Montreal Sauce

Montreal Sauce Regrets The Error



The fabled 10th episode, as handsome as the 10th doctor. And this is the 2nd Episode of March Montreal Madness! Is this Paul’s dream mixer? Squarespace is not a sponsor. Looking for a podcast to rival our own? Check out Huffduffer. Subscribe to Paul’s Huffduffer stream. SNL’s clownpenis.fart sketch Chris found on a questionable site. Redshirts is going to be a TV series on FX. The trailer for We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks. Much coin! Such wow! More adventures in Linux with Chris, so you don’t have to! Or if you’re feeling plucky, have a go with Arch Linux or CrunchBang. Most Linux install discs are LiveCDs, meaning you can run the OS from the disc and try it out before installing. arkOS is awesome, just like it’s lead developer. Smart credit cards are finally coming to the US. Finally. Chris’ post that touches on smart credit cards. Paul has contributed to Coin, one card to rule them all. As in all your credit cards. Online banking in other countries is