Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

ADHD Dad, Productivity Strategy, and Journals EP 166



Wrapping up our series on ADHD and burnout, guest Shane Thrapp shares his journey in learning and discovering about his ADHD. He also discusses his fibromyalgia and high functioning autism. Shane shares his struggles and how he copes differently during his mental breakdowns after being officially diagnosed. He’s still figuring out the balance for ADHD and fibromyalgia medications.  Tune in to hear Shane gives us his take on mental health in men and the new ADHD Men’s Support Group. About Shane Thrapp: Shane Thrapp is a Certified ADHD Life, Relationship, and Career Coach. Through his business, Creating Order From Chaos, he has helped hundreds of people find their paths through the chaos of life with ADHD and find their order and purpose. He is a board member of the nation-wide non-profit Inattentive ADHD Coalition, runs the Men’s ADHD Support Group on Facebook, and is a public speaker who works to be a voice in advocacy for adult ADHD awareness. Links: Website - www.creatingorderfromchaos.com Facebook - https: