Shunya One

Saurabh Saxena On Making A Social Product Exclusively For Teenagers



On Shunya One, this week we are joined by Saurabh Saxena, Founder of Uable. He talks about meeting their co-founder in Bangalore before it was called a start-up city, how was Saurabh's journey initially when there were no such things as start-ups. Saurabh talks about how he started with the idea of making the product as an Edu-tech, selling his first company, building Vedantu, later realizing that a student and today’s generation has a lot to offer so shaping the idea of building a platform like Uable. He tells us about the biggest insight that he got on teenagers was wanting a space to express themselves, why they weren’t happy just learning, the global trend of teenagers flocking out of major social media communities to make their own private communities, and the need to make a creative space like Uable. Further, they talk about the word ‘Creative’ being such a diverse word with a broad definition, teenagers and Gen – Z, in general, wanting to become a creator, why they don’t want to wait for a degree to cr