New Age Guild Radio | Spirit Talk Radio

Spirit Talk Radio with Marilyn Lawrence, Intuitive Coach, Speaker, and Author



Welcome to Spirit Talk with your host Angel Thacker, Soul Path Coach & Spiritual Medium.  Spirit Talk Radio features guest readers, practitioners, and personalities from the community. To answer questions, give insight and so much more. Today's guest: Marily Lawerence. Topic: Working with the new 2020 energy shifts Marilyn Lawrence is an Intuitive Coach, Speaker, and Author of six books, with more in the works. Embracing her path with gusto and passion, via her books, cards, seminars, and coaching, Marilyn teaches adults and children alike to mindfully recognize their purpose-driven qualities, so they too can make the difference they were born to make in this life to achieve full-life satisfaction. She also shares varied techniques that aid in the release of trapped emotions from life’s experiences which left wounds. Releasing the things that dull our light, have taken us off our path, and that has left us in a place of confusion helps us not only see ourselves again, but it lets us feel the lust for li