All About Fitness

Episode 24: Katy Bowman



  Episode 24 of All About Fitness features author and founder of Nutritious Movement, Katy Bowman. This was a first for All About Fitness, the interview was scheduled through a publicist; and to be completely honest, before receiving her book, Move Your DNA, I had not heard of Katy Bowman, but the concepts discussed in her writing were familiar to me as a fitness educator who teaches that exercise is a function of movement. In a cool synchronicity, I interviewed Jen Sinkler before I interviewed Katy; when I was editing our podcast I realized that Jen had made a specific reference to Katy’s work.     Katy is a health and wellness educator who promotes the concept that rather than limiting ourselves to specific types of exercise that we should focus more on participating in all types of movement. We often think of physical activity as a construct of a specific activity like flexibility, cardio exercise or resistance training; through her blog, books and podcast - Katy Says, Katy helps people to focus on impr