Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

AS HEARD ON: WGAN Mornings with Ken and Matt: Setting up a New Computer and Protecting Yourself from Ransomware.



Good morning everybody! I was on with Ken and Marty (who was sitting in for Matt.) We had a good discussion Setting up a new computer and How you can protect yourself from Ransomware. Here we go with Ken and Marty. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - --- Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig John McAfee, here's the guy that started the Anti-Virus movement by many arguments, saying, our software is useless. Don't buy it. Craig Hey, I was on with it was Marty this morning in place of Matt and Ken Altshuler, and of course, yesterday was the big election day in Maine on Super Tuesday. We didn't talk about that, really because we spoke about Marty's new computer and what you should do with a new computer, so I gave him the advice that I give all of my employees. It is what we do when you get a brand new computing device. Ken Well, now Craig Peterson is on. How are you? Craig Hey, good. Yeah, blame it on rank choice voting, I think. Marty So everybody's second choice. Ken L