Montreal Sauce

Luigi is not Hitler



Montreal Sauce is not recommended by any number out of any other number of doctors. Paul and Chris discuss the previous episode with Justin Hall. Chris suggests the podcast, Supercharged by Adam Dachis and Len Peralta’s Geek a Week. Chris is using Podcast Addict on Android to catch podcasts, which he likes because it has Chromecast support. Paul has used Downcast and Castro on the iPhone for podcasts. Not released as of this recording, though, is his new favorite Overcast. Paul wants to be at podcast zero, like inbox zero. Thus, he shies away from the Nerdist network because they release new episodes daily! Paul is unsure about SoundCloud as he’s worried about losing the rights to his audio. (Though it seems he wouldn’t.) Chris empathizes, which is why he’s never posted his videos on Youtube. Chris is mad as a sleepy diabetic can be about filmmakers using Standard Definition instead of black & white to indicate something happened in the past. Recently, he witnessed this in The G