Epic Gaming Night Podcast | Board Games Table Top & Card Games

Ep. 3 Tabletop Simulator



This podcast we talk all about Tabletop Simulator and its place in the Gaming Hobby! With special guest Dave Aka Xaintrix! check out his stream at www.twitch.tv/Xaintrix Tabletop Sim in a virtual sand box for playing board games, role playing games & other forms of table top gaming. you can download mods or make your own to play games with your friends online! We also talk about games we have been playing. Chaosmos, Cash & Guns, Dixit, & Spector Ops! We stream the podcast live on twitch every Tuesday 9pm EST and stream live board game Fridays 6-10pm EST at www.twitch.tv/epicgamingnight Send questions for the podcast to EpicGamingNight@gmail.com Hit us up on twitter and instagram @epicgamingnight If you enjoy the show make sure to review on itunes!