Craig Peterson's Tech Talk

AS HEARD ON NH Today with Jack Heath WGIR-AM 610: Cybersecurity Demands In a Post Corona Business Climate



Welcome, Good Monday morning, everybody. Craig Peterson here. I was on with Jack Heath this morning. We talked about the demand for Cybersecurity professionals and Information Technology specialists and the future of business in our post Corona environment.  Here we go with Jack. These and more tech tips, news, and updates visit - ---  Automated Machine Generated Transcript: All right,  right now, Craig Peterson, our tech talk guy, it is a lot of technology going on, Craig, and it's not going to stop and colleges are trying to figure out are they going to be open this fall and have people on campus or not. [00:00:10] Good morning, Craig. Hey, good morning, Jack. Yeah, we've got an interesting trend happening in the I.T. world right now when it comes to jobs. There's a study that came up from Glass Door that said that all 50 States, of course, have seen drops in tech jobs, but the largest metropolitan areas are the ones that have seen the biggest hit as far as these technology jobs. [00:00:34