Montreal Sauce

I Emoted



In episode 2 we talk security. Forget password services and secure websites, you need Liam Neeson. Paul hacks apart Star Wars with a machete on air. Chris is looking at Chromebooks for his wife. Paul’s iMac has a recall because of… graphics card. It all sounds too familiar to Chris. Chris has realized that his phone contains a lot of delicate information and maybe it is time to put a password on it. Check how secure your password is here. Paul’s phone confirms he’s been doing this for a while as we hear the lock sound during the show. Advice from a web comic for password security? Put a password following this advice in the link above. Crazy secure, but hard to remember. The idea of Last Pass is to only remember one password. This web service will store all your other passwords so you don’t have to recall them. Prior to Last Pass emerging, Chris purchased 1Password to store passwords. Paul is the Computer Who Wore Tennis Shoes so he remembers all his passwords. Speaking of