Manga Mavericks

Manga Mavericks @ Movies #49: "Adult Swim Yule Log w/Casper Kelly"



Hello everybody and welcome back to Manga Mavericks @ Movies, the show where we don’t talk smack about movies, we celebrate them, except for the rare occasions we do talk smack about movies, but that wouldn’t be very Christmasy of us would it? Yes, it’s been a while, but we’re back to throw another log on the @ Movies fire just in time for Yule as a Christmas gift to our dear listeners, presenting our first ever special Manga Mavericks @ Movies interview with Casper Kelly, the creator of many [adult swim] classics like Stroker & Hoop, Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell, Too Many Cooks, Final Deployment 4, and his newest special and first ever feature film, Adult Swim’s Yule Log (aka The Fireplace)! Yule Log was the wonderful wintertime gift we didn’t know we wanted when it premiered after the Rick & Morty season finale last Sunday night, it’s the kind of special surprise and creative novelty that I absolutely love [adult swim] for and why they’re still the best network around, because no other netw