Global Nomadic Leadership: Taking Your Leadership One Step Closer To Excelling

EIL 05: From Failure to Leadership Success: Swiss International Airlines featuring Lorenzo Stoll



If Swissair went bankrupt in the past, Swiss International Airlines in Swiss Romand is beginning to thrive with Lorenzo Stoll and stay tuned, it is just the beginning.  Dr. Katrina Burrus asked what does he attribute some of his leadership success at Swiss International Airlines with the following questions: What is one trait he possesses that makes him an effective leader at Swiss? How does he overcome challenges? What routine does he attribute his success at Swiss International Airlines? How does he relieve his stress? What is one piece of advice he would give to a younger version of himself? For you, Lorenzo Stoll shares his biggest failure and his biggest passion. Who is Lorenzo Stoll? Lorenzo Stoll, born 1971, has joined SWISS in October 2013.  Holding a diploma of the Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne, he did start his career working in the tourism and leisure industry at the Montreux-Vevey Tourism Office. Lorenzo Stoll comes to SWISS from the Nestlé organization, where he has held various executive functions