Wellness For Life Radio

Why You Need Cholesterol



For many years, cholesterol has been the "bad guy" in the fight against heart disease.For many years, cholesterol has been the "bad guy" in the fight against heart disease.Dr. Jonny Bowden, an expert in cholesterol and heart health, knows that to be a myth.The truth is that your body requires cholesterol for brain health, immunity, and general vitality. Cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease; it doesn't even promote heart disease.One of the key problems in keeping this myth alive is that the blood tests generally measure according to 1950s technology. It's not as simple as detecting your LDL and HDL levels. In fact, there are five different kinds of HDL and five different kinds of LDL.Dr. Bowden says that instead of keeping cholesterol as the culprit, we should focus on lowering the risk factors for heart disease, such as triglycerides, blood sugar, and inflammation (which is the biggest promoter of heart disease, as well as every other degenerative disease).Listen in as Dr. Bowden joins Dr. Susanne to share