Leadership Advantedge: Leadership | Influence | Talent | Neuroscience

LA 031: How to be at Cause for your Life and Creative Success



Are you at Cause or Effect?One of the most common issues faced by people in their lives and leadership is: life happening. John Lennon's famously said"Life happens whilst you're making other plans."Some of you are going to like this, others won't like this one little bit. Essentially, you have a choice. A very simple choice. You can choose to create their future, or you can accept the one that you get.Moving from effect to cause"But..." I hear you about to interrupt... there are no 'buts'. Sorry about that. Yes, it is true that other people, the world, the circumstances around them may well prevent them from achieving their goal. So what are you going to do about it?Can you cause the world do something different? There are many things that you cannot change... the weather for example. So the answer is…. overcome the problem.Can you make another person do whatever is necessary? Neither you nor anyone else can directly cause them to do something, though you can influence them."But..." I continue to hear... Ther