Nb Publishers

Tafelberg Book Chat: Blood and Silver by Jan Glazewski



Tafelberg author Jan Glazewski recently addressed the Cape Town Press Club, sharing more about his recently released memoir, Blood and Silver: A true story of survival and a son's search for his family treasure. He was in conversation with Twanji Kalula. About this book: "On the border of the forest, among the trees, you must look for our silver and my hunting guns." Before fleeing the family estate near Lviv, in what is now Ukraine, Jan Glazewski’s father buried what he could salvage of the family silver in the forest. The Glazewskis left war-ravaged Europe after World War II for a new life in South Africa. When Jan is born in Paarl in 1953, he nearly dies, like his elder brother before him, of severe haemophilia. Against the odds, he survives childhood – only to discover, at the start of his career, that he is HIV-positive from receiving contaminated blood products. Despite this setback, Jan goes on to have a remarkable legal and academic career, which includes his involvement in drafting the environmen