Montreal Sauce

Darmok & Heat Vision at the Hyperloop



Chris & Paul are left to their own devices, whatever that means. The two share what they did on the break between seasons and discuss Gene Roddenberry & Dan Harmon shows. Chris promotes his made-up holiday Someday if February, the 3rd Saturday in February in which you prioritize something from your Someday list instead of your To-do list. Built on the Tent protocol which places your data in your control rather than a service, is a twitter-like place for conversation that Chris enjoys using. Paul talks about his involvement in West Michigan’s Online Cooperative and his exit from version two, West Michigan FarmLink. Pay someone else to do your chores? Check out TaskRabbit. Be good. Don’t make waves. There was a new Venture Bros special recently that you may be able to watch here for a limited time (and if you’re lucky enough to be surfing from the States). Speaking of cartoons, Chris says you should check out Rick & Morty if you are a fan of Community. What the heck i