All About Fitness

Episode 29: Quick Fit Tip, Strength training part 2



Sled pulling, or in this case, car pulling is an excellent way to develop lower body strength. When most people hear the term, 'strength training' they get an image of oversized bodybuilders lifting free weights to increase the size of their muscles. Muscular strength is the ability of muscles to generate a force against an external resistance. Did you realize that there are different types of strength training that can produce different effects on the body? On episode 29 of All About Fitness it's another Quick Fit Tip discussing the different types of strength training. The text below outlines what I explain in the podcast, providing a little more detail with links to relevant blogs and articles I've written in the past.  A motor unit is the connection between the nervous system and the muscles it controls; it is the motor neuron and the muscle fibers attached to it. When a motor unit is activated it will cause it's attached fibers to shorten and generate a force. To learn more about muscle motor units,