01h11min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: If you’re anything like me, you love to see behind the curtain, to what’s really going on with successful entrepreneurs. Many of you have been asking me (for a while) to map out my day—what I plan to do, what I actually get done, how I use my time. Well I’m taking it one step further and talking through an entire WEEK. You’ll hear about my struggles. How I get into the flow. And when I couldn’t get it together. Oh, and the one podcast I’m obsessed with right now. The truth is, my processes and habits are a big part of what makes my business successful. I’ve got BIG chunks of time carved out where I can stay hyper-focused and get what might take another person weeks to do. And I know that many of my students want to do that too. So I’m hoping you’ll learn a little something about how to optimize your routine with this episode... Here’s How the Episode Breaks Down: I’ll start the week with my Sunday session. From there, each day I’ll check in during the Morning

  • #190: How Getting ‘Niche Specific’ Evolved Into $12K/Month Automated Webinars

    21/12/2017 Duração: 52min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Today this dog lover (me!) is talking cat grooming—but it’s not what you think :). I’m highlighting cat grooming as the starting point of what has become a lucrative business empire for my student and new friend, Danelle German. Danelle started with one simple question (5:07) —and grew that focus to a business that now generates $12,000 a month on evergreen webinars ALONE. That’s not counting her speaking, curriculum deals, physical products and certification program. Danelle is here to teach us: If you really want to make money in this online marketing world, you need to drill down and serve a specific audience. You never know who you’re going to meet at live events, right? And I am so pleased that I got the opportunity to meet Danelle at a recent event, because she is the perfect example of starting small and scaling slowly and intelligently. (During today’s episode, you’re going to hear me say “genius” A LOT.) I encourage you to “listen beyond the cat groomi

  • #189: 3 Wins (and a Few Misses) From My Live Events

    14/12/2017 Duração: 33min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: This year I made a big decision to open up what is typically a B-School bonus event, and do two one-day live events for ALL of my students. There is something incredible about holding live events—the connections with your audience, the relationships you build, the amazing team building. Which is exactly WHY I wanted to go behind the scenes and share the big learnings, and a few misses. I know some of you are thinking about holding your own events, so I wanted to give you some steps to making sure you hold your own ultra-successful event. And for me, it all starts with the connecting opportunities. (18:02) So if you have been thinking about using events as a great upsell, or a VIP experience, or maybe a new revenue stream, you will want to listen in to all the takeaways from this episode. For each point I walk through, I made sure to provide a “take action” piece for you so you can immediately apply it to your own event planning. Let’s get started making event

  • #188: What I Learned From a Year of Automating My Business

    07/12/2017 Duração: 31min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: At the end of 2016 it hit me: I was working for my business instead of my business working for me. Can I get an “AMEN”? So I had to make a BIG decision and explore an entire year of evergreen for my business this past year (2017) and limit my number of live launches. In the spirit of pure transparency, I’m looking back on how the year went, and putting it all out there for you: the good, the bad, the (at times) ugly so you know how I made this decision, how I executed, and what I learned from the entire process. And how proud I am of my “bold move.” Spoiler-alert for this episode: I thought my year of automation would be much easier than it was. I took a leap of faith, and now regret NONE of it. In fact, I’m a better leader and business owner because of it. Today I’ll break down the positive results, and some of the learnings along the way. To make it truly actionable, I have broken this episode into four parts: Part One: How I approached the year of automatio

  • #187: How to Use Pinterest to Generate Traffic and Profits With Jenna Kutcher

    30/11/2017 Duração: 48min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: What IF instead of looking at Pinterest as just another Social Media platform, you saw it as a powerful search engine that can drive traffic for your business? That’s exactly why I invited my guest today—photographer, podcaster and savvy business woman Jenna Kutcher. Because she has experienced the kind of amazing impact Pinterest can have on your business—in fact, Pinterest is the platform that drives the MOST traffic to her site: More than 5,000 unique visitors every single month. (Yeah, I couldn’t believe it at first either!) Pinterest also (at times) gets a bad rap because it may not be the first site you think of to reach your core clients, which also couldn’t be more wrong. I think first and foremost, a mindset shift around Pinterest is in order, starting here. Yes, Pinterest can be THAT effective. And what I love about Jenna is that she holds nothing back. She’s the kind of gal that says what she’s thinking, or feeling, at any moment. I feel like this e

