All About Fitness

Episode 23: The Basic Components of Fitness



On this shorter episode of All About Fitness I discuss the basic components of fitness. We have a tendency to overcomplicate things, especially when it comes to exercise and working out, it's important to note that often the best experts in any field are those who do the basics extremely well. The basic components of fitness are: strength training, energy pathway training, mobility training, fueling, rest and recovery, community and financial fitness; I describe what each component is but don't take a deep dive on how to achieve it - those will be happening on future episodes of the podcast. If you want to understand how exercise slows down the aging process, here is an article I wrote a few years ago that covers the basic physiology. When it comes to exercise I'm a BIG proponent of a three-day-a-week split: Day 1: Force production - either strength or power training, the goal is to challenge your muscles to generate a high amount of force (strength) or to produce force at the fastest velocity possible (p