Montreal Sauce

Not In My Captain America



This is the first live episode. Well, it was live. We’re now recording every other Thursday and posting the recorded episodes every Friday night. Follow @montrealsauce, @pauld, or @sikkdays, to find out when we’re broadcasting or click the live button on the Jonah Bailey is a designer, comic book fan and our guest this episode. You can find him on twitter, @jonahbailey or at his own site (Which, he admits, is sorely in need of an update. Don’t go there. WHY AM I EVEN LINKING THIS?) We discuss Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Jonah reminds us that Chris Evans is both Captain America and Johnny Storm from Fantastic Four films. How does that work? Maybe like this? DC comics did a reboot of all their characters in the DC universe and Jonah recommends you take a look. The New 52. A live listener in the chat room, peakwinter reminds us that Chris Evans was also in Not Another Teen Movie. The Bucky Clause says nobody in comics stays dead except for 3 ch