  • #186: How to Makeover Your Blog to Get More Traction with Julie Solomon

    23/11/2017 Duração: 54min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: It’s time to talk about your blog (or even your show notes for your podcast)—are you seeing the traction you really want? If not, today’s special guest has answers. I asked expert blogger Julie Solomon to come on the podcast and talk about what’s working, the mistakes bloggers make, and how to make sure you have a truly healthy blog. Spoiler alert: Julie doesn’t actually blog every week, which I found VERY intriguing... And you can find out exactly how often she DOES blog. Jump right into that part of our chat right here. [33:00] In the world of online marketing, all of the people I follow and look up to—and who I know are financially successful in their business—they all have a central hub where they create content on a weekly basis. And for most of them… it’s a blog. So look no further for the connection between blogging and having a thriving business. Now I want to make sure you are using the strategies that really get results (v. blogging to crickets)—an

  • #185: All About Instagram Ads with Rick Mulready

    16/11/2017 Duração: 42min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Rick Mulready is back to give the scoop on Social Media ads—but with a TWIST! We’re taking a break from Facebook ads (but don’t worry—much more to come as always on those!) and shining the light on his Social Media sister, Instagram. Now just because these two are related, don’t think one size fits all when it comes to working with these platforms. Rick and I walk through the nuances of the difference between the two (especially when it comes to imagery, videos and placement). Just in case you don’t think Instagram ads are worth for your business—keep in mind that there are 800 million Instagram users right now that are up for grabs. AND if that’s not enough, if you have a product or service, Instagram can be an incredibly powerful platform for you. Just take a listen to these stats that Rick throws out. [7:39] I gotta tell you, I love Instagram and feel that it’s a great time to grab your audience’s attention. So I’m shifting gears with Rick today so we can h

  • #182: How to Mega-Batch Your Content

    26/10/2017 Duração: 26min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: Do you ever have that feeling like creating your content is taking over your life? That no matter what you do, you are dealing with your podcast, or your blog, or your video series EVERY SINGLE DAY? It shouldn’t be this way—and today I have your solution: It’s called Mega-Batching (an idea sparked by Michael Hyatt) and it has transformed the way I deliver this podcast. I’m going to walk you through, layer by layer, how I create at least six episodes at a time with my team so you can take advantage of this time- and sanity-saving process. It will also help you fall back in love with creating content (especially if you have had a falling out!) Not to mention that once you focus on this strategy, you will have the time to spend on Your Business Wish List and experience that white space to be truly creative. Now if you’re thinking—this seems like too much work, I don’t know if I can handle this. Trust me, I get it. However, as a business owner, I don’t want you to

  • #181: Eliminating Money Blocks with James Wedmore

    19/10/2017 Duração: 44min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: There’s more to running a business than just steps and strategies. You’ve got to master your inner game: your core beliefs and thoughts. There’s a big (and all-too prevalent) myth when it comes to your time and money: That the secret to success is to work hard and hustle. [6:47] No one is exempt from dealing with money issues. So it’s time to face them. “We gotta talk about money.” That’s what my dear friend and mindset maven James Wedmore said when I told him I wanted him back on the show to talk entrepreneurial mindset. James and I both think that money is a huge block when it comes to your business. So today I want to chat about some of the beliefs or blind spots that just might be holding you back from finding real success for your business. Do me a favor and just see if they feel true for you… Check out these highlights: The real 80/20 percent split when it comes to being an entrepreneur. [7:52] We all have a relationship with money just like we all ha

  • #180: 7 Ways I’ve Collaborated with Friends & Influencers to Increase Profits

    12/10/2017 Duração: 49min

    Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss: On today’s episode I’m going to walk you through seven collaborations that I’ve done over the years that range from my very first time collaborating, and even feeling a little shy (but learning so much!) all the way to collaborations with some of the biggest names in online marketing. I’m giving you the inside scoop into how those actually came to be, and some of the lessons I learned from each of these amazing experiences. And here’s a BIG note to remember: The key to successful collaborations is found within your relationship with the person – not on what that person can do for you or what you can do for him or her. [13:24] I know this from experience: Building your business for the long term is much easier when you can find peers and collaborators that you can build amazing relationships with. When you’re first starting out and you may not have much of a list or presence, you want to find collaborations that can help you find an audience for your business. So

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