Montreal Sauce

Bing Can Do It Too, I Think



So Paul’s been sick, and that’s why we haven’t been recording. But it’s OK - we managed to put together a great show about whales, colds, and Cory Doctorow. We also cover lots of great movies and stuff. Oh, and we talk about arkOS some more, because it looks awesome. The Venture Bros. T-shirt club. Chris’s current T-Shirt this episode, Commodore. Car Talk. Redshirts Our first Montreal Sauce book club book? Why not? Find it and read it. Then, you can nod your head or shout at your listening device while we review it. Fun? Calibre upload books to your Kindle. Cory Doctorow’s Books. Bye bye open source Google Apps. Hello evil Google closed source. Android Dev interested in AROMA? Here’s more info. Official They Might Be Giants Youtube channel. I heart Crazy Eyes from Orange is the New Black. Saving Silverman, the Jason Biggs film Paul was thinking of. It was not a good movie, so Chris doesn’t know why he’s adding the link. Here’s the trailer for Heck