Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: How the COVID-19 Will Change Business Forever and More



Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We discussed the Coronavirus, Covid-19, and how it is going to change business and education forever. Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: Craig Whereas before, it would be so unprofessional to hear a cat meow or child crying in the background that is now acceptable. You know you don't want to be in the middle of a ruckus while you're trying to do work, but overall, it is changing all of our attitudes. We're realizing, you know, people have lives outside of this. And we see this massive shift. Craig A good morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. Hopefully, you're doing okay with this whole SARS2 Covid-19 thing that's been going around it, hey, it's a drag at the very least, right? Very, very stressful for so many of us for frankly, some good reasons. Anyhow, and that was me this morning with Mr. Jack Heath, and