Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Is it time to Stop calling them Tough Times



In this latest episode of our podcast, I dive into the transformative journey from living a high-flying lifestyle to facing the humbling experience of queuing at a food bank. The narrative often paints life as a sequence of tough times, but I'm here to question that notion and offer a fresh perspective on resilience and opportunity. It's about playing the cards we're dealt with grace and a positive mindset. Join me as I share personal reflections and inspiring stories from my coaching group, illustrating how shifting our mindset can lead to growth and success, even when adversity strikes. I'll also discuss the difference between fact and story, encouraging listeners to appreciate their unique experiences and not get caught up in a universal narrative of struggle. For all my salon owner friends, this episode extends a warm invitation to contribute to our industry feedback segment and to send in your queries for the upcoming Q&A 'Ask Me Anything' episode. Whether you're thriving or facing challenges, your i