Eat Sleep Recover With Brad Davidson



Are you sick of fad diets and short term weight loss plans that will trash your body and your health, leaving you deprived, moody. weak, and likely to put the pounds back on? Then you're in the right spot. Eat Sleep Recover is a personalized nutrition, wellness, and lifestyle plan podcast, created by world renowned nutrition & fitness expert and author, Brad Davidson. The ESR podcast focuses on proven strategies to help you get the results you deserve without all the insane sacrifice and deprivation that is so common in today's fitness and nutrition world. To get your own customized plan, visit and become the best you!


  • Dr Jade Teta- Overcoming the Ultimate Enemy Preventing You From More Energy, A Better Looking Body, and Deeper Engagement in Your Life

    09/04/2019 Duração: 39min

    In this episode Brad interviews one of his most influential mentors, Dr Jade Teta.  They deep dive into the chaos and havoc stress is causing your metabolism and how you can become resilient to physical, mental, and emotional stress. If you want more energy, a better looking body, and deeper engagement in your life this is a must listen to episode.  

  • The Psychology of Motivation and What Actually Works to Help Get Results

    05/04/2019 Duração: 08min

    We are all looking for ways to hold ourselves accountable and keep our motivation in check to not fall off the wagon and get results.  I have seen clients try all kinds of crazy methods to force the change they want so bad.  Whenever we choose to make a change, it is always easy in the beginning, but as soon as motivation wears off we crash and burn.  So what really works? What are the strategies we can apply that will help keep us moving forward when things get tough.  In this episode Brad shares the top 4 ways proven by science to keep us motivated when things get tough, and no hanging a picture of someone with a perfect body on the refrigerator was not proven to be a successful way to keep us from reaching for that midnight snack. 

  • Do You Fear Carbohydrates? How They Saved My Life!

    20/03/2019 Duração: 12min

    Welcome to another episode of the Eat.Sleep. Recover Podcast.  Brad shares how carbohydrates saved his life, and how he uses carbohydrates everyday with his clients.  If you fear carbohydrates you need to listen to this podcast and discover how to use them everyday to control your stress and optimize how you feel, how you perform, and how you look. 

  • Consistency Not Intensity...The Key to Longterm Sustainable Results

    13/03/2019 Duração: 14min

    We've all fallen victim to the extreme regime that guarantees extreme body change results.  Yes they work in the short term but fail us miserably in the long term.  In this episode Brad explores the proven true path to obtain longterm sustainable results.  He shares his best tips and strategies to conquer consistency and reap the rewards of longterm sustainable results that improve your overall quality of life, not just how you look. 

  • Is Sleep Deprivation Raising Havoc on Your Health and Performance?

    06/03/2019 Duração: 19min

    After a week of being forced to suffer through sleep deprivation Brad decided to share a Podcast focused on sleep.  In this episode he shares how to recognize if you are suffering from sleep deprivation, how to survive when you have to perform while sleep deprived, and also his best strategies on improving overall sleep.  Sleep is the most critical component of high performance and looking your best.  Without it every part of your life will suffer! 

  • Exploring Detoxification

    27/02/2019 Duração: 11min

    Detoxification is a hot topic in the Health and Fitness sector these days.  A simple Google search of "Detoxification" will present you with over 54,000,000 results.  "Liver Cleanse" will land you over 56,000,000 results.  In Episode 5 Brad reveals his beliefs around detoxification and cleanse protocols from 6 months of in-depth study trying to find the ideal cleansing protocol.  Brad also shares his experience with simple ways to support detoxification that are safe and have proven effective over the years in this short but informative podcast. 

  • Secret Strategies to Ignite the Female Metabolism

    13/02/2019 Duração: 16min

    After 20 years of working with high achieving female clients Brad has discovered it often takes more then a hard workout and clean diet to get results.  In this episode Brad unveils the strategies he uses with his female clients to break through plateaus when exercise and diet aren't providing the deserved results.  

  • Effortless Weight Loss

    09/02/2019 Duração: 15min

    End of 2015 I released a book with Harper Collins focused on my Metabolic Reset and on the cover was a tagline.... "Effortless Weight Loss".  Many people scoffed at the idea saying it's not possible, but the average weight loss in the first 3 weeks on the plan is still 12 lbs.   Best part is the Reset plan asks people to not partake in any high intensity exercise during the Reset, but to catch up on their rest. I've even had one gentleman who works in a bakery loose over 100lbs in a year and all he did for exercise was walk. This episode explores why taking a break from exercise is what so many people need to get results from their metabolism. 

  • So What, Now What......

    08/02/2019 Duração: 10min

    Today more then ever so many of us struggle with guilt when we cheat on our diet, or can't be perfect with our exercise schedule.  Often times one cheat meal taken at the wrong time will completely derail us out of shame.  We are led to believe it takes perfection with our fitness and nutrition strategies to get the results we deserve, but this couldn't be farther from the truth.  In this episode Brad discusses a strategy he learned Eric and Mary McGrath from Driven for Life on how to forgive ourselves for slip-ups and continue on with our journey.  The road to long term success is a life long journey, a slip up here and there is normal and part of the process.  It's time to pick yourself back up, declare "So What, Now What" and get back on track! You got this!!!

  • Welcome to the Eat Sleep Recover Podcast with Brad Davidson

    16/01/2019 Duração: 11min

    Host Brad Davidson welcomes you to the new Eat Sleep Recover Podcast.  In this cutting edge new podcast Brad will explore his beliefs on how the Fitness and Nutrition industry is missing the point of taking better care of ourselves. They have made it all about how you look.  Look good at any cost and they promise you a better life.  Brad completely missed the point in 2008 and almost killed himself taking traditional fitness and nutrition advice to an extreme to look a certain way trying to gain status in the industry.  There is no point in looking good and feeling horrible! It took 6 years for Brad to heal the damage he had done and since then he has been on a mission helping others steer clear of the miss guided message and those damaged by the traditional system to recover  and coach them down a better path .  Eat Sleep Recover is focused on bringing you the truth to a better life through taking proper care of yourself.  If you want more energy, a better looking body that