Wellness For Life Radio

Health Impacts of Your Genetic Past



If you're experiencing unexplained fears, anxiety and depression, those emotions may be residue of trauma in your family history.If you're experiencing unexplained fears, anxiety and depression, those emotions may be residue of trauma in your family history.It's important to know the significant events that have happened in your family history so that you can understand what makes you who you are.Mark Wolynn, Director of The Family Constellation Institute and author of IT DIDN’T START WITH YOU: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle, works with individuals to "shake the family tree" and see what falls out. What's been hidden? What stories didn't get told? What traumas were never healed? If you ignore the past, it can literally come back to haunt you. Wolynn says you need to work through the traumas in your family and pull engagement away from the trauma cycle. Create a new experience, so that you're not perpetuating that cycle.One example Wolynn gives is that of a young woman w