The Amanda Collins Podcast

My Number 1 Daily Grounding Practice with Guided Meditation



Beloved, this meditation is a daily grounding practice of mine which allows me so much freedom of spirit and true connection to Source, the land, and others. It’s so easy for us to experience a disconnect, for us to isolate ourselves, or perhaps just not prioritize our needs on a daily basis. This can lead to emotional, mental, and health blockages that will require extensive repair work in the future. In order to be clear on our intentions, almost resetting our brains, it’s vital to incorporate a daily grounding practice. This meditation is easy to follow, and you can do this from anywhere. Whether it’s your local park, your sacred sanctuary at home, or perhaps a local beach. It’s all for your benefit as it’s time that you’re setting aside to commune with the Divine, reach into the heart of the earth, embrace nature around you and allow yourself to reflect and tune into your authenticity. Setting time aside can be daunting at times with the hustle and bustle of life, businesses, holidays, family, and respon