Montreal Sauce

Jil with One L



A production coordinator from Hollywood, Jil Szewski talks to Paul and Chris about working shows, unions, the long hours, and practical jokes on imdb. Chris has learned “What do you do?” is a bad question thanks to reading our last guest, Nicole Bélanger. Jil is currently working on Whose Line Is It, Anyway? (Content not available in Canada, peep this instead.) GVSU Alumni reunion for those cats interested. Experimental film featuring bug parts, Mothlight. You can probably find it on Youtube. Maya Deren’s rad experimental film, Meshes of the Afternoon. Again, you can probably find it on Youtube. Jil had the awkward task of finding Christmas decorations in the summer when she worked on A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas. We learn that web series are very big right now in Hollywood. Chris recommends Chef, but Jil who worked on the film, warns that it will make you very hungry. Paul is currently watching Arrow and The 100. Chris is watching Helix, Supernatural, 12 Monkeys and he’s