City On A Hill: Melbourne

The Image of the Invisible God



In Colossians, Paul was speaking to a church battling the heresy of Gnosticism, that the spiritual is better than the physical and Jesus was fully spirit yet gave the illusion of having a physical body. To this Paul writes about the pre-eminence of Christ, who is 'the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.'In Jesus, the invisible God became visible, the cosmic God who held the stars walked on Earth to be close to us. God became one of us. God has written himself into history and the story of our lives, to reveal himself to us and make himself known through Jesus. When Paul calls Jesus the first-born over all creation, he is not calling Christ a creation but reminding us that Christ is first and foremost over all things: every planet, every being, every nation, and everthing in all creation. Is he first in your life, your purpose, your possessions, and your time?