Talkcdl Trucking Podcast

Surviving All Alone and Broke Down



Surviving All Alone and Broke Down. Could you survive broke down all by yourself? Could you do it in the winter? Are you even prepared to be broke down? Well, check out this weeks podcast on TalkCDL Trucking g Podcast and find out if you are prepared. TalkCDL has put together and survival kit list. We feel it's important for drivers to be prepared for all situations while living on the road. This past week produced and very bed winter storm and over 70 people did not survive. Most froze to death. What a horrible way to go. Trucker decides to kill instead of paying for a service A trucker this week called because he needed a locksmith to get him into his rig. A locksmith came to the rescue, only to a nightmare. According to the news, this truck driver did not want to pay the locksmith but instead ran him over and killed him. Then he had the nerve to go on and make his delivery. Of course the trucker is now in jail. We will see if there is more to this story. Happy New Year 2022 is finally in the