Jibbing Towards Agorism



A barefoot walking, reiki healer striving to assist in the human consciousness to work towards a truly free world where we can live in the woods!My efforts to live a agorist life...


  • Ep 12 - Friday Reflection On Pub Culture

    23/04/2019 Duração: 29min

    Today I am reflecting on society and it's interactions! Have we lost communication and community?  Are we to reliant on the algorithm to tell use what to do?  In my opinion we are and this need to change and sharpish. Don't feel bad this have been the plan since Edward Bernays, Freuds Nephew (not son as I said in the jibcast) started the mass manipulation of the human mind. Discussed Today: Attitudes in society Free Speech Facebook and it's control Johnny Bravo's everywhere  Edward Bernays Matrix Change My attitude What people think Todays Links: The Invention of Public Relations Thanks for listening and as always I look forward to you're comments on my views. Feel free to suggest a topic or suggest a guest...

  • Ep 11: Global Warming, Climate Change or What?

    03/04/2019 Duração: 30min

    Well it's been a little too long since my last Jibcast so apologies for that one. I am going through a lot of realisation's currently and my perceptions are changing; I am needing more time in nature and away from the screen so please bare with me

  • Ep 10: The Dreaded B Word ...

    18/03/2019 Duração: 29min

    Yes it's time to mention the B word .... BREXIT, there we go I said it. To me the whole thing has been blown out of proportion and people are falling for it hook line and sinker. In the mean time they can slip through all the things that people would normally make a fuss about. I don't want to write too much about this subject as there is plenty out there so without further a doo jibcast uploaded and ready. Enjoy ... What ventures would you share recommend? Discussed today: Brexit My Vote What's it really about The Outcome According to @Vibeof100monkeys How to take the outcome The future Human consciousness Sorry no links from today Thanks for listening and be sure to comment on my views. Feel free to suggest a topic or suggest a guest

  • EP 9 What agorist things are you doing?

    18/03/2019 Duração: 26min

    I work in the corporate world as I have mentioned before, the reasons for this are to gain experience in my field so can setup on my own. Some may disagree with this approach but it's what I need currently. I can not beat the system and set up alternative without prior knowledge and some backing. So this is my plan. In the mean time I have a few ventures I have my fingers in to make some spare Crypto. Overall with the current market I am probably down on the overall investment but this will increase once we see the market back up. So would I recommend these, thats you're decision but I have used all of these and see a return of sorts (will be good when crypto is back up). I have put referral links in if you care to take a look... Just a side note I call Coinfest Cryptofest in error! What ventures would you share recommend? Discussed today: My efforts on agorism Wirex BitClub The Sun Exchange Food shopping alternatives and the not so super supermarkets My agorist efforts Alternatives in a statist dominated w

  • EP 8 - Social Media The Modern Addiction

    18/03/2019 Duração: 30min

    In a world that has become completely reliant on Social Media can we reverse this reliance? If we are to succeed in creating a balanced and free world we first need to cut the ties to our self imposed masters. Social Media has become the unrecognised addiction of the 21st century and it is pulling apart community. Admittedly it does have some advantages but are we over using it and cutting out real social interaction. There must be a balance to find and whilst the state is in control of it and conducting experiments and controlling through algorithms it will only have a detrimental effect on communication. What are you thoughts and how can we bring back social contact to the masses? Discussed today: Facebook and it's hidden agenda Addiction Steem My involvement Some links from today Quit Social Media Derrick Broze - Social Media Is Not Enough Its Time To Act Thanks for listening and be sure to comment your views, we need collaboration to make change

  • EP 7 - Yellow Vests Moving Forward

    18/03/2019 Duração: 27min

    Today I am speaking protesting and my views on it's effectiveness. I have been through many stages of thought with this one. I feel however another approach might be better. Many a protest has be effective but for how long? Is there a better way to wake the masses and brake the chain of command? How would you move things forward? Discussed today: Yellow Vest Protest Fracking Music Festivals Some links from today Info Yellow Vests Anti Fracking Thanks for listening and be sure to comment on my views

  • EP 6 Vibrational Jibbing to manifestation.

    17/03/2019 Duração: 28min

    Today I am speaking about how I found my space, in this mixed up reality we live in. I speak about my ways to connect with nature; like a fire, barefoot walking or even meditation with trees. It may sounds odd but then thats what we are lead to think once you try it I guarantee your perspective will change! It's important for our health we understand the importance of our perception, if this is negative this draws in negative energy, when we have a positive outlook we attract the positive into our lives. This have been tried and tested for generation only to be forgotten again. Many are refinding this outlook and turning their lives around me included. Don't list to the media or those who say it crazy, they will be the first to comment on how happy you are! Are you on the right vibration... Discussed today: My change in perspective Fires Barefoot walking Mediations Sun gazing Some links from today Grounding UK Sungazing Infinte Waters Jesse Elder @SashaDaygame Thanks for listening and be sure to ask for my vi

  • EP 5 Social Crediting is coming dreckly ...

    17/03/2019 Duração: 29min

    It's coming to a phone near you... A hot topic for today and one that needs addressing urgently. Social crediting is already in China and it's only a matter of time before it reaches your shores. We can stop this is; we have to plant the seed in our friends minds, communicating what is actually happening. This has been on the cards for a longtime and things are beginning to take shape. The media is now conditioning us to see it as normal to report those around you for not following social norm or statist rules. Creating conversations and signposting people to the information is the key! I realised editing this at first I called the program 'Black Books' not 'Black Mirror' definitely a difference 'Black Books' being a great comedy and 'Black Mirror' quite the opposite. Discussed today: Black Mirror - Nosedive Social Crediting Terms and Conditions Divide and Conquer Apps Media desensitising How to over come it Thanks for listening, be share you thoughts

  • EP 4 Me the communicator...

    17/03/2019 Duração: 20min

    Today i'm going into communication and how I want to do this. I also go back to the ego vs the gut! Discussed today: Contest winner @davidfar Where this Jibcast is going. Viewing life Communication Work with the ego and the gut combined Changing ourselves Thanks for listening and be sure to ask for my views ...

  • EP 3 My Mother told me no…

    17/03/2019 Duração: 21min

    Today I talk about the massive amount of negativity in the UK to Crypto and how the media is pumping out fear around it. How can we promote it and bring it in to contention. Discussed today: Perception of Crypto in the UK. How to promote it. Talking about Crypto negativity. Contest for some intro music - Win 10 SBD. Links CoinFest 2019 @jeffberwick @maneco64 Thanks for listening and be sure to ask for my views ...

  • EP 2 Finding my community & the importance of human connection?

    17/03/2019 Duração: 21min

    Today i wanted to talk more about listening to your instinct or gut and not the ego. Our instinct guides us! It tells us what we need to do; we just have to recognise this more often. Discussed today: Last time I spoke about how I'm feeling in need of some community! Living in the country has served me well although Benefiting from community? Sharing ideas To conclude then Lastly then don't forget the contest Good luck and thanks Thanks for listening and be sure to ask for my views ...

  • Vibeof100monkeys Jibcast - EP 1 The very beginning

    17/03/2019 Duração: 15min

    EP1 - The very beginning Today's a brief overview of my reflections on my own ego and where its taken me this last year; how to work with this and where too now. Discussed today: Introducing the concept and reasons behind the jibcast. Contest for some intro music - Win 10 SBD. Confronting the Ego. What's in Store for 2019! Thanks for listening and be sure to ask for my views ...