New Age Guild Radio | Spirit Talk Radio

Spirit Talk Radio with guest Psychic Medium Shelly J. Miller



Welcome to Spirit Talk with your host Angel Thacker, Soul Path Coach & Spiritual Medium.  Spirit Talk Radio features guest readers, practitioners, and personalities from the community. To answer questions, give insight and so much more. Today's guest: Shelly J. Miller, Psychic Medium OPEN LINE NIGHT-ASK PSYCHIC MEDIUM SHELLY J. MILLER ABOUT ANYTHING YOU HAVE EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE SPIRITUAL WORLD INCLUDING LIFE AFTER DEATH, ALL THINGS METAPHYSICAL, HEALING AND TRANSFORMATION, AND CURRENT AND COMING WORLD EVENTS. As a Psychic and a Medium, Shelly is known for providing deeply accurate and amazingly detailed Readings and Coaching Sessions.  She is at a Mastery Level and able to answer any question and offer Guidance and Counseling on any subject.  She is also an expert in helping you to identify and release the blocks that are holding you back so you move forward on a positive track.  Her goal is to always lead you to a life of happiness and inner peace with the help of A Course In Miracles. Call