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New HD Staging System with Dr. Sarah Tabrizi



Sarah Tabrizi is Director of the UCL Huntington’s Disease (HD) Centre, Joint Head of Department Neurodegenerative Disease at the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, a Principal Investigator at the UK Dementia Research Institute, and Honorary Consultant Neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. She graduated in Biochemistry, then studied Medicine at the University of Edinburgh where she was awarded the 1992 Leslie Gold Medal for the most distinguished medical graduate. Sarah undertook her PhD and trained as an independent scientist at UCL, establishing a large basic bench science and translational research team focussed on finding disease modifying therapies for HD. She was PI on the first successful phase 1/2b trial of an antisense oligonucleotide (NEJM 2019) and currently serves on several SABs advising industry on the development of potential gene targeting and nucleic acid therapies for HD. Sarah has published over 350 peer-reviewed research papers. In 2014 she was elected a