Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

489 Doug Noll - Overcoming Disabilities and Thriving With Outdoor Adventures



I'm excited to introduce this week's guest, Doug Noll. Doug was born with multiple disabilities: he had both audio and visual disabilities as well as two club feet. After struggling with sports in school, he turned to Scouts and the outdoors and started to thrive. Doug is a whitewater guide, Level III PSIA ski instructor, sailor, and fly fisher. He has also been a rock climber, mountaineer, competitive swimmer, and Class IV kayaker. His various outdoor adventures have taught him discipline, persistence, patience, mental endurance, and fortitude, which he applies in his career as a peacemaker and mediator. In this episode, we discuss Doug’s adventures, how he overcame his disabilities to thrive in the outdoors, and what he’s learned over the years.   About Doug Noll Douglas E. Noll, JD, MA left a successful career as a trial lawyer to become a peacemaker. His calling is to serve humanity, and he executes his calling at many levels. He is an award-winning author, teacher, trainer, and highly experienced mediato