New Age Guild Radio | Spirit Talk Radio

Talk with Tina



My gift of psychic insight through use of tarot will answer your questions regarding romance, employment, relationships, business and finance. Conversations with me will allow you to address sensitive and private matters and overall concerns that you are struggling to resolve. My purpose, mission and commitment is to support you by providing clarity and insight - no question is too direct, sensitive or confusing - please unburden yourself by asking about whatever is on your mind. A LITTLE ABOUT ME: I've been reading tarot for nearly 8 years and for every reading, I request that Source allows me to be a clear and open channel to messages of light and love. Because I am an Empath and a Psychic Medium, each reading is exclusive to you. Talking with Tina discusses current events, tips on raising your vibration and provides insight into your life through Tarot Readings. Tune in to the online radio show that supports raising your awareness as you raise your consciousness. Let’s talk.