In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

How to get started with TENS for urinary urgency, urinary incontinence, and bladder pain.



Libsync and YouTube description Urinary incontinence is not only expensive, but also robs you of fun in life for fear of having an accident. Today’s guest, Fiona Rogers has researched the safe and highly effective results of using TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) on bladder pain and urinary incontinence. Fiona shares her knowledge with other health professionals and with us on the show. We cover topics like: 3:36 How bladder concerns impact your quality of life 5:40 Using TENS for urinary incontinence 10:10 Using TENS for bladder pain and pelvic pain 12:00 TENS unit recommendations 14:10 How to use a TENS for bladder concerns 16:30 TENS or neuromuscular electrical stimulation 20:00 Research on the effectiveness of TENS and how long it can take to see a change 27:30 Which health professional can get you started with TENS? 35:30 Upcoming courses for health professionals on TENS TENS works by communicating with the neural pathways that communicate with bladder spinal reflexes and your brain.