Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

488 Holly Worton ~ When Your Adventures Scare You



I'm back again, with another solo episode! Fear is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. A few weeks ago, on episode 483 with Erica Terblanche, we briefly discussed the importance of choosing things you're terrified of. That concept stuck in my mind. I know I'm always talking about the importance of stepping outside of our comfort zone, and that's because I've been doing that a lot lately, especially in the last six months.   Listen To This Episode        What You'll Learn What is fear and why it's important What are the different types of fear What are the benefits of facing fear How to respond in the face of fear How to make it easier to face your fears   Things I Discussed PSYCH-K® Jane Talbot for NLP and sports mindset  It's Not Woo, It's Real – my episode on Cara Wilde's podcast  Cara Wilde on this podcast  Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: How to Turn Your Fear and Indecision into Confidence and Action, by Susan J. Jeffers   Related Episodes 486 Holly Worton – How Outdoor Adventures Hel